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Weekly Wellbeing: Caring for the Environment


It's that time of the week again and this well-being activity is all about Caring for the Environment! Some of you may already know that ReachOut use the Wheel of Wellbeing to help guide how we practise self care. One of the aspects of the wheel is "Planet" and that is because we recognise that  our environment impacts personal well-being. 


At times, caring for our beautiful planet can feel like a difficult task but making some adjustments to your life can make a huge impact. There are many ways to care, so we wanted to create a space to share ideas and talk about the positive actions being taken in the world to care for the place we call home Heart 


There are heaps of awesome tips here that can inspire you as well. Before we get stuck into this weeks discussion I wanted to plug an awesome thread that is really helpful when news about the climate/environment gets a little heavy. 


Good news thread is a great place to balance the influx of climate related news. If you feel inclined to share some good news there, please do! 


I'm about to head off to the Climate Change protest in Sydney and will be wearing my ReachOut gear to represent our voice. Being apart of activism is one way I try to care for the planet and it makes me feel good to get involved in big community actions. 




What do you do to care for the Planet? 


How does it make you feel to look out for the environment? 




Bre-ROPosted 11-12-2019 05:00 PM


recharging_introvertPosted 29-12-2019 02:00 PM

Hi all!! Just found this post and I'm really keen to join the conversation as this is an issue that I feel VERY passionately about. I try to care for the environment as much as possible and found myself getting very frustrated when I went over to a family member's house for Christmas day and saw they were using plastic plates and cutlery that they did not plan to reuse. I think we all need to learn to be continuously mindful of the long-term effects our individual and collective behaviour may be having on our earth.


What do you do to care for the Planet? 

One big thing I focus on is my food consumption habits. I'm vegetarian and currently trying to transition into a totally plant-based diet - it's so much better for you and the Planet! I also try to buy local and ethically-sourced where I can, put my fruit/veg in reusable produce bags, and minimise things that are packaged in plastic (whilst always returning my soft plastics to the supermarket to be recycled). I use public transport when I can, recycle, compost, grow my own herbs and veg, only shop for what I need, and always try to up-cycle. I think it's all about being mindful of your footprint in all aspects of life! Another important thing that was already mentioned is to vote for political parties you think will act in the best interests of the earth. 


How does it make you feel to look out for the environment? 

It makes me feel good to care for the environment! We are all stewards of the earth and have an important role to play in it's care.


MB95Posted 30-12-2019 12:42 PM

What an amazing thread guys!! I too am quite passionate about caring for the environment and after watching War on Waste it only ignited the fire more!! I'm assuming most, if not all, of you have seen War on Waste? If not I HIGHLY reccommend it!!!! Just be prepared to feel all kinds of raw emotions.. brought out a lot of anger and sadness in me! I just wish everyone could see the impact we're having and how easily we could change it if we all worked together and made those small changes!! 


@Tay100 I absolutely LOVE the leaf confetti idea!! Bloody amazing and one I will be using if I'm decorating with confetti!! 


What do you do to care for the planet?

There's a few small changes I've made but sooo many more I am still wanting to make!! Currently I refuse to use plastic where possible by using cloth grocery/veggie bags, bees wax wraps, re-usable bottles/cutlery/straws etc. I'm also very conscious of the groceries I buy and only buy what I need to ensure I'm not wasting anything. I've learnt to blanch my own veggies so nothing goes to waste when I do have a little more left over than expected! And I try my best to use natural products (I'm also a uni student and sadly can't always afford too but I do try!!!). I bought this awesome natural sunscreen that I loooove - smells like chocolate and is safe for the ocean -win win if ya ask me! 😍 


I REALLLLYYY want to start composting so if anyone has tips on the best ways to get started please do share!!! 


How does it make you feel to look out for the environment? 

It just makes me feel like I'm doing the right thing. I feel so much happier within myself when I'm implementing the changes and notice that if I let things slip, my mood also slips and leaves me feeling completely guilty. I have learnt though, that you can't make all the changes at once. They have to be gradual in order to succeed with them and not get overwhealmed. One thing that took me a while to realise!! 

Tay100Posted 30-12-2019 02:46 PM
Hahaa I know, I actually got it off of Pinterest, I used to spend wayyy to much time on there. I think the confetti is important at bigger events like weddings especially as the amount confetti needed tends to be bigger!
MB95Posted 30-12-2019 04:16 PM

Ah yes, I know how easy it is to get sucked into pintrest @Tay100. I have to stop myself from going on or else there's a whole day gone just like that 😂

Tay100Posted 30-12-2019 07:24 PM
Something about it is so addictive, huh? It's wild
Tay100Posted 24-12-2019 03:40 PM

Hey @Bre-RO  @drpenguin @MisoBear  @ayrc_1904  @Bananatime04  just wanted to do a quick post asking about how we can take care of our planet on public holidays/events/celebrations like Christmas and NYE, in addition to the ideas discussed previously? Like for example, using eco-friendly glitter, reusable plates, or even a lil something like this.....


Image result for leaf confetti


Image result for leaf confetti


Because I find people are really good at being eco-friendly most of the time but we can tend to get a little lax around events because of what busy times they are, so I thought some holiday-specific suggestions might be good!


Happy Holidays guys x

ayrc_1904Posted 26-12-2019 03:01 PM

Hey @Tay100!

Thanks for the tag and I hope your Christmas was wonderful! 

I guess not using plastic wherever possible!! Try not to use plastic plates, cups or utensils. Reusable ones are always better for the environment Smiley Happy

Also though, a really simple way of looking after the environment better is not littering! I have a lot of friends with family who go have a Christmas BBQ outside or go to the beach and eat lunch there. Remember to pick up your rubbish! Sometimes, it is really as simple as that Smiley Very Happy 

Tay100Posted 26-12-2019 03:03 PM
Hiyaa! Nice to meet ya!
Yeah I agree, simple, effective, and easy to implement ideas are the best! And reusable cups/plates are bomb, I really should buy more I think, hmmm...
drpenguinPosted 26-12-2019 08:07 PM

Hey @Tay100 thanks for tagging me too! I agree that small, simple ways of looking after the environment can make a big difference when everyone does it! I try not to buy food with a lot of plastic packaging such as fruit and veggies, and also try to do my work out under sunlit parts of my house so I don't use the lights at home. It's a great way to save money by using less electricity and also be environmentally friendly!

And hope you had a happy christmas and have a happy holiday!

Tay100Posted 28-12-2019 01:58 PM
Hi there! Wow, the workout idea is so unique, I love it! Hope you had a happy and safe Christmas too!
drpenguinPosted 19-12-2019 07:16 PM

Such an important topic to discuss, especially after all these extreme bushfires that have been happening!


What do you do to care for the Planet?

I try to minimise as much waste as I can when consuming food and buying groceries. It's not a lot but I try my best to avoid using plastic bags and other such unnecessary items when buying food. I also avoid buying drinks that are in plastic cups with straws because it is just so wasteful. I've tried to tell my sister to stop buying bubble tea since it can be easily made at home, but she refuses, so I bought her a metal, reusable straw to use so that plastic straws aren't used.

How does it make you feel to look out for the environment?

It just feels good to be able to make a contribution, no matter how big, towards conserving our environment 😄


Tay100Posted 17-12-2019 06:26 PM

@Bre-RO  how do we tag random members or people not already involved in a thread so that we can increase the traffic here? It would be great to get some responses here, it's such a great concept!

Bre-ROPosted 20-12-2019 04:50 PM

Hey @Tay100 could be a good idea to tag new members! You can see all the new people who have signed up on the bar on the right hand side of the screen 🙂 

Tay100Posted 13-12-2019 05:09 PM

What do you do to care for the Planet? 


Go vegan! Eating a plant-based diet is a great way to live sustainably. My veganism allows me to exercise compassion in all aspects of my life, what I eat, wear, consume etc. With a little know-how, community outreach and a good support network, it's a great way to address the climate crisis in a multitude of ways. Not to mention the food and awesome community, events and global initiatives and the fooood! 



How does it make you feel to look out for the environment? 

Awesome! When I look after the environment, I look after myself too. In turn, the environment nurtures me too. That's the best kind of symbiotic relationship there is ❤️ 

Bananatime04Posted 13-12-2019 12:02 PM
I think this is a really important discussion to have @Bre-RO as this is our world and we really do have a huge responsibility to look after it 🙂 thank you for the tag @Jess1-RO Heart

What do you do to care for the Planet?
I think the main thing I am aware of in my daily life is to manage the amount of food waste and keep it to a minimum. Also putting things in the correct bins for being recycled and also preventing as much landfill as possible. I know my changes would not be a huge difference compared to the whole world but at least it’s something.

How does it make you feel to look out for the environment?
It makes me realise how big of a difference humans have the opportunity to make. Even though not everyone takes this opportunity, it feels good to know some of us are and what we are doing.

Jess1-ROPosted 13-12-2019 11:45 AM

Just going to tag a bunch of members to get this convo going!


@mrmusic @Hozzles @xXLexi_Lou122Xx @Bananatime04 @Dyl @MisoBear @ecla34 @N1ghtW1ng @Tay100 @ayrc_1904 

ayrc_1904Posted 13-12-2019 01:07 PM

I agree with @Bre-RO and @Bananatime04 in that the Planet and our environment is so important to not only our physical but emotional well-being. Thank you @Jess1-RO for the tag! Heart 


What do you do to care for the Planet? 

Personally I try to make sure I recycle and also make sure that I don't have too much food waste as @Bananatime04 does. I think it's a really simple way to take part in caring for the environment. Another thing I do is try to use the car as little as possible. It's often easy to take a quick and simple way out of things. I admit I often used the car for a distance I could walk in about 20 minutes. In the long run, little things like these add up and I saw this post on Facebook that I can't find at the moment, but it said something along the lines of...We don't need a small number of people looking after the environment perfectly. We need millions doing it imperfectly. Again, I don't think this is the exact words but you get the idea Smiley Happy 


How does it make you feel to look out for the environment?

It makes me feel happy and warm in the heart. It's similar to what any type of volunteering might make you feel. It's nice to know that you are playing some part in trying to make the environment and the world a better place. Especially now, I feel like it's becoming more and more important to look after the environment for its own sake, but also for the sake of our wellbeing. Many people I know use the environment and nature to help calm themselves when they are feeling upset or anxious. Taking in breaths of fresh air is often helpful, so I feel good knowing that I'm doing something, even if it's small, to help.

MisoBearPosted 15-12-2019 11:02 PM

What do you do for the environment?


I'm a vegetarian and eat mostly plant based foods. We compost at home and I try to buy things unpackaged when I can. I also try and buy most things second hand. Most importantly, I use my voice and vote for parties which are taking action on climate change. 


How does it feel when you care for the environment?


Great, I feel as if I'm living in alignment with my values. 

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