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[LIVE GR]: Bucket lists and experiences!

The events of this year have given a lot of us time to reflect on our lives, and what we hope to achieve after coronavirus lockdowns end.


Whether you're keen for beach trips or book clubs, join us tomorrow night (Wednesday 12th August) at 7:30pm AEST to discuss:


What's on your bucket list?


lokifishPosted 11-08-2020 06:21 PM


ecla34Posted 12-08-2020 09:59 PM

For anyone who wants to join in on the discussion tomorrow, here's a list of the questions we chatted about tonight! 😄

Do you have a bucket list? Why/why not?
What's something you'd like to try doing that you've never done before?
Describe a time when you did something that you've wanted to do for a long time. What was it like? How did you feel?
Have you ever helped someone else tick something off their bucket list?
Can a person's bucket list change over time? How do you decide if something's worth adding to your bucket list?
Is there anything you're really looking forward to doing right now? Big or small!
What are the three biggest things you want to do one day?
ecla34Posted 12-08-2020 10:00 PM

I'm gonna head off now, but I've really enjoyed chatting with you guys tonight! 😄 Heart
Take care! Heart

WheresMySquishyPosted 12-08-2020 10:01 PM

Bye everyone! I have to go and have a very late dinner now.
This has been such a great chat! Thanks you to everyone who participated and worked on it! It was so much fun! Smiley Happy

HozzlesPosted 12-08-2020 10:17 PM

A bit of a belated bye everyone (I'm so sleepy haha), and thanks everyone who made this GR so fun! I look forward to reading everyone's responses later! Smiley Very Happy

indieinsanusPosted 12-08-2020 10:22 PM

I hope everyone has a good night and rests well. This chat was really fun, I'm looking forward to next time.


MB95Posted 12-08-2020 10:10 PM

Thanks heaps for putting the questions together like that for us @ecla34! I'm going to try get a couple of the girls to do it with me tomorrow cause I think we all need a little mood booster and reading through tonight has made me reminisce and smile so thanks guys! You're all awesome! ❤

HozzlesPosted 12-08-2020 09:56 PM

@WheresMySquishy wrote:

I thought that doing some of those things would make me happier, but they just made me happier temporarily. 

That's so true, and such a good point! It can be sometimes disappointing when you complete something you've wanted to do, but the novelty of it soon fades.

HozzlesPosted 12-08-2020 09:52 PM

What are the three biggest things you want to do one day?
1- Travel alone, and see as much as possible!
2- Graduate uni, ahah, and go into postgraduate.
3- Finish writing a novel-sized story!

WheresMySquishyPosted 12-08-2020 08:50 PM

Can a person's bucket list change over time? How do you decide if something's worth adding to your bucket list?
I think so. Some things have to be reconsidered because they're not feasible or too dangerous, for example. I've tried to look up travel websites, reading things that other people have done and would recommend doing and thinking about things that I'd like to do.

WheresMySquishyPosted 12-08-2020 08:46 PM

@Hozzles  Hahaha my sister used to eat sand as a kid. Smiley LOL

ecla34Posted 12-08-2020 08:34 PM

Have you ever helped someone else tick something off their bucket list?


Honestly, not that i can think of! (something to add to my bucket list perhaps :P)

indieinsanusPosted 12-08-2020 08:19 PM

Describe a time when you did something you have wanted to do for a long time.

Well I went to my first music festival last year (spilt milk) and it was really, really fun. I love concerts and live music and had been wanting to go to a music festival for ages, so it was a really great experience for me.

ecla34Posted 12-08-2020 08:20 PM

@indieinsanus that sounds super fun! live music is the best (that was a goal for me this year, to check out more local live music :P)
what bands did you see? 🙂

ecla34Posted 12-08-2020 08:22 PM

@Hozzles that sounds like a really special memory (and a special cheescake too 😉 )

indieinsanusPosted 12-08-2020 08:27 PM

@ecla34 Well there were a lot of acts at the festival but my favorites were ocean alley, lime cordiale and juice wrld. I liked juice wrld and I am grateful I got to see him before his unfortunate passing, I hope he rests in peace.

WheresMySquishyPosted 12-08-2020 08:20 PM

That's so cool @indieinsanus! I've never been to a music festival, only concerts.

ecla34Posted 12-08-2020 08:15 PM

@squiggly @Looking_to_improve @Jane_Rose @MB95 if you're online you're welcome to join in on the chat if you'd like! No worries either way Heart 😄 

ecla34Posted 12-08-2020 08:09 PM

how are you going tonight @Saltwaterdreamtime ? 😄

WheresMySquishyPosted 12-08-2020 07:45 PM

@ecla34  Another thing I've done is using erasable ink to mark the chapter I'm up to. 🙂
I have a 'The last time I did' list as well but it's not very exciting. It's mostly for keeping track of things I don't do often. I was thinking of doing another one for fun things and self-care.

indieinsanusPosted 12-08-2020 07:40 PM

haha, I too have a book-list.

WheresMySquishyPosted 12-08-2020 07:33 PM

Do you have a bucket list? Why/why not?
I've never liked the idea of making a bucket list for some reason. I don't like setting long-term goals because things change all the time. I also like to live more in the moment rather than planning ahead. But I do have a 'Things I'd Like To Try' list with both big and small things on it. I look at it when I'm bored and want to find something to do.

indieinsanusPosted 12-08-2020 07:39 PM

Do you have a bucketlist? Why or why not?

I don't have a set list of things I want to do, because the things I want to do change overtime. I do have some general things I want to do in my lifetime. But its not really a list. I think bucketlists are cool, I made one for this year, but as you can see that didn't go to plan. But I don't take them seriously, because personally I don't like feeling like I have to do something to feel accomplished in a way? if that makes sense?

So in short, not really.

HozzlesPosted 12-08-2020 07:41 PM

Do you have a bucket list? Why/why not?
I agree with everyone, I've never had a physical list of any kind, just a bunch of things I'd like to do eventually. I know ideas change all the time and I'm open to that. I feel like if I wrote a list I'll get anxiety from it and constantly check my progress, which isn't the point of a bucket list at all! 

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