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I haven't seen my Dad in 4-5 years and I really want to see him again 

My parents broke up when I was 3 

And I really miss my Dad

I really want to tell my Mum bu i'm worried about what she'll say

DylPosted 03-06-2019 08:35 PM

Comments (8 pages)

MisoBearPosted 16-06-2019 10:16 PM
You're not alone, @Dyl. We care about you here on RO and I'm sure there are
so many things you're good at. I can only imagine how hard it must be for
you to not have your dad in your life. Have you thought more about how you
might be able to talk to your mum about seeing your dad? Earlier we were
chatting about maybe you writing her a letter. I know things aren't great
at home for you at the moment, but do you think there might be another
adult in your life (a teacher or maybe even a counsellor at school?) who
you'd feel comfortable talking to?
DylPosted 16-06-2019 09:49 PM


Their is also there is a girl at school I like who I don't know how to talk to

MisoBearPosted 16-06-2019 10:19 PM

Hey @Dyl , I've got to go to bed now but I'll send you a better reply tomorrow afternoon. I hope school is good tomorrow. Have a think about some of the things we've talked about and if you need someone to talk through some problems with tonight, have a look at Tom's suggestions. There are some great threads on here with people who are going through similar things, even hopping on the games thread for some distractions can help heaps too.

DylPosted 17-06-2019 08:35 AM

@MisoBear @TOM-RO 

I also played really badly in footy on the weekend which didn't help my state of mind at all

MisoBearPosted 17-06-2019 09:55 PM

Hey @Dyl , ah I'm sorry, that sucks. The good thing about sport is there's always another game so you can get another shot. Does playing footy make you feel better when you're feeling down? I find going for a run or going to the gym really helps me, and my boyfriend plays footy a few times a week and it really helps him to feel better.


It can be hard talking to people we like, hey? When I was in school I remember being really nervous to talk to boys I liked. But now I realise that most people are flattered to receive the attention, and most people are nice. How about you find some common ground, something you're both interested (movies, sport, YouTubers?) and strike up a convo?

DylPosted 18-06-2019 09:48 AM


Yes footy makes me feel like like I have some freedom 

DylPosted 18-06-2019 10:08 AM
I also feel worthless and hopeless and alone when i'm off it ot if I play badly
TOM-ROPosted 18-06-2019 10:21 AM

Hey Dyl,


Footy is such a great outlet; it provides fitness and I find it stress-busting, thus it helps my mood.  I also understand feeling down when I play badly, it's very normal :). We all have bad games sometimes, even professionals.  However, isn't it great when we play well? 🙂

DylPosted 18-06-2019 11:06 AM

It's just the footy (Rugby) is my life and it sucks whenever I fail

MisoBearPosted 18-06-2019 01:33 PM
Hey @Dyl,

It is so hard when we fail at something, especially if it's something
that's really important to us. I was never really that big on sport in
school (I'm really uncoordinated haha), but I did play the violin and it
was a huge part of my life. Whenever I did a performance and it didn't go
well I would feel really bad for a while and I would want to quit. But
those failures helped me to get better and my instrument, and play better
next time. We have to remember that one failure doesn't define our whole

I know you have so much to offer. I can tell from our convos that you have
a bunch of talents and on top of that, you're a kind and caring person. I
reckon that's something to be really proud of. It's okay to feel down or
disappointed, that's what these threads are for. You are able to come on
here and talk about how you're feeling and together we can work on things.
Hope your day is going okay?
DylPosted 18-06-2019 01:39 PM

@MisoBear @TOM-RO 

I day is going at about 50%

I am sitting here right now in a group with someone who doesn't want to do his work

Other then that it's been ok

I am working hard at everything I do and have a very important game of Rugby League this Friday

dog_lover94Posted 18-06-2019 07:15 PM

Hey @Dyl,


Sorry you are having a hard time at home and with school stress.


How are you feeling today?

DylPosted 19-06-2019 09:35 AM

@dog_lover94 @MisoBear 

Hey guys

Having a great day so far

How are you?

My Mum got me these tablets that helps with strained muscle and things like that but it also helps with stress. I have taking one today and feel so much better.




MisoBearPosted 01-08-2019 10:35 PM
Hey @Dyl,

That sounds really awful, I'm sorry that's happening to you. What are they
doing in particular that's upsetting you?
WheresMySquishyPosted 01-08-2019 04:30 PM

@Dyl  That sounds so difficult. Smiley Sad

Are you able to have a talk with this person or your friends about it? This article can be helpful if you want to tell someone how you feel.

DylPosted 01-08-2019 04:26 PM

@MisoBear @TOM-RO @JanaG @dog_lover94 @WheresMySquishy 

A friend of my friend is treating me like crap and practically turning my friends against me and the girl I like well I still haven't been able to find the courage to say anything


MisoBearPosted 01-08-2019 12:50 PM
Hi @Dyl,

We're all here to listen and support you. What's been going on?
TOM-ROPosted 01-08-2019 11:11 AM

Hey @Dyl,


Sounds like you're going through a lot ATM. I'm sorry and you're feeling a bit lost at the moment; I'm really glad you reached out though.  What is making you feel so lost?  Is it the situation with the girl you like?  I understand that can be tough.  I remember being at school and asking a girl I liked to the prom; she rejected me.  It was really hard to take.  I did what you're doing and reached out to the community.  It took time but gradually things got better :). 


If you need extra support, please try KHL on 1800 55 1800 or Eheadspace on 1800 650 890 to speak to a phone counsellor.  It is free and they are there to help.





DylPosted 31-07-2019 08:21 PM

@JanaG @dog_lover94 @MisoBear @WheresMySquishy @Taylor-RO 

Things are not going well ATM 

I feel lost again with no where to go I feel like giving up on my dreams and just not trying at anything anymore

JanaGPosted 24-07-2019 02:06 PM

Hey @Dyl  🙂

I just read through this thread, and it sounds like there's a lot on your mind at the moment with your dad, your friends, and the girl you like. How is your day going today?

DylPosted 23-07-2019 07:06 PM

@dog_lover94 @MisoBear @WheresMySquishy @Taylor-RO @TOM-RO 

I have not found the courage nor confidence to say anything 

dog_lover94Posted 23-07-2019 06:56 PM

Hey @Dyl,


Were you able to talk to the girl you like? I can see how it would be difficult if you feel things have become awkward with her since she found out you like her. Maybe you could try talking to her over text or facebook if that is a possibility. Finding out how she feels about you might help you to find out where your relationship could go.



MisoBearPosted 23-07-2019 04:24 PM

Hey @Dyl , 


How are thing's going?

WheresMySquishyPosted 21-07-2019 12:00 AM

@Dyl  Do you think that would help?

If you don't feel comfortable talking to her in person, do you think you could write her a letter or send a text message? You don't have to confess, but you could say that you're keen to reconnect and value her company.

Goodnight @Dyl! I hope you get a good night's rest and can feel better tomorrow. Heart

DylPosted 20-07-2019 11:57 PM
Thanks for your time but I am really tired and sad so I should get some sleep
I might be on in the morning
Thanks again

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