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Three positives of today

Another frequented thread on the old forums. 🙂 
The idea is to look for three positive things about your day whether it's been good or bad.


I'll start it off.

1. I ate some Maltesers and they were very yummy!
2. I got some of my French assignment done. 😄
3. The new ReachOut forums. Am I the only one who was buzzing with excitement when they came on here? 😄 

LightuptheworldPosted 19-07-2012 09:41 PM

Comments (214 pages)

N1ghtW1ngPosted 29-07-2017 09:24 AM
1. Finally finished the book series I was reading so now I can start the next one! Which I have 😛
2. Take out for dinner, I love not cooking.
3. Cleaned up my room (again)
SpiderGirl18Posted 03-07-2017 05:11 PM
Sorry for late response @Bree-RO I was cooking a mushroom risotto.

1. Went to comic con!!
2. Spent some quality time with my partner
3. Had a really nice curry laksa

1. Had a really insightful psychology appointment
2. Watched some of my favourite YouTubers
3. Relaxed in front of the fire
letitgoPosted 04-07-2017 12:52 PM

Hope you had a great time at ComicCon @SpiderGirl18!


For yesterday:


1. Had work in the morning and I didn't sleep in

2. One of my friends called me to chat on her way back from work

3. Was feeling sick, but on the plus side I went to bed really early and am feeling a bit better today!  

lokifishPosted 04-07-2017 05:06 PM
1. Got some cash for participating in research studies
2. Frozen mango smoothie
roseisnotaplantPosted 04-07-2017 05:08 PM
IKR @lokifish. They're so shiny. So beautiful. (And notifications omg this is amazing :P).
lokifishPosted 04-07-2017 05:09 PM
@roseisnotaplant YES! I was so happy when I got my first notification! 😄 Although this means that I shall never get off the games threads hahaha
roseisnotaplantPosted 04-07-2017 05:12 PM
Yeah @lokifish, I think I'm going to be permanently on RO now 😛
lokifishPosted 04-07-2017 05:15 PM
roseisnotaplantPosted 04-07-2017 05:15 PM
@lokifish That must be it 😛
lokifishPosted 04-07-2017 05:19 PM
@roseisnotaplant and so this is how it begins... 😛
lokifishPosted 05-07-2017 03:20 PM
1. Got out of bed
2. Did some more knitting
3. Watched reruns of How I Met Your Mother 🙂
N1ghtW1ngPosted 05-07-2017 04:16 PM

1. Played more Rayman (I am loving that game :D)

2. Listening to the Wonder Woman soundtrack on my phone... so beautiful!

3. It's raining! (totally unexpectedly :P)

j95Posted 20-07-2017 05:45 PM
1. Appointment for my hand went well
2. This is the first time in a week I have felt ok enough to even post on this thread
3. Listening to good music
basketofmonkeysPosted 20-07-2017 07:28 PM
1. Went out with my boyfriend today
2. My lunch was dope!
3. Last day of warehouse working tomorrow
N1ghtW1ngPosted 21-07-2017 09:52 AM
Time to do one for the whole week 😛
1. Went to the Marvel exhibition with a friend I haven't seen in awhile
2. Had a waffle with ice cream!!!! 😄
3. Churros. mmmmm
1. I HAVE A TUTORING OPPORTUNITY!!! :D:D:D:D This is so amazing. I was talking to a parent at ju jitsu about things and then while they were listening, I mentioned to another that I couldn't to a weekend training because of work and the first parent asked me where I work and I talked about how I'm trying to get another job because I'd much rather have a job relating to teaching because I'm studying to be a teacher and they said they were looking for a tutor!! :D:D:D:D I mean, :D:D:D:D 😄 I might even start next week it's fantastic!
yeah no that's basically it from yesterday but I just so need to share that. 😄 (so happy about it) actually
2. (not really yesterday but related to 1.) another parent mentioned they were looking for a new tutor because theirs is finishing uni and guess who they looked to (I'll tell you) it's me! 😄 This is amazing. That's three kids. 😄 I'm so excited.

(rest of the week, generally)
1. I've been mostly getting up straight away rather than staying in bed on my phone for half an hour or more. (although it still needs more work, it's something)
2. I've been going for a walk with a bit of running sprinkled in every morning after I get up and do my morning chores.
3. I got one of my tut's changed so I no longer have two 9am days (only one now) 🙂
letitgoPosted 21-07-2017 03:30 PM

Ah @N1ghtW1ng that's brilliant, congratulations on the tutoring opportunity!


For yesterday:


1. Saw someone from high school on the train & they invited me to join their writing club!!

2. Spontaneously went to a publishing event in the city & got free books out of it!

3. Submitted a short story to a competition


For today:


1. Just wrote around 300 words for my thesis

2. Had work this morning (and one of my co-workers invited me to a production she's part of!)

3. Went to the library this afternoon & I now have plenty to read! 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 21-07-2017 06:05 PM
@letitgo I hope I can figure it out around uni 🙂

Now let's get back on track with today's
1. Finally saw Spiderman: Homecoming (and it was really nice, a bit slow in parts and a bit to stroby at the end (you know what I mean, if you've seen it :P) but still good :)) oh and 1.5- saw it with a friend 🙂
2. Bought a new thing to play with (I'm going to share them with you all. I'll call it my stim box :P)
3. Handed out three resumes. 😄 (which is huge for me because that was so scary) Four if you count the place that doesn't take resumes but guided me to email them online 🙂
4. Mmmmm... Maltesers! 😄
N1ghtW1ngPosted 24-07-2017 11:09 AM
The Weekend:
1. Handed in my two weeks notice to work. (huzzah)
2. Am halfway through my book series,
3. Had some delicious ravoli for dinner last night.
DruidChildPosted 25-07-2017 10:50 AM

Those are awesome positives @N1ghtW1ng Smiley Very Happy


(for yesterday) 

1. A classmate complimented the quote I'd written on my hand

2. I made dr's appointments for the next couple of weeks

3. My teacher asked me to demsontrate a skill and she said I did a really good job Smiley Very Happy

4. Journaling +stickers! 

letitgoPosted 23-07-2017 08:22 PM

For today:


1. Had work this morning & listened to some podcasts

2. Wrote some of my thesis earlier - now have 7,500 words!

3. Read a few chapters of A Shadow's Breath (which I can relate to so much!)

4. Spent some time with my grandma

j95Posted 10-07-2017 01:13 PM
1. Doing some research for Ro's own NAIDOC week, oh yeah, forgot to tell you about that @Ben-RO 😛
2. took dogs for a walk/went to the skatepark
3. put my own art on the skatepark 😛
redheadPosted 10-07-2017 04:08 PM
1. sushi for lunch
2. First physio since surgery. Got my cast off
3. Good nurse this afternoon /evening
lokifishPosted 10-07-2017 08:07 PM

1. Was up early

2. Started sorting out uni shenanigans

3. Got up close to some adorable ducks

letitgoPosted 10-07-2017 08:21 PM

1. Got some writing for my thesis done

2. Got some writing for a short story done

3. Sent off an email I'd been avoiding

4. Had work this morning

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