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Farewell from Jay-RO!

Hello everyone! After seven amazing months on the forums of working for ReachOut, it is time for me to move on. 


It has been absolutely amazing to be able to log onto the forums every week and read through some of the compassionate, empathetic support you all have to offer. To those of you who log in once a day to those who only log in once, each and every one of you are so inspirational! No matter what you're going through, you are all fantastic, amazing people 🙂


My last day as a Community Manager will be next week on the 28th of June. Thank you for all the wonderful moment, you all rock!

Jay-ROPosted 20-06-2019 03:21 PM


Copper_DeerPosted 31-10-2022 07:16 PM

Hi Jay-Ro. hope you are doing well. I am new here and wanted to ask who the moderator is now

Dem--ROPosted 31-10-2022 08:45 PM

Hi @Copper_Deer, there are several moderators that cover the Youth Forums, and just to let you know, I have sent you an email. 

Jay-ROPosted 28-06-2019 11:46 AM

Thank you everyone @WheresMySquishy @May_ @scared01 @Tiny_leaf @Jess1-RO @mrmusic for your lovely messages! I am going to miss all of you too! 


Moving forward I'll be working on myself most of all. I am so grateful for the experiences I've had on the forums and the absolutely wonderful moments shared with all of you. Every single member of this community is so full of compassion and courage and are so inspiring. So, thank you all, it has been a wonderful journey! 🙂


scared01Posted 04-07-2019 09:23 AM
sounds great @Jay-RO
look after yourself and do come back! Heart
SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 28-06-2019 12:06 PM
Thank you for all your contributions @Jay-RO we will miss you
Jay-ROPosted 28-06-2019 05:00 PM

@MisoBear thank you. 🙂 Your responses are always so spot on and impressive, keep up the amazing work! 😄




To every single one of you have been so, so amazing! 



Thank you so much 🙂

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 28-06-2019 10:16 PM
Oh no! Not you too @Jay-RO!!!!
First Gina, and now you!

We will all miss you, but good luck with the future! You're amazing advice has helped me, and many other users out there. I second everything that everyone else has said, and sadly they've all takrn the best gifs. 😛

Good luck Jay!

//Nothing is impossible. The word itself says "I'm Possible"//
Esperanza67Posted 30-06-2019 11:56 AM
Thanks @Jay-RO for all the amazing work you've done on the forums these past few months :). I think everyone on the forums will miss you greatly. Good luck with your future endeavours 😄
HozzlesPosted 28-06-2019 04:38 PM

Oh no another admin member leaving us! Smiley Sad But it's good to hear that it sounds like you're putting yourself first and focusing on working on yourself. Of course, that's what we're all about here! Smiley Very Happy

Thank you for everything @Jay-RO, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavours! Heart


Jay-ROPosted 28-06-2019 04:42 PM

Thank you @Saltwaterdreamtime! I'll miss you all too 🙂


@Hozzles ah what a perfect gif! Thank you 🙂 As sad as I am to be leaving, I know it's the best thing. I also know that the community is in safe hands with all the amazing staff, volunteers and users on these amazing forums!!! 

MisoBearPosted 28-06-2019 04:45 PM

Hi @Jay-RO , 


Thanks so much for all the support and feedback here on the forums. Reading your responses to people on here has really helped shape how I support others on the forums. Good luck with everything that the future holds for you!

May_Posted 22-06-2019 02:58 PM
Thanks so much @Jay-RO for everything you have contributed and all of the support you have given to the community! 🙂
scared01Posted 22-06-2019 06:46 PM
oh gosh not you too 😞 @Jay-RO im going to miss you but i wish you well
can i ask what your moving on to?
Tiny_leafPosted 23-06-2019 02:45 AM

@Jay-RO you're leaving??

You're gonna be so missed here, but I hope your plans for the future all work out well!!

Jess1-ROPosted 27-06-2019 09:20 AM

@Jay-RO you have been such a huge part of the community these last 7 months and we are all going to miss you! Thank you for everything you have done to make this community a supportive place; your understanding and kindness are so evident in every post you make!


I have put together some of your highlights to celebrate your time with ReachOut and the forums Smiley Happy




Let's make the most of your last two days and celebrate your incredible contributions! Heart

mrmusicPosted 28-06-2019 07:45 AM

Hi @Jay-RO, thank you so much for your amazing contribution to the forums! 🙂 You are so compassionate and your impact on the community will be lasting. Also wanted to acknowledge all the work you have done behind the scenes as well. You are incredible - don't ever forget that. Heart

WheresMySquishyPosted 20-06-2019 09:04 PM

I'm going to miss you, @Jay-RO! Thank you for everything you've done on here. I've learned a lot from all the builder content you posted.

I wish you the best in all your future endeavours Heart



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