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Taylor-ROPosted 30-06-2021 11:27 PM

Hey @StormySeas17, thanks for sharing. It must be hard to have those periods where you are frustrated at yourself. I know what you mean about feeling inferior and feeling judged. It is something I used to worry about a lot when I was younger. What you mentioned about taking baby steps sounds really good. I noticed that once I started increasing my confidence and self esteem (hard to do, I know) that I started worrying less about what people thought because I was more sure of my abilities and what I could offer. I know it can be hard to do that, so I am just trying to say that things can get better, even if it doesn't always feel like it right now. 


I am glad you were able to improve your anxiety and your performance at work. I totally agree with taking less classes if you can. I have studied a lot and I have usually completed it part time as I also work and don't want to feel burnt out or under too much pressure. There are sometimes those thoughts of 'I wish I could do it quicker' or 'that is so long' but I know that in the long run, it is the best option for me. I can tell from what you have shared that you are doing your best to be kind to yourself. It isn't easy but it is all a process, so I wanted to say good job! I can see your hard work and effort Heart

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