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Awkward Moments
Hey R.O guys! XD
Let me ask uz a question ==> Have you been in a very awkward moment? I have! Here's a list in fact, share yours any time! ;D Love to hear them!
1) I was randomly looking around the room in SOSE, and just when I looked around I caught a boy full on staring at me, he didn't turn away when I caught him staring at me! It was so uncomfortable that I turned away, I think I blushed LOL!
2) It felt awkward watching a tv show my parents watch alone... Cuz normally I would watch with them. My sister laughed at me when she caught me randoming watching it.
3) When you try to walk past a person and they block your way purposely, that happened to me like always and one day this random guy did this to me apparently knows my name!
4) When you realise people are looking at you alot and talking about you as they point at you.
Share yours now! 🙂
~ Doni99 😜
Was off in my own world, staring at my phone and checking posts on RO while walking in to work. Didn't realise it was bin day on one of the streets i walk down. Walked straight into a bin and knocked it over spraying rubbish alllll over the street. Thank god it was recycling and full of cardboard...
I'm glad this awkward trend is still going - even after not been in reachout for like more than a month! 😉
My recent/past awkwards;
- When I was in primary school, school usally starts on tuesday (usually). And one of my neighbours who go to the same school, I saw them walking to school on Monday and me and my sister was laughing at her because we thought there was no school on Monday but in reality, there was school on Monday 0_0 LOOOOL
- When you are alone with a person who you usually don't talk to or don't even know
- When you say something but the other person cannot hear it and comes closer to hear it again but then you forgot what you said 😉
- When you try to cut a cake but the cake collsapes because one bad cut!
- When you realised that your zip was open all this time!
- My friend told me after my speech for geo that I look like I got a wedgie (my pants cuz it was accidently pulled up!) 0_0 OH MANNNN SO EMBRASSING!
Yet ANOTHER toilet-related post 😛
This morning we did urinalysis in our nursing lab, so when coming back from the toilets we were walking around campus holding jars of our urine. Hahahaha we got a few strange stares 😄
We also did catheterisation (sticking a tube up someone's pee-hole) and when pulling back the foreskin on the fake penis it came off! We accidentally gave the poor dummy a forced circumcision - didn't even realise that was possible haha.
Want plenty of awkward moments? Become a nurse 😛
OMG @lokifish I just started to paint a mental picture of that story and laughed so hard!
My brother slept on my couch last weekend but left really early for work. I was in the middle of taking a shower when I heard a knock at the door. Thinking it was my brother who'd forgotten something, I jumped out, wrapped a towel around me and opened the door shouting "WHAT NOW?!" .... and it was the guy who'd come to repair my wall heater. Oops. Then I wasn't sure if I should get back in the shower or wait for him to fix the heater so I just kinda hovered awkwardly in the bathroom, still wearing the towel. I shudder to think what he went back and told his boss...
My host mum locked up this morning before she left, thinking I had my keys. They were in my bag, inside the locked house... so basically I spent a couple of hours waiting for her to get home, then stayed home because I was too awkward to go to school halfway through the day! 😛
When my ex and I were sitting together in a public transport and the song which he used to sing to me before was played. #superawkward
after my brother came over earlier I had to drop him off somewhere and I was just driving along and I said "Hey, what's the address" and he goes "Not sure I thought you knew" I said "you only told me the suburb" then he goes "ok well then I'm not sure"
So we were both like.... so... what happens now.
We decided to give it a miss and get fish and chips for dinner