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I spend my Sundays unwinding and spending hours reading books. Share your favourite books here!


The last book I read: 12 Years A Slave- Solomon Northup

  • Page turner! Very graphic, couldn't bring myself to watch the movie :3


The book I am currently reading: Love Without Limits- Nick Vujicic 

  • Very inspirational!


Books I want to read next: The Alchemist-Paulo Coelho 

  • Apparently a good read, can't wait to start it


What are your favourite books? Share your recomendations here 



jvknPosted 01-02-2015 05:05 PM

Comments (24 pages)

May_Posted 12-10-2016 07:01 PM
This has probably been mentioned but 1984 by George Orwell
BirdeyePosted 14-10-2016 08:02 AM
@May_ I'm not sure if it has been, but either way no harm in mentioning such a great book again! 🙂 I've only read a few of Orwell's things (including 1984) but I've really loved them.
May_Posted 14-10-2016 04:15 PM
@Birtheye true! What other ones would you recommend? I haven't read any others although animal farm has been on my list for years...
BirdeyePosted 15-10-2016 05:11 AM
@May_ Animal farm was the first of his I read, it's quite short and easy and is probably what first got me very into such books, so absolutely get onto that!
A Clergyman's Daughter I feel would also be a pretty interesting one to read. Or if you wanted to continue more on the political side his more autobiographical works may suit you better.
ShadowPosted 14-10-2016 05:53 PM

When Breath Becomes Air- Paul Kananithi

Bree-ROPosted 14-10-2016 09:00 PM

@Shadow I have heard good things about that book Smiley Happy

If anyone loves animals (particularly wolves/kinships with dogs) this was a great read on the meaning of life through the companionship of a wolf.

letitgoPosted 25-10-2016 05:17 PM

Thanks for the recomendation @Bree-RO!


I've been scrolling through Brotherhood Books lately. A cheap, online, second-hand book store which I'd recommend to all book lovers! 

peppermintpeonyPosted 02-11-2016 11:49 PM

Really looking forward to having the time to read lots when my uni semester is over (as of tomorrow evening! Eee!)! I'll have to peruse this thread for ideas.

letitgoPosted 14-10-2016 08:51 PM

Oooh, I don't think I've heard of When Breath Becomes Air, @Shadow! Will check it out!


Just wanted to jump in here to announce that I found Burial Rites by Hannah Kent at K-Mart for $9 today. It made my day, haha! 

May_Posted 12-10-2016 06:12 PM
My favourite book is The Beach by Alex Garland !
letitgoPosted 09-10-2016 12:06 PM

As soon as I saw this thread, I knew I had to join in. Books are the best!


I'm currently reading The History of the Rain by Niall Williams and I love the way it's written so far. The best book I've read recently would be Jasper Jones. It's like an Australian version of To Kill a Mockingbird and I'd love to hear from anyone else who's read it!!


I'm Laura, by the way! Hope to get to know some fellow bookworms!  

Chessca_HPosted 09-10-2016 05:45 PM

Just finished reading Where Am I Now? by Mara Wilson, a really interesting look into her experiences with mental health issues her life post-Matilda!

peppermintpeonyPosted 19-09-2016 09:22 PM

I'm reading a bit of a menagerie of books at the moment.


- Confessions of a Sociopath, by M.E. Thomas - Self explanatory.

- Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson - A self-help type book that I'm finding to be interesting. Self help isn't a usual genre of mine, but this one is really quite personally insightful and so I'm enjoying it.

- A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara - (Major potential to be highly triggering) A long novel. A beautiful, but masochistic read. HAS ANYONE READ THIS TOO? This book destroyed me for a while. The second time I read it, I couldn't bring myself to read to the end of the last chapter... So I've started from the beginning for a third time. 


I read on Kindle (I used to be one of *those* irrationally sentimental people who eschewed eReaders, but was gladly converted), and have downloaded the samples for a couple of 2016 Man Booker Prize shortlisted books: The Tidal Zone, Eileen, and Do Not Say We Have Nothing. Hope I'll become absorbed by one of these. It's so nice to have a great, meaty book to come home to at the end of the day.

RandomNamePosted 18-09-2016 03:20 PM

Ooh I absolutely loved reading the Tomorrow when the war began series by John marsden. 🙂

I believe there were 6 or 7 books in the whole thing. I admit, it was VERY hard to put down and I was often reading from 4:00pm to around 1:00am. Would definitely read it again. 😉

lokifishPosted 19-09-2016 03:58 PM

@RandomName John Marsden is one of my favourite authors! 😄 have you read The Ellie Chronicles? It's a trilogy which is set after the TWTWB books and is about how Ellie adjusts after the war ends.


I'm now reading the original Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Even though they were written nearly 150 years ago they're still so damn magical

BirdeyePosted 20-09-2016 03:44 PM

@lokifish those stories are so so so good, to me at least. It's been a few years since I read them but they instantly became my faves. I should read through them again. I think I'll probably like them even more now that I'm older.

@RandomName As my above response should show, yes. Absolutely worth. But, if you either don't like detective stories or don't do well with older prose styles then they might not be for you.


@peppermintpeony On what sort of issues is A Little Life triggering? From what you've just said I am greatly intrigued. 

peppermintpeonyPosted 20-09-2016 07:42 PM

@lokifish I'd be wary of themes around abuse, neglect, assault, self harm, suicidality, and homophobia... eep! it can be quite full on.

stonepixiePosted 23-09-2016 01:07 PM
I'm actually reading "The happiness trap" at the moment. I am finding it really helpful. 🙂
PeanutJelly148Posted 25-09-2016 05:11 PM

My favourite book is "a horse called hero" by Sam Angus. he is also the aurthur of "soldier dog" which i havent read but want to. 
Hero, is an amazing book, "war took his hope, a horse gave him courage"
I've read it over and over and its still my favourite book. I highly suggest it if youre looking for a novel to read. 

RandomNamePosted 20-09-2016 03:52 PM

I've honestly never really read one of them types of books before so I wouldn't know. I'll give it a try anyway 😉
lokifishPosted 20-09-2016 05:47 PM

@RandomName @Birdeye they're AMAZING. I can't believe I've never read them until now. Definitely give them a read! 🙂

RandomNamePosted 19-09-2016 04:54 PM
Yes actually I just started reading the first one of the Ellie chronicles but had to sadly return it to the library haha.
Got up to chapter 8 and will re-borrow it further this week for when we're traveling 🙂

Are the Sherlock Holmes ones worth borrowing?
N1ghtW1ngPosted 18-09-2016 12:16 PM
@Birdeye @lokifish it's the worst. Sometimes my books have pauses in a single chapter, the ~~ kind of pause, so I'll check the time and stop there. But when on the train, I check my stop every chapter end to see if I can make it 😛
BirdeyePosted 18-09-2016 07:20 PM
@N1ghtW1ng Yep, I've thought about it and realised that I have tried reading on particularly long train rides - ones going to different cities that are going to take at least an hour, but each time I think I've ended up spending the last half an hour at least not reading out of fear that I'd get there way sooner than I'm thinking. Maybe I need to learn to trust estimated times more.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 16-09-2016 08:51 PM
@Birdeye I'm not fluent, so a lot of it is memory but it's nice when I can understand bits 😛 So long as I have music, it's easy enough. And people need to not be near me either. It gets stressful when people sit next to me. Those of you in QLD, I think all the QLD trains are the same and they are tiny. 😛
I've also pulled out Eon (it's a book about a girl pretending to be a training to be a dragoneye) such a good book!

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