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Friday 3rd May: Live guest Bart from Livewire

INFOBUS is back! May 2019...


On Friday the 3rd of May 7-9pm we will be having an Infobus! If this is your first time hearing about an infobus, go here to learn about what they are!


Our guest will be Bart from Livewire.



Livewire is an online place for teens living with a serious or chronic illness to share stories, laugh, have a vent.. And go somewhere where they will be understood.


Bart will be chatting all things chronic illness, how to get support and how to cope with the daily struggle illness can bring.


If you have any questions for Bart submit them below, and we will ask Bart on the day ( depending on how many we get!)


Jess1-ROPosted 24-04-2019 03:14 PM


gina-ROPosted 29-04-2019 12:33 PM

Getting really excited for our chat with Bart this Friday! 


A bit about Bart:


Bart worked as a music producer in Sydney and London between 1990-2012, working with many bands and writing music for film, TV and advertising. In 2012 Bart decided to make a change and began working for Starlight, helping to set up the Livewire program in two major children’s hospitals in Sydney, providing creative outlets to improve the wellbeing of patients. Soon after, Bart began working for the online version of Livewire, “”, as a chat host, where he is online most Thursday nights, providing support, advice and receiving youth culture tips from the many fantastic members of Livewire.
Bart has also helped to teach Maddie Newton how to write and record her first songs in hospital (featured in the ABC TV show, “The Recording Studio” this week. Check the episode here on iview)
Hope to see some of you online this Friday, to chat with Bart at 7pm! 
If you can't make it, feel free to post a question and I'll be sure to ask it on the night. 
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letitgoPosted 29-04-2019 06:06 PM

I'd love to be able to make it, and I'm sorry that I can't! However, I'm really keen to read over the chat afterwards!! 🙂

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 29-04-2019 06:54 PM
Same here @letitgo. I probs won't make it either.
mspaceKPosted 03-05-2019 07:14 PM

I'm not feeling too great @gina-RO but interested in this talk. 

Bart-LivewirePosted 03-05-2019 07:17 PM
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well @mspaceK
mspaceKPosted 03-05-2019 07:24 PM

Thanks everyone. My stomach is killing me for about a week now. Digestive upsets for what seems like no reason. Hopefully it goes away soon because it is really impacting my mood and work. 


I have heard of Starlight but not livewire. It sounds like a really good organisation. 


@Bart-Livewire @gina-RO @WheresMySquishy @ecla34 

WheresMySquishyPosted 02-05-2019 08:01 PM

I hope that I can be online and join in! It sounds great! Smiley Happy

gina-ROPosted 03-05-2019 06:53 PM

Happy Friday everyone!!

We are about to start this month's Infobus - in 10 minutes we will be chatting to @Bart-Livewire ! 

Get your questions about chronic illness, music (Bart is also a music producer!!), and online support ready!! 


Just tagging a few people who are online:  @Cheeseburger @mspaceK  @WheresMySquishy @indieinsanus - no pressure, but would love to chat 🙂 



gina-ROPosted 03-05-2019 07:04 PM

Ok and we are Live!!!

Welcome to this infobus with @Bart-Livewire ! 


Who's here?

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mspaceKPosted 03-05-2019 07:07 PM

Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm here. 

gina-ROPosted 03-05-2019 07:06 PM

Hey @ecla34 ! How are you tonight? 



gina-ROPosted 03-05-2019 07:07 PM

Just a reminder to everyone, that if anything comes tonight that you want to get extra support on, you can always contact Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, or Lifeline on 13 11 14. 


Hey @Bart-Livewire   - welcome to the RO forums and to tonights infobus! 

Thank you so much for coming on and chatting to us about yourself and your work with Livewire tonight!

ecla34Posted 03-05-2019 07:06 PM
I'm really awesome, how are you? Heart
ecla34Posted 03-05-2019 07:06 PM

Hi there @gina-RO and @Bart-Livewire !! 😄

Bart-LivewirePosted 03-05-2019 07:07 PM

Hi there. Great to be here!

gina-ROPosted 03-05-2019 07:10 PM

Hey @mspaceK ! How are you doing tonight? 


Let's get stuck into it! 

We had a heap of great questions come through the google form this week that we will try to get through tonight , but if anyone wants to ask a question live, jump right in! 


Maybe we could start with you telling us a bit about what you do on a regular day at work @Bart-Livewire  ? 

Bart-LivewirePosted 03-05-2019 07:13 PM
Sure, well Livewire is actually two programs. I predominantly work In-Hospital with adolescents, at Sydney Children's Hospital, but once a week I am a chat host for Livewire's website, which caters for any adolescent with a chronic illness in Australia or New Zealand, whether they're in or out of hospital. The site also accepts siblings 🙂
ecla34Posted 03-05-2019 07:17 PM
@Bart-Livewire that's really interesting, i've heard of livewire before, but only the online version! What kind of online chats do your run? (we're having an online chat about online :P)
i really love the idea of everyone being able to play games in real time together Heart

i hope you feel a bit better @mspaceK
Bart-LivewirePosted 03-05-2019 07:21 PM
Hi @ecla34,
Our chats are totally run by members. The chat room is open from midday to midnight and the chat host is just there to make sure everything runs well. I try to encourage the members to run as much as possible.
WheresMySquishyPosted 03-05-2019 07:18 PM

Hope you get well soon @mspaceK! Heart

Bart-LivewirePosted 03-05-2019 07:16 PM
The Livewire site has recently been updated to a modern style and has a number of components, from Groups (Interests) to Articles, Livewire TV (a video section), the Chat Room (We can have multiple live chat rooms open) and the main newsfeed, for access to the most recent posts. We also have a new live-streaming service, so we can live stream games and video from the hospital straight into the site for everyone to take part.
gina-ROPosted 03-05-2019 07:19 PM

Hey @WheresMySquishy !


Oh awesome - what a good initiative to use the live streaming for people online. 
The meeting of both IRL and online in one space ! 


We had a great question come through related to this : 

What kind of impact do you think online communities have for teens living with serious and chronic illness? Do they help people stay connected when they might be unable to attend school etc?


Bart-LivewirePosted 03-05-2019 07:26 PM
Great question:
What kind of impact do you think online communities have for teens living with serious and chronic illness? Do they help people stay connected when they might be unable to attend school etc?

Online communities are life savers for certain people. Although everyone takes something positive from the site. We have members with social issues who can't really connect or make conversation when they join, and a year later they are practically running Livewire with us. We have oncology patients who can connect with other oncology patients and generally its a great space to talk about procedures and things that other friends don't understand. The community is really important for members who are in the country also.

Welcome back!

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