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Everyone really is leaving me...
Yeah.. what the title says
My other thread was getting too long so I made a new one, don't mind me
I had to make a new thread after the update so I'm closing this thread for comments. The thread continues here
Bye bye thread, you will be missed 😛
Okay that link didn't work- I'll try again https://forums.au.reachout.com/t5/Something-s-not-right/It-feels-like-everyone-is-leaving-me-Part-3/td-p/425401
For some reason it won't let me edit my posts- like the three dots aren't working so I'll just post again
Welp that link isn't working either. It's called "it feels like everyone is leaving me part 3" Good luck finding it 😅
Hey @Lost_Space_Explorer5 , do you want to have a vent here about what's going on for you at the moment? I'm sorry you're feeling this way, all us mods at Reach Out are here for you
But like now maybe someone on here is leaving *cough* I won't say who and this was like my safety net for supports when I push everyone away.
I'm okay now though, I just had a moment of worrying about that. It's not that big of a deal, I have other supports set up, it just feels like it's a bit personal and the world is having a bit of a laugh at me. But I know that's wrong
Just letting you know that I’m another person that’s here for you if ever you want to chat.
I understand how you might be feeling especially when you’ve been talking with people on here regularly and I’m sorry about your psych and KHL counselors leaving too.
If you can, try and focus on yourself and what you need right now. Others on here often have a lot going on themselves. I know myself, I left for almost a year but have returned now that I’ve sorted out some work and Uni that was getting in the way. That might be the same for others too.
If you can, try not to take it personally. I can hear and read you got on well and that’s great - try and hold on to the times when you guys helped each other through tough times and laughed etc.
Reading your posts, I’m sure there will be many more people eager to talk with you. You are very kind and supportive and have helpful tools to share.
Try and be kind to yourself and where possible, try not to worry about things out of your control (easier said than done, I know).
Hope you have a good night 😊
That is a horrible feeling @Lost_Space_Explorer5 😞 and totally understandable to feel worried and upset. I'm glad to hear you're doing ok now. Is there something chill you could do this afternoon to lift those feelings a bit?
I’m not very caught up on your last thread or what’s going on for you right now, but I’m here if you need.

Maybe we can chat about animals or something? I’ve been making some memes with my dog, because of the way she looks at us sometimes. 😄
Only if you’re up to it

@lost_Space_Explorer5 I'm not too bad, but I'm physically not very well...
I kinda fainted on Friday, and it was not fun. I'm okay now though. 🙂
Its okay, I'll be around still, if you want to chat. 🙂
Pain makes you Stronger, Tears make you Braver, and Heartbreaks make you Wiser. So thank the past for a better future.
I'm sorry to hear you're not well @xXLexi_Lou122Xx , is your doctor trying to treat/manage this problem with you?
(TW) I'm okay @Sophia-RO, just a bit angry and having urges to hurt myself but I'm ignoring them okay. I only really SH if my brain just won't switch off and I'm really desperate to try and stop thinking.. but atm I know this is temporary anger/feeling hurt and I'll get past it and waiting it out will work
But I do have ways to get around this problem, its just annoying, most of the time. 🙂
Are you feeling any better this morning?

I'll be reading on some other threads as well as yours throughout the day, but I probably won't respond until after school. 🙂

@xXLexi_Lou122Xx that sounds like an intense thing to be going through, thanks for teaching us about it. I'm glad you've got ways of getting around it, but it does sound frustrating.
@Lost_Space_Explorer5 sorry you're feeling unsettled today, what are you getting up to today? Is there something that might make you feel grounded?
Also I have heard the Witcher is really good, but also that it is quite scary? I am a major scaredy-cat
I got really triggered by something today- someone was talking in great detail about depression and ED stuff in a lot of detail and I couldn't escape cause this was irl and in a group and I'm feeling quite unsettled from it. It's just made life seem really really bleak
Awww no, I am sorry to hear you had that experience @Lost_Space_Explorer5 I hate when things throw you off like that. Was this a formal group setting or like a group of friends? I am only asking as I am wondering if the group has any support or protocol for when things like that happen? I hope that you have been able to wind down and take care of yourself tonight
Hey @Lost_Space_Explorer5 just want to say good on you for chatting to the group leaders about how you were feeling. Glad you were feeling a bit better afterwards
How are you going tonight @Lost_Space_Explorer5 ? Do you have anything fun planned for this weekend?
I just told mum to piss off and she wasn't even doing anything I just wanted to be alone because I feel like I'm gonna cry and now I feel so guilty 😞
Grief really sucks hey @Lost_Space_Explorer5 I am sorry that you have to go through that again.
We all have times where we get a little snappy especially if we have a lot on our plate. It sounds like tonight has been really crap for you. Did you have a chat to your Mum about what happened/how you have been feeling?