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WW Activity: Random Coping Strategy Game!

The credit for this week's activity goes to the wonderful @gina-RO!


We all love our games here on RO (click here if you're keen to play more) so this should be lots of fun 😛


Random Coping Strategy Game! 


The game is: 

1. Pick a number from 1 to 29. 

2. Now pick a number from 1 to 10. 

3. Now go to THIS THREAD. 

4. Go to the page number according which number you chose in point 1 

5. And count down the page post by post until you reach the number you chose in point 2. 

6. Do this coping strategy!  - If the exact post you reach isn't a coping strategy go to the post below, or until you find a strategy. 


Share in this thread which strategy you got! 

Repeat the exercise! 


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lokifishPosted 17-04-2019 10:21 AM


BeePosted 22-04-2019 04:05 PM

Love the idea @gina-RO
I picked 7 and 8, and got a Yogic Breathing technique from @ElleBelle Which I think is quite awesome! I have done similar to this before so I'm going to remember this for work this week (Because things are going to be very busy for me, after my Easter break 😛 )


"76. Inspired by @Ben-RO's breathing technique, I want to add Yogic Breathing aka Pranayama! My favourite is to lie on the floor and think of your breath like a wave. Inhale and try to fill up the bottom of your belly with air, then slowly let it rise up to fill your rib cage and up to your neck. Then exhale and push the breath out from the top until you get back down to the bottom of your belly. Repeat as necessary until you feel rad!"

gina-ROPosted 30-04-2019 04:43 PM

Love reading all the random things people got up to  - hope @redhead  found some goodies at kmart!

@Bee  that is so fascinating  - love learning new  breathing techniques. @ElleBelle Heart

@ILikeCats22 @letitgo did you both get a croissant / more than 1?? I also love croissants! 

@LovesFood - keeping you accountable - did you do your three??

And @queenP I'm guessing by your laughter that you didn't get a tattoo haha! A tattoo is something that needs a bit more thought than just a random game like this!! 


I know i'm a bit late to this one, but I'm going to give it a go - 

I got 15, and 6 - 

"Hmmm Tim Tam therapy Smiley Happy"


I can definitely get on board with that! I'll be sure to buy tim tams on my way home!


Whos' up for round two???





BeePosted 03-05-2019 09:24 PM

I chose 25 and 3  which got Reading or writing some poetry. Or lyrics if you're musical. 

I did some journalling yesterday, but that feels triggering now, so I'll pick another number.


page19 and post 8...

170. Youtube (specifically cat videos) Smiley Tongue

171. Sit under a tree on the grass and watch the clouds


Seeming as it's dark, I could look at stars 😛 , But I think I'll go watch some cat videos soon 🙂 

Bre-ROPosted 08-01-2020 03:21 PM

It's 2020 and we are pumped to get stuck into our first weekly well-being of the year. We will be trying something a little different.. 



As there are so many amazing well-being activities that we have done over the past year, it only makes sense to revisit some of them. New members of the community will have a chance to check out old well-being threads and it can also serve as a reminder for our long term members 🙂 


So this week we're going to have fun with the Random Coping Strategy Game 


The game is: 

1. Pick a number from 1 to 29. 

2. Now pick a number from 1 to 10. 

3. Now go to THIS THREAD. 

4. Go to the page number according which number you chose in point 1 

5. And count down the page post by post until you reach the number you chose in point 2. 

6. Do this coping strategy!  - If the exact post you reach isn't a coping strategy go to the post below, or until you find a strategy. 


Share in this thread which strategy you got! 

Repeat the exercise! 

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 11-01-2020 06:25 PM
My numbers are 5 and 5.
I got 'write your thoughts down even if they don't make sense'.

I'm currently listening to music so my thoughts are all on the lyrics.

Listening to Symphony by Switch and Dillon Chase. Such a wonderful song reminding me that everything will be okay. Love this song!
HozzlesPosted 13-01-2020 02:49 AM

I'm so glad for this, sometimes I forget I can always go back on WW when I miss them that week, and I end up feeling like I missed out 😂. Hopefully this encourages people to look through old threads, find more coping strategies and see what works!

18 and 7... I got "Make a ReachOut  Zine on the forums and then print it!". Maybe too big of a project for my energy levels at the moment, but I started getting ideas as soon as I read it! 😂

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 13-01-2020 09:39 AM
I chose 15 and 10:
136. Copy some mandalas from online in your sketch book.

Not really a Mandala person. I preder to justa sketch things rather than colour in. Maybe I'll just do some drawing instead... 🙂

// You are worth Something, not Nothing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise //
BeePosted 08-01-2020 11:14 PM
My numbers today are 10 and 3, lets see what I get 🙂
81: Cook a healthy meal, I've already had my meals today, but I did have a healthy microwave meal by Super Foods at lunch
Coincidentally right under that, #82: Take your meds, reminded me to take my night meds! Late again, but that's done 🙂
SomeoneNADJSPosted 09-01-2020 12:36 AM

[R] Page 13, post 7, and I got a meme thread.

drpenguinPosted 09-01-2020 01:28 PM
Haha i chose 14 and 5 and I got go to a playground and swing on the swings! 😄 Sadly I don't live near any playgrounds in the city so I'll probably have to do that when I go visit my grandma or friends!
LovesFoodPosted 01-05-2019 08:16 PM

@gina-RO Almost!! I did number 1 and 3 (lit a scented candle and watched cute animal videos haha) but I didn’t do trivia or general knowledge ahhh. I’ll have to do better next time! 


Love this thread though 

ILikeCats22Posted 20-04-2019 09:24 PM

I got "Eat a croissant... but just 1" I love croissants so I may be eating more than 1 Smiley LOL

LovesFoodPosted 17-04-2019 11:41 AM

I got three in the one post:


1. light a scented candle 

2. trivia, general knowledge and brain teasers

3. watching videos of cute animals


I love all of these, will definitely be doing them 🙂

redheadPosted 17-04-2019 06:50 PM
Go shopping at Kmart.,..I'll be doing this Friday hopefully.
letitgoPosted 19-04-2019 12:19 PM

I got eat a croissant (or two :P) but since I'm trying to be vegan, I'll give that one a miss and try again later! 🙂

queenPPosted 17-04-2019 10:51 AM

HAHAHAHAHA I just got 'get a tattoo' courtesy of @redhead

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