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GR: Motivation and Study, Monday 26th Aug, 7:30 p.m. AEST

Hey everyone!


This upcoming Monday we have a GR surrounding Study and Motivation



For those of us studying (and those of us not!) two big things that can really throw a spanner in the works are a lack of motivation and procrastination 😞


Even when the work starts piling up, it can be hard to get started sometimes! And this doesn't just apply to school work, but also professional work and the stuff we need to get done in our day-to-day lives!

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It can be really frustrating, and often we can be pretty hard on ourselves when we're stuck in this kind of rut



So what we'll be doing to combat this is hosting a live Getting Real session on Monday the 26th of August at 7:30 p.m. AEST on the topic of how we can beat procrastination and build motivation!


Hope to see you all there 😄 Heart


As an aside, how motivating is that study montage in legally blonde? Smiley LOL


ecla34Posted 23-08-2019 07:35 PM


WheresMySquishyPosted 26-08-2019 08:49 PM

@Hozzles  I really hate it when teachers or universities schedule multiple assignments on the same day or week. Smiley Sad I feel like they should collaborate more to make sure that tasks are sufficiently spaced out. One of my courses had two major assessment tasks (an essay and a practical task) due within a week of each other. But then the lecturer asked us whether we should get an extension on one of the tasks. The whole room erupted in cheers! We ended up getting a very generous extension.

I also don't like it when we are given tasks on very short notice.

dog_lover94Posted 26-08-2019 08:49 PM

I know the feeling @Hozzles! You can do it! 🙂

HozzlesPosted 26-08-2019 08:47 PM

See you @May_ ! Nice chatting! Smiley Very Happy

@ecla34 Absolutely! It's super hard sometimes. I think I've said on the forums before, but when I was in hospital for a day I beat myself up the day after because I didn't use my time in there studying. Like, what the? No one in the world is expected to study with a IV in their arm. Smiley LOL But recognising that this was unrealistic was super important to me!

scared01Posted 26-08-2019 08:51 PM
4. How can we snap out of a procrastinating mood?

I suppose this one comes back to finding what motivates you to study and how you find is the best way to study as well
ecla34Posted 26-08-2019 08:24 PM

@Hozzles that's really good then! reading anything awesome at the moment? 🙂 really admire your self-discipline in going in on your days off! Heart

scared01Posted 26-08-2019 08:17 PM
yep another night owl here too! I study better later of an evening or at night time too
WheresMySquishyPosted 26-08-2019 08:06 PM

2. How long do you typically study for before you lose motivation?
What makes you lose motivation?

It's hard for me to keep track of the time when I'm studying. There have been times where I've spent about twelve hours studying or trying to work on something. By the end, I get really frustrated. Smiley Sad

I lose motivation when I get distracted. Every so often, I look up videos, chat to people or watch TV. I also lose motivation when I don't feel self-confident or that I know the material.

Puppies026Posted 26-08-2019 08:04 PM

2. How long do you typically study for before you lose motivation?
What makes you lose motivation?


I've never been great with attention, it's always been something I've struggled with as I literally lose focus mid-sentence and get up for ages before sitting back down and do the same thing LOL although I have slowly improved over the years so it's not as bad anymore!


I think I lose motivation easiest if the content I'm studying is boring to me or is very dry

scared01Posted 26-08-2019 08:08 PM
@Puppies026 same for me if im not in the mood then usually I struggle to get through a sentence at a time 😕
HozzlesPosted 26-08-2019 08:11 PM

@WheresMySquishy oof, I've definitely been there with those 12 hour study sessions. Once, I was behind in my readings and made myself read a textbook chapter a day, even if it caused me to stay up late. Not the healthiest way to manage things, that's for sure. Smiley Frustrated

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 26-08-2019 08:09 PM
Maybe, @ecla34! My siblings all go to bed at the time as well, so I think you might be right!

I'm glad that they have gone to bed now too. 🙂
HozzlesPosted 26-08-2019 08:03 PM

2. How long do you typically study for before you lose motivation?

For me, it's not about any length of time. I either start studying with lots of motivation or I don't. If I'm really passionate about something I'm studying for and my mental health is going great I can study for hours.

What makes you lose motivation?

Not taking care of my mental health, which makes me feel awful and stressed in the first place.
Thinking that I'm going around in circles, or not really absorbing what I'm reading/ progressing very far if I'm having a brain-foggy day.
Also, if what I'm reading/ doing isn't of much interest to me.

scared01Posted 26-08-2019 07:38 PM
1. What are some of your favourite resources for studying and improving motivation?
What do you do when you need a quick motivation boost?
Who is someone that inspires you to work hard?

For me I find I get really bored and unmotivated if im just constantly reading out of a text book or just making notes. changing it up and using flashcards or fun quizzes helps me to get abt more motivated.
scared01Posted 26-08-2019 07:36 PM
hey everyone!

@keeziek @xXLexi_Lou122Xx @Tiny_leaf @Puppies026 maybe you guys would like to join in
May_Posted 26-08-2019 07:43 PM
1. What are some of your favourite resources for studying and improving motivation? What do you do when you need a quick motivation boost? Who is someone that inspires you to work hard?

I find youtube a very helpful resource for studying - searching for videos that explain key concepts. I'm a very visual learner and find practical examples helpful so that works for me. I find seeing other people being productive motivates me to work hard - I get really inspired by the people around me (friends, family, colleagues).

Sometimes writing a list of things I have accomplished recently can help motivate me - and remind me that I am working hard even though it sometimes feel like I'm not working hard enough 🙂 I also find it helpful to set a timer on my phone for 10-15 minutes if I am struggling with procrastination. Once the buzzer goes off I find I am normally 'in the zone' and want to keep studying.
HozzlesPosted 26-08-2019 07:44 PM

@May_ yes, Youtube! It's an excellent resource for having someone knew explain concepts to you. But sometimes you just have to be strict with yourself not to start watching less than educational things... Smiley LOL

scared01Posted 26-08-2019 07:40 PM
@keezeik @Dyl maybe youd like to join in
ecla34Posted 26-08-2019 06:51 PM

@Hozzles such a good point! procrastinating is often the opposite of relaxing, and just pushing through those feelings isn't really feasible a lot of the time


@blissfulhope @Jane_Rose @Dandelion13 @tjayne19 @WheresMySquishy it's less than an hour until the GR starts! If you guys are still around I hope to see you all there! Heart

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