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Weekly Wellbeing: Good news stories!

We're constantly being bombarded with negative things happening in the world. Global warming, terrorism, and the forever-increasing cost of living can make the world seem like a pretty crappy place.


But it's not all bad news! In fact, the world is actually safer now than it has ever been!


For this week's weekly wellbeing activity, find a positive news article and share it here. If you need some help, ABC News or the Good News Network are great places to start 🙂


lokifishPosted 03-07-2019 02:35 PM
Janine-ROPosted 04-03-2020 01:35 PM

I've bookmarked that, thanks @Tiny_leaf  - I think I might have taken a few I shared from that section, actually. With so much heavy news in the world lately I find it really helpful to actively seek out happy things. 


My contribution to this thread today is a bit of a different one - it was inspired by Eden1717 's list of activities that included baking.

 Image result for saved by cake marian keyes photos


I was listening the other day to a podcast that was an interview with an author, who experienced a crippling episode of clinical depression, including some psychotic features, and was incredibly unwell for a long time. She's called Marian Keyes,  and is an author I like a lot ( she's an Irish author, looks like chick lit, but is really beautifully written and delves into some massive topics). 


She had a massively debilitating episode of clinical depression 8 years ago, to the point that she was nearly catatonic. She really did not know if she would make it through and certainly didn't know if she would ever write again. 


One of the only things she was able to do was bake. She'd never baked before, but decided to make a cake for a friend, and became a bit addicted to it. She couldn't write, or focus, or do most of the things she usually liked, but found baking to be something she could do. 


She ended up publishing a cookbook called "Saved By Cake", and it's fantastic. Some awesome recipes, and she also talks about how cooking was literally what got her out of bed a lot of the time. It's also a good cookbook and has some great cupcake recipes which I really appreciate!


Saved by Cake by Marian Keyes


This isn't to say that any of this is a "cure", because I think we all know that isn't the case and she certainly says the same. But it definitely reminded me of the power of just doing something, anything that floats your boat, when you feel totally stuck in those really awful places. 


For her, it was about doing what she had to do to survive each day. 

Janine-ROPosted 04-03-2020 02:05 PM

This one is a bit late, but it really made me smile - a lucky homeowner woke up on Valentine's day to discover that they had a brand new genuine Banksy artwork on their wall!! 


The flowers are real ivy, and have been spray painted red. The image below is from the full story, which is here


Personally I'm not the biggest fan of Valentine's day, but I feel like that would be an amazing thing to wake up to! I love Banksy's work and the idea about spreading joy, as well provoking discussion and political commentary, through guerilla art. 


banksy valentines day

Tiny_leafPosted 04-03-2020 02:10 PM

@Janine-RO I just like the phrase "guerilla art".

Janine-ROPosted 10-03-2020 11:53 AM

The news has been a bit depressing lately, so I went looking for a good news story, and had to share this one - that shows the power of the internet to do good, and also has an adorable dog. 


This dog was considered too "weird-looking" to be adopted, because of a problem with its eyelids, personally I think it makes it the most adorable dog ever (and I feel like it's destined to be in a million memes!). After its photo was shared on FB by the shelter trying to find it a home and prevent it being euthanised, it went viral, and they were inundated by people wanting to adopt her - and Jubilee now has a happy forever home. 


Jubilee was rejected by potential owners for years because of her "weird-looking" eyes.

Tiny_leafPosted 10-03-2020 11:59 AM


Also yes that is the stuff that memes are made of. 

Bre-ROPosted 16-03-2020 01:01 PM


We've all been hearing so much news this year. It can get pretty overwhelming, so we continue to use this thread as a space where you can consume some uplifting news. 


In times like this it's really important to remember the power of human spirit and kindness. 


Just in the past few days there have been so many stories that have highlighted the creative ways people are staying connected and showing solidarity while staying indoors to help combat the spread of COVID-19.


In Spain a fitness instructor has been giving people a workout from their balconies here 

A couple in the U.K have started a "viral kindness" campaign to help people in self-isolation with practical tasks and connection. Since 87 groups have formed to help and also to give calls to people, read more here

Balcony singing has taken off in Italy to boost morale - there are some amazing videos here

An Australian volunteer run restaurant called Lentil As Anything are arranging meal deliveries to people in quarantine here


Tiny_leafPosted 16-03-2020 01:19 PM

@Bre-RO I don't have a link but apparently recently stuff went wrong in a wine factory, causing wine to spill into a town's water supply.

Everyone was thrilled.

Except for the wine company...

Bre-ROPosted 16-03-2020 02:19 PM

Hahaha @Tiny_leaf how unfortunate for the wine company - I'm sure people stuck at home were cheering 

Bre-ROPosted 16-03-2020 03:26 PM

Also, just found out about this Social Distancing Festival which has been created for artists everywhere to have a place to showcase their work. 



Janine-ROPosted 17-03-2020 09:55 AM

@Bre-RO  I love that idea so much, it's brilliant! I know a lot of people in the arts communities are going to be doing it really tough with so many major events being cancelled, but I'm loving the innovation and sense of community that is also starting to shine through. 


My good news story for today is in a similar vein - this article focuses on all of the wonderful random acts of kindness that people have been doing in their communities. 



"Neighbourhood buddy systems are springing up across Melbourne as the coronavirus pandemic brings out the best in human nature.

While scenes of fighting over toilet paper and empty supermarket shelves have shown people at their worst, acts of kindness are becoming more common as people reach out to help the elderly and others in need.

People are offering to do shopping, run errands, collect medicine, borrow library books and DVDs and other support during periods of COVID-19 self-isolation or supermarket shortages caused by panic buying." 


To read the rest of the story, click here 


Kate Adamson and her sons; Banjo 11, Rupert 9 and Alastair 6, pin posters up around Elwood's streets offering help to the elderly during the coronavirus pandemic.


I have signed up on a FB group I'm a part of to offer to get groceries, home essentials, or run errands for anyone in my neighbourhood who's not able to leave their house - I am loving seeing so many communities coming together, and realising that it truly is small acts of human kindness that can make a really big difference to how we all cope in a really challenging time. 


It reminds me of this quote, which I've seen circulating again recently..


There are always people helping Heart 


Image result for look for the helpers meme


Bre-ROPosted 17-03-2020 10:04 AM

I love that quote @Janine-RO :') The light in the dark is definitely how communities come together. Funny that sometimes it's these tough times remind us how much us humans need each other. Feeling very grateful for the spirit of humankind this morning and especially for all the brave healthcare workers around the world! 


Janine-ROPosted 17-03-2020 12:52 PM

Absolutely @Bre-RO . I've been thinking a lot of all of the amazing frontline health care workers around the world (including some of my loved ones) - they are absolute heroes in my book. 


One more that I thought people here might enjoy! 


Some Japanese primary school students had their graduation ceremony cancelled due to COVID-19. 


Image result for japanese minecraft graduation


They decided to find another way - and took it on themselves to design an entire graduation hall on minecraft, then all gathered together and held their "graduation" on a minecraft server instead. 


Full story is here 


I love the creativity, problem solving, and happy smile on that little guy's face as he "graduates" with his class. 





Tiny_leafPosted 17-03-2020 12:58 PM

@Janine-RO that's amazing!

Janine-ROPosted 17-03-2020 01:12 PM

@Tiny_leaf  isn't it awesome! 


I love the screenshots, and how happy the kids look. Minecraft sometimes gets a really bad rap among parents, but I really like how it encourages creativity like this (my bigger kid plays but only in creative mode 🙂 ) I also love how a group of 11 year olds showed so much ingenuity and creativity that it's now gone viral and is making people smile all over the world 🙂 


Some more nice images here 


View image on Twitter


Image result for japanese minecraft graduation

Janine-ROPosted 23-03-2020 02:49 PM

Hey guys, I know that I have been pretty desperate for some good news over the last few days, so I thought I would share a few of the things that have warmed my heart lately here: 


This first one is from one of our gorgeous colleagues at ReachOut, she shared this via email with us all today and these are her words:


I just wanted to share something that happened in India yesterday with all of you.
Earlier last week the Indian Prime Minister requested the entire country to applaud those working at the forefront of COVID 19 - such as doctors and emergency workers at 5 pm by clapping and banging pots - and the country came together for just that!
It was amazing for me to witness the immense scale of unity via video call and on social media where everyone I knew stood in their own balconies and terraces and clapped. 
I found the image below on this article, it's originally from twitter  and the tweet that accompanies it reads
"Thank you from the deepest of my heart & soul to all those doctors, nurses, police staff, army soldiers, airline staff, chemist shops and all those working selflessly in this time of global crisis. God bless the world 🙏🏽❤️
Embedded video



I also found this beautiful article about random acts of kindness that have been happening during the COVID-19 outbreak. 


There are so many gems on that page, one of my favourites is a team of people in Italy who worked out how to make new valves for respirators using a 3D printer


3d printer respirator valves


And this beautiful image of primary school students who are making hand-made cards to send to people in isolation


get well soon cards coronavirus


And the final one made me shed a little tear - this husband celebrating his 67th wedding anniversary with his wife, even though they couldn't be physically together






Has anyone else seen any good news stories that they'd like to share? 

Janine-ROPosted 23-03-2020 03:05 PM

Hey guys, I don't normally do this but thought I'd tag in some people who may like some good news stories - and I would also LOVE to read any that you might like to share! I just remembered one more that I will post a bit later too. 


@Tiny_leaf  @Rattata  @MB95  @Anonymous  @xXLexi_Lou122Xx  @trashconverters  @liv1611  @Hozzles  @WheresMySquishy @scared01  @Tay100  @Bananatime04 

Tay100Posted 24-03-2020 12:36 PM

@Janine-RO thanks so much for the tag, I can't wait to see what unfolds here 🙂


Janine-ROPosted 24-03-2020 01:33 PM

I just had to share this one here -if you have a spare 3-4 minutes and some headphones, I highly recommend watching this video!!


Pub Choir is a community organisation based in Brisbane, and they usually do live singing events at pubs (there's similar groups in Sydney too). They weren't about to let such a beautiful shared experience be ruined by a pandemic, so they decided to do a virtual sing-along. People were able to learn the harmonies, then recorded themselves singing, and suddenly, 2 days later, they had created this masterpiece . 1000 people, from all over Australia and other place in the world, singing close to you. 


Here's the video




And here is the story link if you want to read more about this fabulous project - I am hoping to be involved in the next one! 


I also love seeing how this is spreading all over social media, and raising so many people's spirits. So good. 



Janine-ROPosted 25-03-2020 11:57 AM


Hey guys - you may already have seen this, as it went viral over the last few days, but I had to share it here for anyone who may have missed it! 


Melbourne Zoo have been running several live streams on their website so people can enjoy seeing the cute animals while they're in isolation - this legend of a zookeeper decided to give everyone a bit of a treat Heart Heart 


I love how it's now spread across the globe - this is a BBC story about it. Pretty good for a guy who had good moves, a rainbow fan, and decided to have some fun and spread some joy at work 😄

Janine-ROPosted 16-03-2020 01:44 PM

@Tiny_leaf  wait, so wine actually went into the town's water supply?? It sounds like a scene from a movie, I can completely understand the wine company not being entirely thrilled (and I would imagine that watered down wine that's been through pipes may not be so lovely anyway!)


I just found a link - looks like a very surreal day!! Thanks for sharing that one!

Screenshot of wine from taps


Janine-ROPosted 16-03-2020 12:16 PM

Hey all! 


I don't know about you guys, but I have been finding myself seeking out as many good news stories as I can lately. 


Here's two I really loved and wanted to share here! 


This first one is a flyover done in Italy, to the music of "Nessun Dorma", for no other reason than to uplift and spread hope among people who are currently in quarantine. I highly recommend watching this one with the sound turned up!!!


Italy video


#Repost: @pennylovellstylist
While Italy is on quarantine, the Italian Air Force flies a single jet, representing the virus, to meet other jets that stream the colors of the Italian flag while Pavoratti's Nessun Dorma that has the lyrics "we shall overcome" plays. Sound up and 😭😭😭 🇮🇹. (Via @girlsreallyrule1 on Twitter) #italianairforce #weshallovercome


Nessun Dorma sing alongs and plane 



 And in a similar vein, there's been a lot of stories going viral about Italians lifting each other' s spirits with sing-alongs across their balconies, while they are at home being quarantined. 


This is a nice wrap up here


Italy Siena sing alongs


It feels like a week where good news stories could be really helpful - does anyone else have any they'd like to share? We would love to read them!! Heart Heart Heart 


Image result for look for the positive meme

Janine-ROPosted 07-01-2020 03:31 PM

@MB95  I'm glad that story resonated with you, I thought it was such a simple, but brilliant, idea. 


I did a bit of digging and found a hashtag that they use on twitter, #DecemberLetters, that the organiser of the project uses. It looks like she's a mental health advocate with a lot of lived experience - it started in Melbourne but there's now people writing and sending cards from all over Australia. There's a short video on it here




MB95Posted 30-12-2019 01:20 PM

This thread is amazing guys!! 😍


@Janine-RO I think your post about the handwritten christmas cards is my favourite - really touched my heart. I wonder how we can get involved.. 

Andrea-ROPosted 24-12-2019 10:48 PM

I thought this would be a sweet news story to share, especially since cherries are my favourite fruit :)) 


The Cherry season in Tassie was delayed because of the cold weather, but because of it they've had the best season in years, and just in time for the holidays Smiley Very Happy

MisoBearPosted 16-12-2019 05:17 PM
Those pictures are amazing!

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