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Weekly Wellbeing: Self-care challenge
Weekly Wellbeing: Let's try out self-care!
So I was thinking we could do a 3 (or more!) day trial of sorts inspired by the wheel of well-being that these threads are based off. Each day we could try out a different section of the wheel and see what happens!
Sort of like a little taste of each part of the wheel, if you will
Okay, okay, so if you're still with me on this tell me what your self-care plan is for the next 3 days? (picking three different sections of the wheel to focus on)
It might look something like this
Day 1: Connect- I will check in with someone I care about today
Day 2: Take notice- I will take 5 mins out today to mindfully observe my surroundings
Day 3: Keep learning- I will try something new today
Challenge: If you want, you can try all 6 sections of the wheel over 6 days!
So let us know what your self-care plan will look like and then check in when it's over and tell us how it went! What was your favourite section of the wheel? Will you keep trying out different self-care activities?
Thanks, and I hope you're having a good Wednesday!
Remember, there's no time limit to these weekly wellbeing activities. You're free to try them out whenever (if ever) you want! 😛
I saw this post a few days ago and here is what I did!
Day 1: I did Pilates (be active)
Day 2: On the train I decided to watch the scenery instead of listening to music or reading a book (take notice)
Day 3: I met up with a friend that I was worried about and we had a talk about how she was (connect)
A real self-care challenge is to choose the K-Beauty and all the 10 steps 😄 Thanks for this interesting challenge! I will also start
I'm back with some updates (a bit late oops!), so day 1: instead of doing a 20minute workout I ended up going on a hike which I'm really proud of myself for doing because I never thought I would be into it but I really enjoyed myself and I'm already planning our next one. On day 2 however, I did not do as well as I hoped I'm back at uni and there was already a major assignment due so I basically just functioned on autopilot all day to get it over and done with Ending on a good note though I have been quite consistent in writing in my journal, usually if I didn't do anything interesting or I didn't do much during the day I would choose not to write in my journal but I realised that I don't need to use my journal as a way to record what I did or did not do during the day, but I can also use it to record my thoughts and emotions (something I have a lot of), or of events that happened to me during the day.
So that's my update guys! I hope everyone is doing well with their self-care plan!
@Sunnybear It's alright to be a bit late. I sometimes am myself when responding to posts when life happens haha. Thats awesome that you did a hike! I personally enjoy hiking myself as well, especially with friends :D. Where did you go for your hike?
Its great to hear that you are keeping busy with uni and doing different things at the start of a new year :D. What do you study if I may ask?
Keep it up, you can do this! 🙂
I hope everyone's challenges are going well! I love this, I feel like it really gives an overall goal/focus for each day.
I'm hoping my next 3 days will look like this:
Day 1: take notice – be more present in the conversations I'm having and the tasks I'm completing
Day 2: connect – I will reach out to some friends and my grandparents who I haven't seen in a while and check in on them to see if they need anything
Day 3: give – I will ask my family members if there's anything I can do to help them e.g. any chores or things to do to prepare for the week
Ah soooo many good ideas here for ways of caring for ourselves.
Day 1: I will journal and try my hardest to make it a nightly routine.
Day 2: I will go to my local pools/beach and do some laps for exercise and relaxation.
Day 3: I will reach out to a friend and organize a time to catch up.
@celestialdreamer I love the idea of reaching out to extended family and helping out with immediate family- family is a great self-care theme. Very wholesome!
Day 1: Connect - With myself! And tell myself it's okay not to be okay until it becomes a tattoo in my skull
Day 2: Keep learning - Do some extra research on jobs that I want to apply for, since my current one depresses me
Day 3: Be active - No couch potato 3 days in a row!
Day 1: Go for a run
Day 2: Body scan meditation
Day 3: Read something interesting
How is everyone going with their self-care challenge?
Thank you @Lost_Space_Explorer5 for starting this post.
My upcoming days will (hopefully) look like this
Day 1: finish a 20minute full-body workout at home
Day 2: be more in tune with my thoughts/ emotions rather than being on autopilot all-day
Day 3: write in my journal
Will give updates on how I go!
In our house we have this little spot unofficially called the “quiet comfy spot”, it’s just this corner in our study with a big floor cushion and a heap of cushions and blankets and it was set up during peak WFH, and it’s just a spot we can just chill listen to music or do a meditation etc. I don’t really use it much and it’s about to be deconstructed to make space and hopefully we can move it somewhere else. My challenge is to sit there at least once a day this week and listen to music or read, or something else peaceful.
@Saltwaterdreamtime I love this idea! Unfortunately my house is quite small living with my family, and I find it so hard to get time in for meditation/down time/stretching due to the limited space but you're "quiet comfy spot" sounds absolutely perfect!! I think it's a perfect goal to have for your week, and to even put myself to the test I am going to motivate myself to create something small for me to do it alongside you! Hopefully you are able to receive some peace from this daily ritual
@Saltwaterdreamtime Aw absolutely! I am sure so many people have the same issue around small spaces & I bet lots of people have some creative ideas too that they could post photos of or give ideas around
Thanks @Kaylee-RO My partner set up in our old house when she started working from home as a self care activity and then we just set up again after we moved house. Like I said we are running out of space and will have to dismantle it and find somewhere else because it’s a really cool little spot. I like it but don’t spend enough time there. It’s a cosy alternative to hanging out on the couch or something! You could set one up in your room maybe? I might take a photo of it later.
@Saltwaterdreamtime OMG please do! I love the idea of a quiet spot, been wanting to set up one myself but I don't have a lot of space in my room and I have housemates so the rest of the house is out of the question. Now I'm thinking maybe the tiny space between my closet and my bed will work!
I'm a bit late to the party but here's my list:
DAY 1: be active - I'll go for a run in the sun!
DAY 2: take notice - I'll be more mindful of my thoughts and feelings
DAY 3: keep learning - abstract art it is!
DAY 4: connect - I'll call my sister and maybe do something with her
DAY 5: give - I'll cook something for my housemates
DAY 6: care for the planet - I'll do a no buy month and see how I go (may or may not have done this and failed miserably )

Day 2: Record my voice, to see how good I sound, and learn what I really sound like... 0.0
Day 3: Possibly make a song cover, to cure my boredom. Once that is done, I will share it with people who need some lovely sound.

Day 4: Learn how to sand furniture, then paint it, and sell it. 🙂
Not exactly self care, but it makes me feel good. 🙂
Thanks @Lost_Space_Explorer5 love this thread!
Day 1: Be active - attend another of my favourite yoga classes.
Day 2: Connect - organise a time to spend with friends/loved ones.
Day 3: Take notice - take a walk without using my phone to better connect with the environment around me.
Uhh so trying day 1 and 2 were checked off for me, although I'm not sure I got the full 5 mins of mindfulness but now I can't figure out what's something new I could try... Hmmm I'm watching a TV series I haven't watched before, does that count...
Ooh I know, I will wear my pyjama top backwards.. How that is self care I don't know.. Maybe it's showing my brain I can change things and nothing bad will happen... hmm
How is everyone else going with their self care challenges?! 🙂
edit: turns out wearing my pj top backwards was a more stressful task than anticipated.... Cancel that idea
@Lost_Space_Explorer5 thats awesome to hear about day 1 and 2! even if the mindfulness wasn't completed in 5 minutes, it was still engaged in. Which is a victory in of itself 🙂 it does sound like something new when watching a different tv series haha
I wonder what new challenges you may come up with soon 😄
@Milkninja222 thanks for asking! I've done well I think, I haven't worried about "splurge" or "essential" purchases, and I've been drinking lots of water as it's 37c here!