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SLOW-MO GR: Coping with holiday stress (14th to 18th of December)
Hey there everyone!
It's almost the end of the year and for many people that can mean holidays (this might mean a break from school, uni, or work). And holidays means you might be going away, seeing family, singing merry songs and drinking hot cocoa, right?
Well... no. Holidays can be a very stressful time for many, it can remind them of what they might have lost, or what they don't have. It can put all this pressure on people to be happy. It mightn't even be a holiday for many. And yet the blaring of Christmas songs and advertisements encouraging holiday spirit in the public can paint a different picture
So this week, starting Monday we'll be discussing what holidays are like for us and what we can do to cope during tough times in our SLOW-MO GR. Everyone has unique experiences and we would love to hear yours so we can support each other and feel heard 🙂
Each day we'll be posting a new question, so keep an eye out if you're keen to join in!
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Hoping that we are all having a great week, and getting into that festive spirit or holiday mood !
Today's questions will be:
- What are some strategies you will use to cope with stress during the festive season?
- Do you have any holiday-specific self-care ideas?
What are some strategies you will use to cope with stress during the festive season? Do you have any holiday-specific self-care ideas?
For me, one of the most stressful things is probably visiting extended family. Don't get me wrong, I love them all very much, but ... socialising isn't a strength of mine. To help me get through it, I use strategies I would use with other social situations: take a few breaths if needed, make sure I treat myself to some self-care to lift my spirits, etc.
I don't really have any holiday-specific self-care ideas, tbh. I just indulge in the same things I usually do, such as watching tv shows and relaxing. This might be because I don't celebrate xmas, but counting down to the new year always gets me excited. I guess participating in festive activities is in itself a holiday-specific self-care idea, but that's just what I enjoy. I think if you want to keep doing the same self-care tricks during the holiday season, that's totally fine!
What are some strategies you will use to cope with stress during the festive season? Do you have any holiday-specific self-care ideas?
I think just taking breaks from things that I notice are stressing me, making sure I do something I enjoy each day, keeping up with the basics (sleep, exercise, healthy eating, socialising)
As for holiday specific, maybe not buying too much stuff and taking time to connect with family and friends
@Lost_Space_Explorer5 I absolutely agree! It can definitely feel quite pressuring to be involved in everything and show up in ways that use up your energy and take away from your downtime, so it is super important to recognise what you need during this time too. Maybe writing a weekly plan of self-care tasks you want to complete that you know make you feel good, and slotting them in between family gatherings or shopping for example. I definitely vouch for including normal routines into the festive season to steer clear from overwhelm.
Ooo sleep, exercise and healthy eating grab my attention for sure!!!
It's time for our final questions! Thank you so much for joining this GR 🙂 Feel free to reply to any of the questions after this week though, there's no time limit!
What are some important lessons you have learnt about looking after yourself during the holidays? This might be from your own experiences, something you've heard about, etc. Do you have advice for others in how they might maintain some boundaries?

That sounds like a really useful tip @Lost_Space_Explorer5. I am sorry that you had to experience that but it sounds like you have thought about it in a sort-of positive way now which is good to hear
Friday is almost over but that doesn't mean you can't answer these questions! We'd love to hear your thoughts. I'll put up a list for anyone who wants to answer these after this SLO-MO GR
- Are you looking forward to the holiday season? Why/why not? What are your favourite and/or least favourite things about the holidays?
- What does holiday stress mean to you? What can it look like? How can the holidays put extra strain on things people are already struggling with (e.g. family, finance, wellbeing, relationships)?
- What are some strategies you will use to cope with stress during the festive season? Do you have any holiday-specific self-care ideas?
- Do you think there is any pressure to feel a certain way during the holidays, or at the start of a new year? What would a helpful approach to these pressures look like?
- What are some important lessons you have learnt about looking after yourself during the holidays? This might be from your own experiences, something you've heard about, etc. Do you have advice for others in how they might maintain some boundaries?
Thank you to all those who have participated so far 🙂 @featuringme @nixh @ayrc_1904 @Anzelmo @buildingforbetterment
Happy holidays and new year to everyone!
What are some important lessons you have learnt about looking after yourself during the holidays? This might be from your own experiences, something you've heard about, etc. Do you have advice for others in how they might maintain some boundaries?
This is a V good Q! And thanks for linking that chat @featuringme ❤️
I have found that I definitely need breaks to just be by myself and chill during the holidays. When I go away to see fam I will go and have a nap or go read to replenish my soul, and actively do not feel bad or guilty for doing this. So I guess my advice would be - take time for yourself and don't feel bad about it! It's ok to need a break from other humans, and we all deserve to have this need respected.
I've learnt that how you spend your holidays is up to you. If you want a break from socializing and want some alone time, that's fine. If you want to volunteer, that's fine. Whatever you feel like doing, feel free to do it! Setting clear boundaries is a great way to ensure you spend your holidays how you want. I'll put a link to a discussion about boundaries, hopefully this will be useful to anyone who needs it: https://forums.au.reachout.com/t5/Everyday-life-stuff/Setting-Boundaries-Special-Discussion/td-p/390443
Hey everyone! It's time for today's questions! I hope you are all going okay 🙂
Do you think there is any pressure to feel a certain way during the holidays, or at the start of a new year? What would a helpful approach to these pressures look like?
Coping with stress during the holidays looks a little different than my everyday strategies. This is mostly because I am back living with my family over this time rather than in student accomodation. On one hand, being around my family is a stress reliever and on the other it's a stressor in itself, which I think is only natural.
Its difficult for me to be out of my regular routine. So, as self-care, I've been trying to stick to a routine as much as possible. Waking up/going to sleep at the same time, going for walks, making nourishing home-cooked meals.
But most of all I've been trying to not feel pressure to be productive 24/7 after all this is the time when we should all have a chance to RELAX (no guilt attached!)
holiday self care ideas:
-night drives (xmas light looking)
-hot chocolates (extra marshmallows ofc)
-comforting childhood movies
-reconnecting with old friends (can you tell i'm extra nostalgic in the holidays)
take care everyone x
Hey @buildingforbetterment , thanks so much for sharing that - it's so true that family dynamics can be different and a bit stressful over the holidays, especially when you're not used to living together and you're out of your everyday routine. And I LOVE what you say about not feeling hte pressure about being constantly productive, it's so important to be able to give yourself permission to rest!!
Hi guys!! I hope you're having a great start to the week Welcome to day two of our slow-mo GR
Today's questions are:
What does holiday stress mean to you? What can it look like? How can the holidays put extra strain on things people are already struggling with (e.g. family, finance, wellbeing, relationships)?
What does holiday stress mean to you? What can it look like? How can the holidays put extra strain on things people are already struggling with (e.g. family, finance, wellbeing, relationships)?
For me, holiday stress looks like worrying about where I am in life and the holidays always seems to make spending time with family a bit strained for me. I guess because we're seeing so much of each other and I feel there is this pressure to show people how much you care about them with gifts or going to a lot of effort to arrange something. There can be that lack of routine which means sleep can get a bit irregular for me I guess. I've been getting into more arguments with my mum lately over christmas stuff lol. And not wanting to see certain extended family but feeling forced. I guess I can see how holidays can put extra pressure to have perfect relationships and spend money on things you might not need.
^obviously not true haha- people show they care about others in many different ways it's not about the gifts!
Hey @Lost_Space_Explorer5 totally get that holidays making fam relationships feel quite strained, there is this super intense pressure that just magically comes with this time of year! And I really relate to that pressure of getting gifts and worrying if my gift will be good enough then I end up spending so much money and not even really being into the gifts anyway.
I really like that you used that Michael Scott gif and highlighted how people show their care in lots of ways, I think that is super worth remembering ❤️
Tagging some people who might be interested in this chat!
@GioDes @beabea @Mia238 @Sunnybear @belski @jlw13 @Bella2 @nixh @Emlo @mol1912 @James99 @Turtle22 @th967 @Liliann @Macaria @Bubbles99 @Jazz12 @clarii3105 @Shazam @Vespertine @Jeiraffe @Spicypumpkin @buildingforbetterment @JasminH @chillspace
Hi everyone, and welcome to the first day of the SLOW-MO GR! Today's question is:
Are you looking forward to the holiday season? Why/why not? What are your favourite and/or least favourite things about the holidays?
I definitely have mixed feelings about the holidays! Christmas is a time when families and friends get together to celebrate, and that is one of the reasons why I love this season - to be able to surround myself with the people I love. But sometimes, seeing all your family and relatives can be overwhelming, especially if you are like me who travels back home only once a year!
We all know that relatives love to ask questions on how life has been, be it school, relationships, or work. It may feel daunting and possibly even pressurizing to need to feel accomplished or successful in various aspects of life. I just wanted to remind everyone that it is okay to not feel joyous and happy all the time during the holiday season. We have all been through and overcome difficult challenges this past year, and it is absolutely acceptable if we feel the need to have some personal space or indulge in some self-care, even during Christmas 🙂
Are you looking forward to the holiday season? Why/why not? What are your favourite and/or least favourite things about the holidays?
I'll start off the chat, yes I am looking forward to the holiday season this year! Holidays for me are a huge break from the chaos of school and work. I tend to stay at home and relax, rather than going out a lot. That's my fav part of the holidays, just getting some time to recharge and not worry about other things.
My least favourite thing is the expectation that you spend your holidays productively. I feel like with the extra free time we get, society kinda expects us to use it "wisely". A part of me also wants to use my time doing "useful" things, such as cleaning/reorganising my room, cooking all the time, going out all the time, etc. Whilst its important to do things like exercising and maintaining my health, it's totally valid for me to spend my holidays not doing a lot. I don't think I should feel pressured to do "productive" activities just because I have more free time.
@featuringme I absolutely love your perspective on the holidays! It is quite crazy how you spend a whole year working and studying and when you're given a break it is full with activities, celebrations and completing filling up your time! Don't get me wrong, I love the holiday season but I can often forget to stop and have a break, and to use it for my rest time
I am a sucker for a good clean up and re-organisation of my room, so I am all for your plans there haha! I feel a lot of people will be relieved reading your comment, it is a reminder that it is okay to have a break and sometimes do nothing
Yay! I'm excited for this chat 😄
Are you looking forward to the holiday season? Why/why not? What are your favourite and/or least favourite things about the holidays?
Technically I'm already on holidays now lol I mean yes I do like the break from uni and look after myself more. But eventually I end up a bit bored.. My favourite thing is being able to hang out with my friend more. And my least favourite thing is not being able to distract myself by keeping busy
Oh I totally agree with you @featuringme, I hate that expectation that we should be productive. Often I find I'm less productive if that pressure is there haha