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Wellbeing Wednesday - Affirmations!



I've recently bought a deck of affirmation cards from Kikki-K and am loving how these simple cards can bring so much positivity so easily! So I thought perhaps we could post some affirmations that we find inspiring on our forums!




For those who are unfamiliar with affirmations, affirmations are statements that one says over and over again encourage positivity and self-empowerment.


This week's activity:

1. Come up with your own affirmations, OR find affirmations written by others that you like and find inspiring

2. Post them into this thread!

Esperanza67Posted 27-02-2019 09:24 AM


BeePosted 03-03-2019 04:22 PM

@Esperanza67  this is amazing! I love it soo much!


@queenP that sounds so special!!! Heart


@gina-RO  I have previously loved the content you've shared from Janellesilver and have followed her on instagram! So great! Also really loving that you make your own affirmations Heart


@Jess1-RO I absolutely love both of those Disney quotes! The Dr Sues one was one of my lines in my year 12 drama major back in the day Heart 


So at first, I thought that affirmations didn't really have a place in my life but when I stopped and thought about what an affirmation is - a statement to encourage positivity and self-empowerment, I realised that there are times in my everyday life were I do give myself affirmations to get through, some I can recall of recent are

"Slow down, take your time, it doesn't matter if it takes more than a second"

"Just breathe" 


And as I was thinking about writing this just now I've been looking at my whiteboard of magnets and there are 3 which make me smile all the time.


profound oppourtunity.jpg

This one is a strip of paper which I've blue-tacked to my whiteboard; I found this in a library book at TAFE while studying several years ago. I remembering finding it as I flipped the page to continue reading the topic and there it was. It just made me smile and it was what I needed at the time. I kept it because it was a nice surprise and it made me feel warm inside.



This one is an actual magnet. I had seen it in a local bookstore and I just loved the floral patterning and the metallic shiny writing. Believing in myself is something which I have trouble with at times, so this just spoke to me. It was a gift to me to remember that I am worthy enough to achieve greatness and to believe in myself Heart



And this one, another magnet. I have always loved this affirmation. I think it speaks for itself, but to me, it also follows a similar idea to the first one.

Esperanza67Posted 04-03-2019 12:33 PM
Those are some beautiful affirmations @Bee ❤️
ecla34Posted 04-03-2019 03:22 PM

@Esperanza67 i loooove this WW activity! Heart

My contribution is gonna add a whole heap of cheese so my sincerest apologies  😉


If anyone likes Escape the Fate they might recognise these lyrics 😛 

I am strong, I am weak

I am everything between.

I am proud to be me,

I am human. 


Another affirmation that I find helpful when I need to literally force myself through a hard situation is: I am strong. I am brave. I have got this. (the extent to which i ever truly have "got this" is debatable haha Smiley LOL 

spacejamPosted 28-02-2019 01:27 PM

Love this thread! One of my go-to affirmations that I love to start my day off with:

“ What a good day to have a good day 🙂

It’s really simple, but it really helps me on those days when I’m rolling out of bed tired and not feeling it. Makes the day start off on a positive note and with promise! 

HozzlesPosted 28-02-2019 08:55 PM

Aww, thanks for tagging me in this thread! Smiley Happy

One that instantly came into mind was this quote from The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath:
Sometimes, you just need to ground yourself and know you are there, alive, and living in the moment. Our hearts are doing so much to keep us here yet most of the time we don't even notice. I'm sure there's a thousand interpretations of this quote outside it's literary context (I've seen some cool tattoos of it!), but that's how I like to take it.

Jess1-ROPosted 01-03-2019 11:17 AM

Loving these affirmations! Heart

trashconvertersPosted 01-03-2019 11:57 AM

I'm thinking I should write these down and stick em on my wall!

Jane_RosePosted 28-02-2019 12:07 PM

Thankyou @Esperanza67 for making this thread, I absolutely love the idea, and thank you @Jess1-RO for tagging me so that I didn't miss it Heart 

I think my all-time favourite one is written below, I'm not sure if it counts as an affirmation because it's more of a quote but I read it all the time:
"You have such a beautiful light to offer this world. Each and every day, the universe looks forward to when you awaken and are able to contribute all of your many gifts!"  - Nicole Addison 

letitgoPosted 04-03-2019 09:33 PM

Thank you for tagging me @Esperanza67!


One of my favourites comes from To Write Love on Her Arms: You are important. You are loved, and you are not alone. 🙂 

queenPPosted 27-02-2019 11:17 AM

I love this thread!


When I was in high school, my Mum used to sneak into my room in the mornings before I woke up and she would stick a post-it note with an affirmation on it on my cupboard doors. Eventually, both sides of the doors were filled with colourful paper and wonderful words. I would wake up and read them first thing every morning, and it was a great way to start the day. 


This was my all time favourite:


You are enough. 

gina-ROPosted 27-02-2019 03:29 PM

I love that @queenP ! 


mantras are so powerful - I'm a big believer in them. I like to come up with my own , and often write new ones for the week in a note in my phone. 


I like this one at the moment: 

I accept myself and my life fully right now. 


There's a few great instagram accounts that I follow for amazing mantra reminders.

Alex_Elle is one: 




and Janellesilver 




trashconvertersPosted 27-02-2019 04:18 PM

I used to listen to the horror-comedy podcast 'Welcome to Night Vale' and there was a phrase that came up a lot that I still tell myself today:


"Past performance is not an indicator of future results"


Simple and boring, but very valuable advice.

Esperanza67Posted 27-02-2019 05:21 PM
I'm loving everyone's affirmations that they've shared on this thread so far!

One of my favourite affirmations is: "I am enough. I am everything.", which an affirmation that I came up with a while ago.

I'm also going to tag a few other members who might be interested in this week's activity: @scared01, @redhead, @aebarrie12, @letitgo, @Bee, @lennycat2017, @N1ghtW1ng, @lokifish, @Bananatime04, @dncinginthedirt

lennycat2017Posted 27-02-2019 10:20 PM

@Esperanza67 Thank you for creating this thread! Some of these affirmations are so beautiful. 


My favourite is probably: My strength is greater than any struggle. 

Jess1-ROPosted 28-02-2019 09:27 AM

Absolutely love this thread @Esperanza67


Some of my favourite affirmations come from children's books Smiley Happy


Winnie the Pooh: "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think"


I also love some of Dr Suess' quotes: "Today you are you, and that's truer than true. There is no one alive more youer than you"


Jess1-ROPosted 28-02-2019 09:42 AM

Just tagging some of our new builders who might be interested in this week's Wellbeing activity Smiley Happy @WheresMySquishy @Shwe @spacejam @Posie22 @Jane_Rose @Hozzles @Ladybug @Raquel326 

scared01Posted 28-02-2019 10:47 AM
thank you for sharing, these are all great. 🙂

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