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Three positives of today

Another frequented thread on the old forums. 🙂 
The idea is to look for three positive things about your day whether it's been good or bad.


I'll start it off.

1. I ate some Maltesers and they were very yummy!
2. I got some of my French assignment done. 😄
3. The new ReachOut forums. Am I the only one who was buzzing with excitement when they came on here? 😄 

LightuptheworldPosted 19-07-2012 09:41 PM

Comments (214 pages)

SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 01-06-2020 03:57 PM
@Janine-RO it was just great! We all went, spent the day there, they’ve got a pizza oven so nice to spend the day hanging out there. I’ve really missed them and I don’t want to lose that connection we had built before, just strengthen it especially having my own family now.
I’ve potentially secured a client for work, who will have lots of work for me, still talking to him though, he owns 7 properties, obviously a busy person...
SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 28-05-2020 07:00 PM
1. Home today after a lovely late night hospital trip a couple of days ago
2. Booked a camping trip for my family and I today, my partner said it might be a bit cold but we can rug up. I need to switch off
3. Being able to hear the ocean from home
lokifishPosted 29-05-2020 04:09 PM
1. Morning walk by the creek
2. Accepted a uni offer and enrolled in my subjects! It's happening 😮
3. Somebody nominated me for a Friday Five! Whoever you are, thank you Heart
Not applicable

SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 25-05-2020 04:16 PM

1. I was very sick over the weekend but I feel a bit better today I even sat outside in the sun for few moments


2. My football club is going back to training this week, I’ll probably have to just watch from my car this week but it’s kind of exciting anyway 


3. There’s a house being built in our street and any time either of us goes for a walk in that direction we always come home and share an update and our toddler always says hello to the builders and I was so excited to hear today what the update was... he told he saw a flamingo. 
Yeah thanks mate. Provided me with a bit of laugh. 

lokifishPosted 26-05-2020 05:15 PM
1. Went grocery shopping
2. Dropped off some fruit and veggies to the bird rescue, as well as gumnuts for toys
3. Applied for uni next semester!
Janine-ROPosted 27-05-2020 03:54 PM

1. The unintentional moments of comedy from working from home - today's was our cat jumping on my partner's lap and miaowing obnoxiously loudly when he was in the middle of a pretty serious meeting


2. Hot cups of tea on a cold afternoon


3. Finding a bunch of framed photos and smiling at all of the good memories

lokifishPosted 14-05-2020 01:38 PM
1. Psych appointment went well
2. The sun came out in the afternoon
3. Went for a walk before dinner

1. Morning walk
2. Spotted some black cockatoos! And lots of ducks splashing in the lake
3. I can start volunteering at the bird rescue again next week 😄 Yay for COVID restrictions being lifted
SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 30-06-2020 01:18 PM

1. Last night I was a little wound up before bed so decided to get out the guitar and sit in the garage instead of watching tv before going to bed, it’s been a long time since I did that 

2. Breakfast this morning I had oats for the first time in I can’t even remember they were pretty yum 

3. Slow cooker on with some chicken today 

Jess1-ROPosted 01-07-2020 02:04 PM

Guitar sounds like a great wind down activity @Saltwaterdreamtime. Do you play acoustic, electric or bass?


Three positives of today:

1. This morning I looked at old photos which gave me a lot of nostalgia- a nice feeling!

2. I realised how little I've been listening to music lately, so have made a point of putting music on while I work today. Definitely lifts my mood!

3. It's warmer than yesterday

SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 14-05-2020 02:11 PM
@lokifish may I ask if your appointments are phone based or face to face?
Mine are currently phone which kind of sucks, I’m hoping they reopen to
face to face soon, I’m getting a bit tired of it, and everything is
phone/web based now which is exhausting
lokifishPosted 14-05-2020 02:14 PM
@Saltwaterdreamtime Yeah mine are currently through video chat or phone. Hopefully things start to go back to normal soon 🙂
SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 14-05-2020 04:43 PM

Pretty crap that you can pretty much do everything else except get mental health support in person 

lokifishPosted 15-05-2020 02:14 PM
1. Went to Bunnings for some veggies and herbs to plant
2. Got my script filled at the chemist
3. Target had 3x Flybuys points on Lego, so I treated myself to a few sets 😄
Claire-ROPosted 15-05-2020 06:06 PM

Wanted to get around this!!!

  1. It's Friday!
  2. ReachOut is hosting a couch party with Client Liaison tonight
  3. I pressed some native flowers and now have them as art on my wall 


xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 15-05-2020 06:31 PM
Haven't been here in a while!
1. had tacos for dinner.
2. Played some Minecraft with my siblings, despite being a boring game to play. 🙂
3. Found a mask I would love to wear on the train everyday to school, when it starts up again. Hufflepuff is the best! 😛 😄
SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 11-05-2020 03:49 PM

Thanks for the high five on an older post @Janine-RO you reminded me to check in 


1. First day back at work today all finished up 

2. I had to do something I really didn’t want to do on the weekend and it felt awful but I had to do it and it’s good that I did it 

3. new revised restrictions mean I can finally see my mentors! And my partner can see her parents who she hasn’t seen for months, their internet is patchy so Facetime just hasn’t cut it, we haven’t been able to visit in a couple of months. 

Janine-ROPosted 12-05-2020 10:03 AM

Haha @Saltwaterdreamtime  I laughed because you noticed that - and am also a bit embarrassed because this was my *original* favourite bakery, from where I lived 12 years ago, I went to visit my family. I realised I have like 3 bakeries that are all my 'favourites' 


It's so good to hear that you're back at work and are also able to see your mentors soon, it must be such a great feeling! 


My 3 positives of today:


1. It's the most stunning autumn day here in Sydney and our tawny frogmouth buddy is back hanging out again. 

2. I just found out that Louis Theroux has a podcast, I absolutely love him and have downloaded the episodes to listen to on a walk later

3. I made a really tasty, easy dinner last night (big veggie tray bake with sweet potato, red capsicum, red onions, and some sausages plus some separate roasted cauliflower) and I have leftovers to turn into a salad for lunch. 

SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 12-05-2020 12:57 PM

Over the weekend, I got the COVID test done, I had no symptoms, but I was asked to contribute to the non symptom testing because of my Indigenous background, I got the results and it’s all good by the way, it was bloody scary, they shove that thing so far up your nose, I thought I felt it tickle my brain! But it’s good to get it done, I mean, it makes very little difference to me because I could of just caught it at the supermarket straight after, but I’m adding to their numbers and the ability to accurately see how many people are carrying it without knowing... 


@Janine-RO Yes, it will be good to see them again, there is a birthday this weekend, a significant one, but it’s going to be challenging because just us is 3 visitors, then they have kids who have kids and it ends up being like 20 people! 
So we will have to wait, I might visit just on my own, and then at least that leaves opportunity for anyone else to stop by while I’m there...


Yep. Just doing some odd jobs here and there for people at the moment.  This one is a bigger one though so will take up most of this week provided the weather is on my side. 
Once my partner starts her new job we can settle into a bit more of a routine again,  she is set to start pretty soon, bit nervous about by the sounds of it. All good news though. 

my three positives:

- I’ve done all I can today for work, by midday, I can’t do anything else just yet, I need to leave it overnight. 
- Went for a big run again last night 

- Being able to come back from being in a negative state is something I am proud of. I had an awful night last night and I snapped at my partner who did nothing wrong, and then I left for a couple of hours to get myself together. I apologised this morning, upon reflection it was more of a representation of how I was feeling rather than anything she had done and I explained that it feels like life is through a magnifying glass right now, everywhere you go, hence it all boiling over for me. But everyone is ok today. It’s a new day, I’ve got some work done and then after he gets up I might take our rascal for a bike ride, he is doing really well on his balance bike, and it’s slightly less terrifying than watching him go full speed on his scooter, that sends shivers down my spine. 

Janine-ROPosted 12-05-2020 02:22 PM

@Saltwaterdreamtime  I think it's huge that you were able to come back from an angry state, and apologise to your partner in a genuine and self-reflective way. So many people don't have the guts and/or the emotional intelligence to do that. 


Glad to hear your little dude is doing well on his balance bike! My rascal absolutely loves his and has become remarkably fast on it- it's been one of our silver linings of isolation that's for sure 🙂 



Not applicable

Janine-ROPosted 11-05-2020 03:47 PM

@Bre-RO  my whole family has been playing Animal Crossing too, I'm really loving it! So wholesome and adorable and kinda perfect for these current weird times! 



My three positives of today:


1. We were visited by the most beautiful tawny frogmouth owl, who's been hanging out on our balcony all morning. So cool to see one so close! 

2. I treated myself to a slice of my favourite flourless chocolate cake from my favourite bakery yesterday but decided I didn't feel like eating it - I forgot it was still in the fridge, so just had the most delicious afternoon tea ever

3. Very grateful for our amazing healthcare system. A close family member has been pretty unwell this weekend, and I'm so grateful that we have an access to skilled GPs and a great public hospital close to home. It may not always be perfect, but our public healthcare system is pretty incredible. 

SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 11-05-2020 03:50 PM
We get tawny frogmouths here too! And also laughed because you mentioned your favourite bakery again @Janine-RO
TidalDecadePosted 11-05-2020 08:56 PM

1. Had a relaxing bath with a lavender bath bomb

2. My morning coffee and tik tok binge felt extra-fulfilling today

3. Got to play on my friends island on animal crossing and hang out (virtually) with them for a while.


Smiley Very HappySmiley Very HappySmiley Very Happy

drpenguinPosted 11-05-2020 10:45 PM
1. Had a tasty breakfast with nutella on toast for the first time in a while
2. Watched masterchef Australia and enjoyed the fun twists they pulled in today's challenge
3. Had friends visit me in animal crossing and chill out with me

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