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GR: Motivation and Study, Monday 26th Aug, 7:30 p.m. AEST
Hey everyone!
This upcoming Monday we have a GR surrounding Study and Motivation
For those of us studying (and those of us not!) two big things that can really throw a spanner in the works are a lack of motivation and procrastination 😞
Even when the work starts piling up, it can be hard to get started sometimes! And this doesn't just apply to school work, but also professional work and the stuff we need to get done in our day-to-day lives!
It can be really frustrating, and often we can be pretty hard on ourselves when we're stuck in this kind of rut
So what we'll be doing to combat this is hosting a live Getting Real session on Monday the 26th of August at 7:30 p.m. AEST on the topic of how we can beat procrastination and build motivation!
Hope to see you all there 😄
As an aside, how motivating is that study montage in legally blonde?
Keen for this!
Not sure if I'm going to be able to make it yet so I'll just share this!
Honestly, I think procrastination has such a bad stigma around it. People say 'oh, you're procrastinating, why can't you just do it!'. I don't know about anyone else, but when I 'procrastinate', I'm not relaxing or anything because all I can think about is what I'm meant to be doing, but it causes me so much stress that my body goes into avoidance mode, almost like it's a physical fear (of failure? of not meeting standards of perfectionism? Who knows!). You wouldn't really expect someone afraid of snakes to go out and handle a snake without first exposing themselves to some smaller tasks... but unfortunately life doesn't wait for you like that.
Hey everyone! 😄
Welcome to tonight's GR, we're having a chat about Study and Motivation!
If at all you find this conversation distressing or you feel like you need to talk to someone about an issue then it's time to get some help! You can call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or use their webchat and email services found on their respective sites. The links can be found here. If you are new here then welcome! Have a quick peek at our community guidelines you can find them here!
We'll be posting the first questions in a bit.
So glad to have you all here, should be a really good discussion! xx
Thanks for the tag @scared01! Nice idea for a GR too @ecla34!
1. I don't really know... I guess I use music as a tool to help me work. But I can't think of any others. If I'm cleaning, just to leave the house, then music and being let out is my key motivator.
I guess I don't really have any quick motivation boosts either. Does anyone have any ideas?
And I don't have anyone who inspires me to work hard. I just do what I can do to help others, in whatever form possible, and do it. But studying is another problem. I'm procrastinating right now! I should be doing my assignments... 😄 😛
// Nothing is impossible. The word itself says "I'm Possible" //
@xXLexi_Lou122Xx oh no! procrastination in action 😉 😛
music is such a good motivator to do some study though! love me some movie soundtracks as background noise
@WheresMySquishy @Hozzles volunteering definitely helps me branch out as well!
What makes you lose motivation
I find that I can generally only do an hour or so at the max before I need to take more breaks or change it up bit like usin the flashcards or quizzes.
I find I loose motivation when I cant seem to figure out the answers (like finding information for a research project etc) , I don't feel like im making progress or when im bored.
I've also found that volunteering and reading widely in the field i'm interested in working in helps give me that extra oomph to slog through readings/assignments.

For a quick motivation boost i try to think about the future job i'd like to have and keep in mind that the work i do now is what will get me there

@Hozzles i love love that! I think it's really powerful that your own experiences are what push you forward!

@ecla34 A few of my fav quotes that get me motivated are so simple but so true and do the trick! Here's a few 😄
'The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.'
'Always remember, your focus determines your reality.'
'If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.'
That's a great idea @WheresMySquishy ! Maybe even writing it on our phones would be awesome so you have it anywhere you go!
1. What are some of your favourite resources for studying and improving motivation?
I like to read quotes as I think they motivate me to work hard always! I have a quote book from kikki k someone got for me a few years back but I find it still does the trick!
What do you do when you need a quick motivation boost?
I will watch those short little motivation videos you can find on youtube or facebook etc. I find they work so well in pumping me up or getting me out of a slumpy mood! My favourites are people like Trent Shelton and Jay Shetty!
Who is someone that inspires you to work hard?
I had a friend from a while back and although we don't talk anymore, the way that I saw how hard he worked always inspired me so much and to this day still does. His work ethic just blew me away as I've never met anyone who works as hard as that and yet he still has enough time to see friends all the time and go out! He never would give in to any excuse even when he didn't want to work and would even do all nighters all the time if it meant he got his work done to his best standard!
a- Honestly, a lot of apps designed for calming/ meditation/ relaxation (because it's hard to study when you're stressed). Right now I can think of the app 'headspace' which is for guided meditation. I've also used flashcard apps in the past, and because I'm a psych student there's a few apps with a model of the brain!

b- Go for a walk (clears my mind + inspires me), talk to someone (friends, family or here) to give me a quick pep talk, think about the future -- after this obstacle is over I will feel amazing!
c- Is it bad to say myself/ for future me?

Hey guys!
@Hozzles I think that's a really good idea. Sometimes, I've been stuck on an assignment but found that I could do it more easily after going out and doing something else instead.
@scared01 That's so true. I find that sometimes trying to memorise passages over and over makes my brain turn to mush. I try to highlight the key concepts and questions that they could ask.
@May_ I used to watch videos for learning maths concepts! They were really helpful. I usually listen to sounds like the rain and ocean, or ambient pieces of music. Classical music is good too.
@Puppies026 I love reading quotes too! I like to collect quotes in a journal app so that I can look at them when I need inspiration.
I find when study becomes monotonus it becomes to boring and I don't really retain anything. more like just flicking through aimlessly but not getting anywhere
@Hozzles I really like the headspace app too. I've found the 'sleep casts' on the app really helpful for getting the sleep. I love that the future you inspires you to work hard - I'm definitely going to start using that as an inspiration for myself 😛
My favourite resources for studying include note-taking apps, to-do lists, calendars and diaries. There are also apps for preventing procrastination like Forest and FLIP. I also love listening to ambient sounds as I study. There are lots of websites and apps for this.
I like to set little rewards for myself after achieving my goals for the day. Sometimes, I plan fun activities to do after I finish the work I have to do.
My psychologist inspired me to work hard because she told me that I could achieve anything that I put my mind to and thought that I would do well in a psychology career or as an academic. She encouraged me to use my talents.
@Puppies026 wow, that app sounds amazing!
@ecla34 volunteering motivates me too! Sharing a room/ space with people who care about the same things as you is really motivating.
What makes you lose motivation?