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Today I practiced self care by...

Hello people of RO Smiley Happy


I wanted to make a thread where we could all keep track of our self care and encourage each other to take care of ourselves.



Today I practiced self care by taking a break from my assignment for some fresh air. How did you practice self care today?


JanaGPosted 18-04-2017 03:20 PM

Comments (50 pages)

a_short_sunflowerPosted 16-06-2020 05:52 PM

Today I practiced self care by doing an online yoga class in the afternoon!

scared01Posted 16-06-2020 07:44 PM
I practiced self care by making some cookies to help with some flashbacks
marleePosted 16-06-2020 01:56 PM

Today I practiced self care by journalling.. I am working through 100 Days of Journalling prompts and it feels good to dedicate time for reflection Smiley Happy 

Sophia-ROPosted 16-06-2020 02:28 PM
That is very cool @marlee, I couldn't do journalling as it would be missing days because I am so forgetful! @indieinsanus that sounds very therapeutic, what an awesome outlet to express your creativity! Is there anything in particular that you enjoy painting?

Today I practiced self-care by slowly sipping and enjoying a cup of coffee and listening to some music Smiley Happy
indieinsanusPosted 16-06-2020 08:10 PM

@Sophia-RO Hi, recently I've been trying to learn how to paint sunsets and storm clouds. But making it look realistic is harder than I originally thought! haha

scared01Posted 16-06-2020 08:11 PM
@indieinsanus I also do painting or well use to. I haven't done it in a while now though. realism is really hard and not a theme I kept up with that's for sure
indieinsanusPosted 16-06-2020 08:19 PM

@scared01 Yeah I think it requires a lot of attention and experience to make it look really realistic. What did you used to paint? 

scared01Posted 16-06-2020 08:21 PM

I use to do a lot of pour painting @indieinsanus  and playing around with different mediums like cotton buds to create flowers and trees

louterrencePosted 04-05-2020 03:13 PM

Not letting others abuse us physically and emotionally is self caring

WhimerPosted 02-05-2020 12:50 PM

Today I practiced self care through journaling. When there are thoughts that are circulating in my mind, I would actively listen to them and note them down - in this way I acknowledge my thoughts and am letting them know that they are valid, even though they might be bothering me in some way.

carefree39Posted 22-04-2020 06:16 PM

Today I practiced self care by doing some exercise to help my brain relax from study and also continuing to teach myself how to play the guitar. Smiley Happy  

Lacuna99Posted 24-04-2020 06:19 PM

Hey @carefree39 ! I think it's really important to balance out study responsibilities and everyday life, so I totally agree with you trying to let your brain relax haha 🙂

Tay100Posted 25-04-2020 10:38 AM

@Lacuna99  hi there, I hear you are a new Builder, so welcome! 

My self-care today involved 'brain relaxation' too, by doing some light cleaning and writing an aesthetic to-do list!

KokacolaPosted 20-04-2020 06:11 PM

Today I practised self-care by going on a jog around the block in the morning Smiley Happy

JazzInMayPosted 21-04-2020 10:54 AM

@Kokacolawhat a good way to start the day! Smiley Happy


Today I wrote myself a to-do list so I can focus on what I need to do and manage my time effectively. I will get my admin out of the way so tomorrow is less stressful! I also attempted making macarons for the first time yesterday! They look terrible Smiley LOL but they taste utterly delicious!

Janine-ROPosted 22-04-2020 12:59 PM

I love starting the morning with some exercise if I can too @Kokacola , sounds great!


@JazzInMay  ooohh I have never made macarons at home before, was it hard? I have definitely been embracing baking as a form of self-care lately - we did some great American style choc chip cookies on the weekend that were dangerously good. Writing a to-do list is also a great way to feel in control, and tick some annoying tasks off your list!


Today for self-care I spent some time watering the garden and admiring the new flowers that are starting to bloom - beautiful gardenias and camelias are in flower at the moment, and the garden was full of butterflies. Being out in the sun, and getting my hands dirty, is a great way for me to de-stress and reminds me that life does go on. 

Charlie's Guide to Growing Camelias - Lifestyle


JazzInMayPosted 27-04-2020 12:27 PM

@Janine-ROmacarons are very tricky to make! Think I'll need a few more attempts before I start calling them aesthetic success stories Smiley LOL


Today I practiced self-care by doing a morning meditation first thing when I got out of bed. I'm about to go for a lunchtime walk. And I will close the day with yoga. Moving the body feels like the right thing to do today!

Janine-ROPosted 27-04-2020 02:07 PM

@JazzInMay it sounds like you're packing a lot of self-care into today, it's amazing how much of a difference it can make getting your body moving, isn't it.


Keep us updated on your macaron progress - I can't make them at home because a family member is allergic to nuts, but I certainly enjoy eating them- it sounds like a fun baking challenge.


Today for self-care I also took a walk on my lunch break and admired the gorgeous autumn leaves, I took this photo to remind myself to always take a moment to look around- it's not the greatest photo but the colours were just magic! 



I also did a really gross chore as a form of self-care and feel much better for it - we have wooden ceiling fans that pick up dust really easily, and they'd got really dusty and gross. I had been putting it off for ages but finally climbed up and cleaned them  all, and it sounds dumb, but every time I look at them now I feel quietly satisfied. A reminder to myself that self-care doesn't always have to be a big "thing" - sometimes it's the smallest thing that can make you feel a bit better! 

Bre-ROPosted 27-04-2020 03:02 PM

Today I practised self care by having a really nice shower, where I washed my hair and face and then got out and put nice hair/face oils on. To be honest, I got straight into lazy home clothes but it's nice to be super comfy and feel a little bit pampered. Having a shower where you really focus on refreshing/nurturing yourself is such a nice way to feel a bit better without doing anything too out of the ordinary. 


Tay100Posted 03-05-2020 11:40 AM

@Bre-RO that sounds so lovely: the simplest thing can be the best!


@WheresMySquishy  it's your the cartoon in your profile picture! Whenever I spot it I get excited and think of your profile pic lol


Today, for my self-care, I checked this thread and had a nice cup of coffee. Reading about people looking after themselves puts me in the mainframe to do the same!



WheresMySquishyPosted 05-05-2020 02:31 AM

@Tay100  @Bre-RO  I love all the gifs from that cartoon! I feel like it's everywhere now.
I actually chose my picture because I have a plush toy of it.

I was unwell during the night (don't worry, I think it's just my conditions flaring up at the same time and nothing serious). So I spent the day massaging my sore muscles, watching Netflix and playing a relaxing game on the PS4.

Tay100Posted 05-05-2020 11:00 AM

@WheresMySquishy It is really is everywhere, huh? I hope the self-care you did helped you manage your conditions and make you feel better! 


scared01Posted 05-05-2020 07:03 PM
I practiced self care by going for a drive along the beachside after visiting a family member who needed some help and by eating abit of takeaway which is a rare occasion
JazzInMayPosted 08-05-2020 03:38 PM

Today I practiced self care by doing yoga and making a cake. And by trying to be really mindful and present and reminding myself that all storms pass eventually.

scared01Posted 06-06-2020 06:36 PM
I love making cakes! @JazzInMay Im going to try and make one this weekend or next

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