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Join an event. Happening today.

Were you the person you want to be today (even just a little?)

I'm trying to "journal" regularly as it seems to have a similar effect as meditation in that it clears all the junk of out my too busy head! (As someone once said "the mind is for having thoughts, not holding them.)


My friend gave me a list of ideas for journalling to kick start things. One was:


"Today - were you the person you want to be?"


I found it a really interesting one to write about. Inevitably a lot of our day - no. And some days more than others. But sometimes finding that little thing that you enjoyed, that was part of who you are trying to be, well.. that can feel good. It could be a conversation with a friend, a walk, some self care or self improvement.


For me - I had some well deserved morning off work (and didn't feel guilty for not checking my emails for hours). I played - and really paid attention - to my kids without thinking about other things. I went for a walk. And I didn't spend too much money as I'm trying to save!


Would love to hear what parts of your day made you feel happy, or proud, or like who are working on being!



AllyEmPosted 20-10-2012 09:50 PM


NamelessGhoul90Posted 07-04-2017 03:46 PM

I really thought i was going to be great today but i lost it again! thought we had less time than we had at the shops today to get the bus home and i ended up swearing at people and having a massive tantrum much to the annoyance of my wife.

Felt like complete shit when i calmed down, as i told her we were going to have a good day out 😞

SmileMonkeyPosted 08-04-2017 06:44 PM

Hey @NamelessGhoul90, sometimes we get frustrated and angry when things don't go the way we thought they would. I have found some information about anger and frustration which you can find here. You can also find information about the ABCD method of dealing with frustration which you can find here.

missepPosted 05-03-2017 08:24 PM

@AllyEm, what a good idea for a post! 

Today I studied really hard, and although at times I had to really push through, I'm feeling really good about today 🙂 


N1ghtW1ngPosted 20-03-2017 01:50 PM
Well last week I didn't think I'd be very happy but hey, I'm doing alright 🙂
lokifishPosted 20-03-2017 07:42 PM

Today I left the house, drove to the train station and hung out with my friend all without crying/hurting myself, so I'm doing pretty well 🙂

DruidChildPosted 21-03-2017 04:08 PM

Yay @lokifish and @N1ghtW1ng, I hope that you're both really proud of yourselves!! 🙂

DruidChildPosted 21-03-2017 04:11 PM

I felt good for an hour or so today, the dysphoria and anxiety and sadness all shut up and I ate chocolate and read a textbook chapter and it was pretty good 🙂 I know that I'll have more good hours like that, even if I feel really low rn.

BirdeyePosted 22-03-2017 10:04 PM
From the weekend until now there were quite a few times where I felt like I had the opportunity to be the person I want to be by making an effort to make someone else's day better, and I ended up down because I either ignored those times or even went the other way.
But today I responded the way I want to when the opportunity appeared. It was little, but it was something right.
letitgoPosted 12-03-2017 05:18 PM

Love this thread @AllyEm! I suggested to someone in my thesis group that we study together and she gave me a call and I managed talking on the phone without feeling/sounding stupid today!

Bree-ROPosted 05-03-2017 09:17 AM

@AllyEm What an awesome thread, thank you for opening this up 🙂

lokifishPosted 05-03-2017 07:00 PM

I've managed to get quite a bit done today. I'm crashing now though so let's see if I can make it through the night safely - that'll mean I'm getting closer to being a better person

T4ilsPosted 28-02-2017 12:37 AM
@lokifish regulating emotions is tough (something I think I struggle with), so I am happy to hear and in awe of the amazing strength you showed..

For myself, In a small way, yes!
I went to uni today and spent time socialising. I had to sell a book and I really just wanted to do that and leave.. but I spent some time with my friends and ended up staying for the whole day.

It is moving towards who I want to be because I am trying to connect more often with friends ☺
lokifishPosted 28-02-2017 10:59 AM

@T4ils that's awesome that you stayed the whole day! 😄

N1ghtW1ngPosted 02-03-2017 07:37 PM
I don't even know to be honest. I probably wish I had more friends but eh, what can you do?
At least I'm trying. 🙂
SmileMonkeyPosted 04-03-2017 04:23 PM

It's great that you are trying @N1ghtW1ng 🙂

loves netball
loves netballPosted 04-03-2017 04:41 PM

Not to great to start with... 

But at netball, I am proud of how much I talked and encouraged my team (more than normal for a quiet person)

redheadPosted 21-02-2017 07:21 PM
@lokifish it's great you've been using your strategies, I hope I can be as brave as you
MyvoPosted 01-03-2013 09:42 PM

In this moment of time, no

In the future, who knows. Hopefully. 


But what were some good parts of my day included showing a new student around campus, eating a burrito, tried new coffee, gave up my seat twice on the train for strangers, didn't fall asleep in one of my lectures and found some excellent reads!

lokifishPosted 21-02-2017 03:44 PM

I had a really awful panic attack earlier and came really close to attempting suicide again, but instead I texted my mum and splashed some cold water on my face, so I guess trying those other strategies means I'm getting closer to who I want to be (someone who can regulate their emotions better)

Ben-ROPosted 21-02-2017 05:27 PM

@lokifish i am glad you are okay and did so amazingly with those strategies when you felt so dang bad.

BirdeyePosted 30-10-2012 06:30 AM

I love this idea/question!

I can quite happily say that today I turned the day around and was a bit like the person I want to be, epecially towards the end when everyone else went to sleep and I focused my mind into mostly creative energy, getting a lot done and enjoying it.

delicatedreamerPosted 24-10-2012 08:20 PM

I was the person I wanted to be today :D. A little bit anyway.


I volunteered on a stall to promote my program at uni and talked to lots of other students from other years, as well as randoms who came over to our stall. I'm can be pretty shy at times and not very confident in myself but I would like to be more confident, sociable and relaxed with others (for both personal and professional growth) so I thought that was pretty awesome! It was a really fun day 🙂


EDIT - @lokifish: I love the idea of having a piece a paper where you write down the person that you want to be and the things you can do to help you be more like that person, that's really cool! I may have to steal it 🙂

AllyEmPosted 26-10-2012 08:53 PM
Great responses! And I love your idea too @lokifish. Seems like it is already helping you do this.. wish I'd started this years ago 🙂 Sometimes I'm too busy hunting down goals!

Talking about values like compassion I heard something great the other day.. the person (a MH nurse) was saying we should have values that can't be taken away from us. She was talking about how people often get depressed in life when they are older because they're no longer pretty, or rich, or the provider for their family.. all these things which can get taken from us eventually. But she said if what's important to you are values like compassion, you can feel satisfied later in life. Anyway a bit of a diversion but it was an interesting and lovely discussion.

Today I was mildly who I wanted to be! I took some time and lay on the grass in the sun and enjoyed reflecting on a busy week of achievements. I rung Mum and had a chat (which is apparently good for your serotonin levels!). I was probably a bit too busy though and could do with some meditation...
gailPosted 21-10-2012 06:01 PM

Ooh I like this idea! I was at work this weekend on the island. I was down at the wharf waving to the group that were leaving for the afternoon and once their boat was gone I ran up the wharf and flipped into the water. It was nice and spontaneous and felt much more like myself after working hard/crazy hours all weekend and being stressed about uni.

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