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Weekly Wellbeing Activity: Meeting new people
For everyone seeing this post, this activity involves introducing ourselves and one interesting thing about each of us. After posting your response, there are some questions that would be good for discussing. These are:
- What are some reasons that you have for wanting to meet someone new?
- What are some strategies you find help with meeting new people?
- What have you found to be most difficult with meeting new people?
It would be awesome to read what people have shared and any advice that comes up from this topic 😄
If anyone has any questions other questions, please post them up. The more we have, the better for this topic!
Hey @Milkninja222 this is such a great post idea to get involved with.
I'm JazzInMay and one interesting thing about me is that I am a total book nerd - and when I visit other peoples' homes, I love looking at their bookshelves and seeing what I've read!!
1. I love meeting new people, I think there's always something to learn from everyone we encounter and there's always that exciting chance they could turn out to totally change your life - by shifting a way of thinking, introducing you to something new or truly sticking it out in the friendship game!
2. I used to be really shy as a kid, so I had to develop a few strategies in my adolescence to take myself out of my comfort zone with new people. When I got my first job I really had to "fake it til I made it" and make myself smile wide and talk with confidence, and it really does help to see that others aren't scary. I moved overseas for several months a few years ago and found that a big smile never goes astray! Then I like to ask them questions about things they like/don't like, which sometimes allows people to open up and ask questions in return and hopefully find some connections to allow for deeper conversations.
3. One of the most difficult things I have found with meeting new people is realising that you're not going to like/connect with everyone you speak to. And not everyone who speaks to me is going to like/connect with me. It can be difficult for me to recognise that at times, but it helps to remind myself that there are people out there who I connect with and there is always that opportunity to find them!
Hi @JazzInMay , welcome to the thread! And the book thing is totally me- I usually look at people's bedside tables or thier bathrooms as well haha!
I really resonate with what you said about connecting with people, sometimes you do and sometimes you don't- sometimes you have to learn this the hard way. But the rewards are great too! How can you tell if you have made a great connection with someone? What are some signs that you personally look for? I'd love to know!
Hi @Tay100 , thank you for the welcome - happy to be here! I totally do the same, I have to check out what people read before bed or on the loo if their books are stored there too!
I find in terms of recognising a connection with another person, often it's just a gut instinct. I really like to listen to what my gut is saying about someone. I also look for how others interact with you - if they make an effort similar to the level you are making to get to know them, such as reaching out to you, or asking questions about you and your life/likes/values/experiences. I find that when people make an effort, they're trying to connect!
I'd love to know what you look for in connections with others too!!
In terms of what I look for in connections, I tend to look at compatibility. People talk about romantic compatibility, but platonic compatibility is just as valid and important! Do we have the same values? interests? similar approaches to things? How do we deal with downtimes? Are they affectionate? Things like that are what I pick up on when forming new connections 🙂
Hey everyone, I really like this activity because I'm starting a new course at a new uni this week so can definitely relate!
- What are some reasons that you have for wanting to meet someone new?
I really want to meet new people because I think you can learn a lot from different people. It's good also to have different groups of people you see at different times because sometimes you might not be on good terms with a friend or group of people for whatever reason, or you might need a break from them. It can take the pressure off needing one person or a group of friends to fulfil all your social/friendship needs. - What are some strategies you find help with meeting new people?
Meeting new people can be quite intimidating if you're in a social situation where you know no one. I recently went to a uni O Day event where I knew no-one. I was really nervous on the day, but I forced myself to go up to some people who were waiting to go into the room and say "Are you here for the course introduction?". From then, I just asked them which stream they were doing in the course and then it sort of broke the ice. I think it's helpful to remember people are probably as nervous as you in that sort of situation, and that they aren't going to be rude or ignore you.
Another tip is to force yourself to go to social events, even if you don't really feel like it. It's super easy to stay isolated if you're a more introverted person, but sometimes it's important to get out of your comfort zone and go with a friend to a party or hangout, or sign up to a class or club so you can meet people with shared interests. If you can't think of anything to talk about with someone, a genuine compliment can be a good way to open a conversation. - What have you found to be most difficult with meeting new people?
It's hard to meet new people if you live in a small town because there isn't a wide range of people, and it can feel like you're not ever going to find 'your people' sometimes. I've experienced this before and it's really hard. Again the most important thing is to try and push yourself a bit out of your comfort zone and go to events and meetups if you can.
@MisoBear that's exciting! what course are you doing if you don't mind my asking?:D
@Milkninja222 really love this idea for a WW activity! Meeting new people is so rewarding but also so so scary! A strategy I have for meeting people where I'm the new person is to push myself from the get-go.I find if I hang back it's really hard to feel comfortable but if I jump in feet first and get a convo going things go a lot more smoothly.
I joined a volunteer group last year, and a few members went out of their way to introduce themselves and make me feel welcome, and it was so helpful! I then stuck my hand up for as many things as possible so that i'd get more settled more quickly (i call it strategic over-commiting lol), which worked well for me. I still get nervous, but I also have had so much fun there! Whenever there are new group members I remember my first meeting and make sure to strike up a conversation, even if it's a bit awkward at first, because I am really grateful to the people who went out of their way to talk to me!
Ahhh this is a great weekly wellbeing activity and I'm glad to participate in one again after so long!
1. What are some reasons that you have for wanting to meet someone new?
Meeting new people is a great way to share experiences, learn more about our world, have fun, and just overall enrich your life!
2. What are some strategies you find help with meeting new people?
Participating in activities and such can really help with meeting new people! Volunteering or joining clubs/associations is also a great way to meet new people and have a lot of fun!
3. What have you found to be most difficult with meeting new people?
Being busy and having to work can make meeting new people a bit difficult. Sometimes after working long hours or studying so much you just want a break to do your own things, and that can make it hard to find the time to meet new people!
Thanks for the responses everyone. Love seeing people partake in this 🙂
I like how everyone has given their input in explaining that meeting others can enrich their lives with new connections and experiences. Which can lead to more opportunities and people haha 😛
And I can sympathise that meeting others can be challenging as well, due to different people valuing different things or having incompatible personalities, and even not having time due to work, study and other commitments. And also finding the right moments for oneself to branch out, as that can involve being vulnerable as well.
What I find awesome about this is that new people are joining in on this thread as well! Awesome as everyone, Welcome and I hope find some awesome information and experiences on this platform!

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Hi there, I'm Tay100! Thanks to @Milkninja222 for getting this going and @Jess1-RO for the tag!
Something you should know about me is that if I'm not studying or chilling, then I'm always, without fail, craving corn chips and salsa!
- What are some reasons that you have for wanting to meet someone new?
I'm was looking to expand my friendship group and thought why not explore the online space to achieve that? You can meet a variety of people on here! - What are some strategies you find help with meeting new people?
Definitely using forums and social media as of late, also trying to meet other friends of my friends because it's easy to meet up and connect with them! - What have you found to be most difficult with meeting new people?
Mmmm....trying to appear likeable, bond with them and pay them close attention whilst still involving the person who introduced us, it's a social balancing act!
hey guys!
my name is blobby!
and i really want a plate of chicken wings right now.
another interesting fact about myself is i am playing rizzo in grease the musical for the second time!
1. i want to meet new people so we can create an even bigger community here on RO!
2. it always helps to be confident and just go meet them and say hello! be kind, gracious and humble! works like a charm (somehow)
3. i am a little shy 🙂 i find it a bit difficult to speak up sometimes, particularly in an environment where i don't know a lot of people.
can't wait to meet some people on this thread!
love blobby ❤️
Omggg I did Grease for our year12 musical, it was legendary! What have your Rizzi experiences been like?
Hey @Milkninja222
Thanks for creating this awesome activity. I think heaps of people here will benefit from reading through everyone's answers I thought I'd get involved in this one.
What are some reasons that you have for wanting to meet someone new?
Meeting new people can change your whole life! Sometimes meeting just one new person can open you up to a whole new group of people, new experiences and perspectives. I can't imagine my life without certain people and I know if I didn't meet them my life would be completely different.
What are some strategies you find help with meeting new people?
This is a great question - I personally find it hard to be myself when I first meet a new person. How I get around that feeling and connect with others despite of this is mainly to ask them questions about their life/views/experiences. That helps me work out what I'm comfortable to share with the person. Sometimes I can see straight away that the person I'm talking to is my kind of friend and I find myself opening up/being myself really quickly 🙂
^ this is me when I finally open up haha
What have you found to be most difficult with meeting new people?
Sometimes when trying to meet new people you're bound to realise that you don't really gel with a certain person or group. I find that difficult at times but I just try to remind myself it's a normal part of life and it's okay to connect with certain types of people 🙂 Awkward moments are bound to happen and in a way it makes it even more special when you do find new people that you enjoy being around.
Hi @Milkninja222 and thanks for making such an awesome weekly wellbeing activity! Can't wait to hear how our community meet new people
Just tagging a few members who have posted this week who might be interested in this activity 🙂
@xXLexi_Lou122Xx @blobby @JazzInMay @liv1611 @Tay100 @ecla34 @Tiny_leaf @recharging_introvert @Bento @Alison5
Feel free to tag other members!
I might sit this one out until I feel motivated to share. But I definitely will reply properly sometime this week! 🙂