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I haven't seen my Dad in 4-5 years and I really want to see him again 

My parents broke up when I was 3 

And I really miss my Dad

I really want to tell my Mum bu i'm worried about what she'll say

DylPosted 03-06-2019 08:35 PM

Comments (8 pages)

WheresMySquishyPosted 07-09-2019 08:46 PM

That sounds so exciting @DylSmiley Happy Are you going to watch them play?

DylPosted 07-09-2019 08:41 PM


DylPosted 07-09-2019 08:46 PM


DylPosted 07-09-2019 08:50 PM
I am watching the game right now
We have gone from 2nd last in last years season to 2nd on the table this year
They always underestimate us
I also don't know if I should keep being mates with my best friend
But i'll talk about that tomorrow
MisoBearPosted 07-09-2019 09:21 PM

Hey @Dyl,


Whenever you want to talk about things with your friend we're here. 

DylPosted 07-09-2019 08:56 PM
All because of the teams I support in sport
dog_lover94Posted 10-09-2019 01:32 PM

Hey @Dyl 


How are things going?

DylPosted 10-09-2019 01:35 PM


Much better

Just watching the highlights when my NRL one their first premiership

dog_lover94Posted 10-09-2019 01:39 PM

That's great to hear @Dyl.

It's good to take some time out and do things that you enjoy!

Did you make any decisions about your friend?

DylPosted 10-09-2019 01:40 PM


Yes I did we are still best mates and are like brothers as always 

DylPosted 10-09-2019 01:42 PM
I sung the song very loud
DylPosted 11-09-2019 09:14 AM

@dog_lover94 @MisoBear @WheresMySquishy @Jess1-RO @Bre-RO 

I still haven't been able to sleep most of the time with stress and haven't been constantly depressed about family stuff all the time and feel alone   

MisoBearPosted 13-09-2019 03:06 PM

Hey @Dyl, I'm so sorry you're not sleeping and you're feeling depressed. Would you mind sharing what's going on? Is there someone like a counsellor or psychologist you might be able to talk to? Maybe even Kids Help Line They have really great free phone counselling and can be a good way to talk to someone who isn't a friend or parent. 

DylPosted 17-09-2019 06:54 PM

@MisoBear @Bre-RO @dog_lover94 @WheresMySquishy @Jess1-RO 

Hey guys 

Just found out I was yet again one mark from passing my maths test today

Other then that my life is slowly coming back on track with bumps and bruises still of course 

Hope you are all well

Thanks for helping me out

Will let you know if anything else happens

Thanks guys 

WheresMySquishyPosted 21-09-2019 06:36 PM

I'm glad you're feeling better @Dyl! Smiley Happy One mark is so close to passing. You must have put in a great effort. I've failed a few maths tests and I think it also comes down to the quality and quantity of the teaching. Does your school run any extra studying or teaching sessions?

Life is pretty up and down for me and I've been pretty busy lately. I'm glad that things are going better for you though! Smiley Happy

DylPosted 12-11-2019 06:42 PM

@WheresMySquishy @dog_lover94 @MisoBear @mrmusic @Bre-RO 

Hey guys getting through as normal ATM 

But just wanted to see how you are all going 

WheresMySquishyPosted 13-11-2019 07:18 PM

Hi @Dyl! I'm so glad that you're doing well. Thanks for asking about me.

I've been a bit busy lately. I had an eye procedure yesterday. I think it went well. I had some local anaesthetics so I could feel the procedure but it wasn't painful.
So far, I haven't had any major side effects and just a bit of blurred vision. I was told that it would take 4-6 weeks before I will be able to tell if it has helped. They let me take part of the device home as a souvenir. 🙂

Welcome back @MisoBear! It's good to hear from you again!

MisoBearPosted 14-11-2019 12:30 PM

Wishing you a swift recovery @WheresMySquishy 

DylPosted 14-11-2019 12:46 PM

@MisoBear @WheresMySquishy @Jess1-RO @dog_lover94 @mrmusic 

Hey guys 

Just after I posted that I got thrown to the wall and onto the concrete on Tuesday and the person who did it lied about it to everybody 

I thankfully have my friends to help me out but I still feel like I have my back against the wall 

MisoBearPosted 14-11-2019 12:51 PM

Hey @Dyl,

I'm so sorry that happened to you? Why do you say you feel like you have your back against a wall? 

DylPosted 14-11-2019 01:09 PM

@MisoBear @WheresMySquishy @Jess1-RO @dog_lover94 @mrmusic 

However as a member of my school's musical group we are doing one final performance of our best song "The greatest show" as I might be moving and I play Hugh Jackmon's character so I play a major role 

I'll also be playing in the Rugby League team for the final time if I move 

I have played a great role in the school and will always love it if I move 

dog_lover94Posted 14-11-2019 04:45 PM

Hi @Dyl,


I'm sorry that you had to go through that. Why did this person shove you against a wall? 

Your musical group sounds like fun! What kinds of performances do you do?

Will they have a similar group you can join if you were to move?

DylPosted 14-11-2019 05:30 PM


They might have similar ones but nothing will be the same 

I love the school I'm at and will miss it if I move  

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