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Three positives of today
Another frequented thread on the old forums. 🙂
The idea is to look for three positive things about your day whether it's been good or bad.
I'll start it off.
1. I ate some Maltesers and they were very yummy!
2. I got some of my French assignment done. 😄
3. The new ReachOut forums. Am I the only one who was buzzing with excitement when they came on here? 😄
1. Went to the wave pool today. Had so much fun but wiped out a lot! Haha.
I’m not sure what 2 and 3 are tbh
Have loved catching up on this thread! @Saltwaterdreamtime your carrot comment made me laugh a lot, Rudolph being v messy eater was a huge hit over here as well
My 3 positives of today:
1. We painted our study over the break- it was pretty time consuming and there's a few slightly dodgy bits but I'm so happy we did it! The walls had been covered with increasing numbers of random paint samples for months and months... New colour looks so much better and it was actually pretty fun listening to some music and painting.
2. Getting all nolstalgic looking at old holiday photos while putting everything back together
3. Scored a free new bike from a neighbour who was chucking theirs out!
I can’t find any god damn positives, idk, tomorrow was supposed to be my Christmas present, going to urbn surf but don’t even want to don’t feel like it
The way I've tried to try take control is to just let myself relax but then push myself to do just one thing I don't feel like doing. So my three positives would be having me-time for today, calling my mum and pushing myself to go to the gym.
- Where I live is so so so busy at the moment, which is fine because it’s like 3 weeks of the year and we live in a coastal town so to be expected but our local coffee shop did a sneaky “don’t worry about lining up” when they saw us come in this morning
- Our neighbours have gone away so we get to go in and get the chook eggs which is kind of fun
@Bingo1234 ahoy there, I'm unsure if we have formally met here or interacted at all, but if not it's great to meet you! That sounds like an excellent and very relaxing positive of the day!
1. Connected with some new people online this morning
2. hurt my foot but got in to see someone first thing tomorrow morning which is good
3. my family came back from a couple of days away without me
1. Seeing our three year old so excited for Christmas tomorrow has made all the running around worth it, even though putting a trampoline up is the last thing I want to be doing right now. We didn’t quite plan this as well as we could have. He will be so happy tomorrow though.
2. It was my job to get a particular element of the Christmas lunch and my dumbass forgot until 2pm today. Saved by the bell though and managed to get it sorted tonight. Phew.
3. A walk along the beach
2. My succulent is somehow still alive!
3. It's Christmas Eve!
2. We went to the beach and got an ice cream.
3. We also had a fun time playing some music in the car which was pretty funny 😂
@Sophia-RO just answering your q here!!
1. Had a day out just the little dude and I as my my partner is really sick at the moment so I’m trying to make Saturday’s just an adventure for the two of us. We went across the bay on the ferry and saw dolphins then went to see some friends who have a big property and a pool, I was pretty reluctant to go see them on my own as I don’t know them that well and I’m not the most social person but it was really nice. We had a swim in their pool and they have a beach nearby that had barely anyone on it so spent some time there and got the “big boat” home again. Both exhausted.
2. How beautiful is this weather!!!
3. I’m a bit heat strokey to be honest so I had a cool bath and it was so nice because I haven’t done that in so long. I’ve spent a lot of time excercising this week plus working so my body needed a bath and some Epsom salts. Feels better, don’t feel like I’m dragging my poor tired legs behind me.
1. I went for my second appointment at the podiatrist today, and I had to wear my work shoes so they could see different stuff, whatever, and the podiatrist asked me how long I had them for and I said like 4 years, he said they recommend I get new shoes because they are fucking my feet up because they are so worn( well, I disagree, I was born with bad feet I think it’s both issues) and referred me to the attached shoe shop. I said I can’t get new ones because they are like $300. They did their weird sales tactic and told me to at least try Some on. So I tried some on (and checked what brands they were so I could buy online cheaper, another time) and I said “cool when I have enough money I will buy some but yeah not for a bit” and gave have me a huge discount....
A massive discount. So I bought so, my positives are that I got a discount on some really good work boots and I have new shoes ready to start work again on Monday.
2. No new local covid cases in vic today
3. so sunny and warm today, been at the beach and for a walk
1. Christmas with my family was really fun. We got up at first light and did presents. The reaction when our little guy got up and saw that Santa had been was priceless. It was just so nice!! So cute! All day we just telling my partners family about how the carrots were gone, and whenever somebody asked what Santa bought him he said “they ate the carrots!” Yes, they did, but also, you got so much stuff, .... and then he peaked at 4pm after too many meringues and started to body slam/take down/water gun everyone. It was such a special day for us all though especially when it looked so unlikely a few months back.
2. I ate sooo much food, so yum.
3. Spending time with my family and the opportunity to celebrate Christmas 🧡 This is only a new thing for me too, so I was thinking about those not so lucky today.
1. This morning I am out doing errands with the young fella in tow, and we had to stop at a hardware store, and although it wasn’t our local bunnings and there was no snags, they had this, and the little guy thought it was the absolute best, just wanted to stand there and “watch it dance”. In case it wasn’t clear, the photo is so we can look at it later........
2. This morning I ran for the first time in.... I don’t know how long.
3. Feel a weight off my shoulders slightly after having a conversation that made me feel uncomfy and weird
@Saltwaterdreamtime that is so cute! I love how entrancing things like that are. Sounds like you had a full day after your morning jog and the big conversation- hopefully, it gave you the clarification and/or relief you needed.
1. Pasta for dinner
2. got out to do some Christmas shopping today, buying for my mentors is so hard
3. good music
2. my family is getting better, after catching a virus while camping.
3. I no longer have a sick feeling in my stomach because of my family getting sick.
4. the pool is warm enough for me to swim in, after forever... 🙂
5. Year 9 camp was AMAZING!!!! 😄
Yeah I posted to the private fb group introducing myself and a few people replied.
I’m feeling pretty elated, happy and just idk... good stuff after some family things tonight and I needed some time to chill on my own after it @Taylor-RO
2. I had a smoothie for lunch from the shop near where I volunteer and it was yummy
3. I'm taking a break from work today
@Lost_Space_Explorer5 @Wow ok, at risk of sounding creepy, I have a few questions. When I read your three positives my brain went like this
”Volunteering, that’s cool, I should ask them what volunteering”
then I read the next point and thought
“I wonder what smoothies they like, should I ask?”
and the next one
“I wonder what they do for work”
“That’s a lot of questions....”

It's volunteering at a charity op shop 🙂 The smoothie was raspberry and mango. The work was referring to uni work, so studying for exams 😛
@Lost_Space_Explorer5 Oh yeah nice! Sorry for all the questions but what are you studying again? Also how are your cats?
1. Despite it getting off to a rainy start we actually had a really nice day and ended up catching up with some people.
2. I am just about to settle into my hammock for a little down time and some music
3. Some family stuff which has made me feel really happy