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Three positives of today
Another frequented thread on the old forums. 🙂
The idea is to look for three positive things about your day whether it's been good or bad.
I'll start it off.
1. I ate some Maltesers and they were very yummy!
2. I got some of my French assignment done. 😄
3. The new ReachOut forums. Am I the only one who was buzzing with excitement when they came on here? 😄
1. Registered for my family to be a part of a postcode project during lockdown, we get sent postcards who then get sent to vulnerable people once we have written on them/drawn on them/scribbled on them/dribbled on them/probably spilt food on them but nah seriously I thought it looked cool
2. Not at work again but home doing stuff on the computer, can’t do what I need to do at work outside in this whether, but it’s pretty cold and miserable and our area has had low gas supply since 8am yesterday so no hot showers and no hot water, at least we can rug up while we are inside. Nothibg worse than coming home from work after being outside all day to no heating, so a day inside it is.
3. Despite being sick for quite a while now, today I am feeling the best I have in weeks I’m not sure why though
@Saltwaterdreamtime wow that postcode/postcard project sounds really amazing! Let us know how it goes, that's so awesome you're all doing that together. Also great to hear you're feeling better today, being sick sucks I hope you are well and truly on the mend.
1. Working from home today means I got to do some laundry on my lunch break! Feeling productive.
2. Managing to stay warm on this V. chilly day
3. Looking forward to having a cozy night at home
@Hannah-RO Are you all working from home still?
waiting on blood test results, I’ve started to feel sick again
The post card thing is run by our local shire which is cool
Yeah living that working from home life - my cat loves it!
Aw that's no good you started feeling sick again, I hope your results are all good and that you're a bit better today.
What a cool thing for a shire to run, I love that idea. It sounds like a really nice way to connect people.
2. Managed to fold and put away some clothes
3. Did a bit of organising
2. Had some cake and coffee as my afternoon treat.
3. Went for a walk on my break.
1. Driveway chalk drawing yesterday
2. A walk on the beach
3. A kayaking trip down the river
2. Keeping up to date with the housework
3. Currently enjoying some leftover cake I made on the weekend 🙂
Its really hard to find the positives right now it feels impossible but I have to do this because it might help
1. went fishing at the river yesterday to try and keep us busy and distracted, caught nothing but got out of the house
2. The sun is shining today
3. We went out for a run this morning
Hey @Saltwaterdreamtime , good on you for doing one of these when you're having a tough time - I know how hard that can be but it really can help.
You've inspired me to do mine:
1. The beautiful early morning light when I left the house early this morning
2. Seeing a rainbow over Sydney harbour
3. Being back in the office one day a week and getting to see people face to face again
I'm really sorry to hear that @Saltwaterdreamtime 😞 That sounds really tough.
for me, so just hanging out trying to keep busy @Janine-RO
So well done on finding those positives @Saltwaterdreamtime , I’m so sorry to hear about your partner - hope their family recovers soon
1. Talking to my gf over text
2. Saw my grandparents, my grandfather gave me a huge warm smile
3. Doctor Who season 12 is on iView again so I can rewatch the whole series!!!
1. Coffee
2. Strong coffee
3. My local cafe
I can’t believe I never used to like this liquid gold
@SaltwaterdreamtimeI feel that
- I'm sitting in one of my new dining chairs rn and it's very comfortable!
- I'm about to do some work on designing a game which I'm excited for
- I'm listening to a song that I really really like!
2. Managed to tidy my desk (To do unfun study)
3. My library book came in today, (Had to borrow from another TAFE library as mine didn't have it)
4. Other kitty is snoozing on my bed right now
1. Got the fire going outside last night. So nice to have takeaway and just chill out. Taught small human how to toast marshmallows.... didn’t quite succeed in the toasting, just the burning and catching on fire part, and then his marshmallow fell off the stick and all hell broke lose. But that’s ok. Try again another day.
2. Working again for a little bit today which is awesome the sun is shining
3. One of my mentors text me a funny picture this morning which was so out of the blue but it made me laugh
Take away and marshmallows sound yummy. What take away did you get? Also "taught small human" made me laugh. Naw, cute!
It's really nice to hear that some positive things are happening in your life at the moment. It's sunny where I am too, which always lifts the mood. I hope you have a good day and enjoy work!
Yeah, he thought it was so fun, but he’s such a wild child so having the fire was both fun and terrifying... Asking to put random shit in the fire
“Put this in the fire?” *holds up plastic golf club*
“This one” *scooter*
Thanks, knocked off early
2. A walk with coffee and lookout stops, let the little guy jump in some puddles (3)
1. Had a really nice weekend, went to my mentors for the day yesterday.
2. I have a day off to get some paper work done today and I think I have lots of worked lined up if this all works out for me
3. Feel a lot better after being sick last week
So glad to hear that things are looking up for you work-wise @Saltwaterdreamtime ! It must have been great to be able to go and see your mentors. I was able to spend some time with my extended family over the weekend for the first time in months, and it definitely lifted my spirits.