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There's skateboarding, there's football, there's books and now there is drawing! 😄


So, I need to draw daily and I need inspiration. Similarly to my other goals thread (wherever that went :P), this thread I am asking you to give me something to draw and I shall try and then I will share it here. Whether it's terrible or not, whether I scribbled over it or not. I think this is what I need, to share what I draw with people and build myself up. 🙂 Also, if you want to draw something suggested here and share it too, please do! We can never have enough art 🙂


Got any ideas? 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 25-07-2017 09:27 AM

Comments (9 pages)

ChacupussPosted 12-04-2018 07:12 PM

Thank you! Sorry I haven't been here for a while, just been sidetracked with other things lately, and yes I have talked to people about these problems, which some of them have been solved!


My drawings have improved a lot lately, Here's a few that I have done a while ago!

From a Tool song called Schism, I think these are called "Parasites"From a Tool song called Schism, I think these are called "Parasites"Some sort of dragon spirit thing, I'm not sure what exactly....Some sort of dragon spirit thing, I'm not sure what exactly....                                        

I know these are supposed to go in the art thread, but I'm not sure how to post them exactly....

N1ghtW1ngPosted 13-04-2018 04:31 PM

@Chacupuss those are amazing! 😄 

TOM-ROPosted 12-04-2018 07:38 PM

Those are mint, @Chacupuss! The one on the left reminds me of Pan's Labyrinth somehow... 


Awesome that drawing and talking have helped you solve some problems. Keep doing what works!


I'll move this to the art thread so it gets the eyes it deserves! (/pun).


N1ghtW1ngPosted 12-08-2017 07:25 PM

Part one of my Winnie the Pooh project, modelling clay!

Winnie the Pooh (no head).jpg

(Yes he's missing a head, I ran out of yellow :P)

TOM-ROPosted 12-08-2017 08:07 PM

@N1ghtW1ng that is awesome!!! I love it 😄 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 12-08-2017 08:29 PM


I gave him a Hunny pot (without any hunny because no yellow :P)


TOM-ROPosted 12-08-2017 08:51 PM

Wow!!! It looks amazing already- super impressive. Do you do this in a pottery type class @N1ghtW1ng

N1ghtW1ngPosted 12-08-2017 08:56 PM
Actually @TOM-RO I bought some modelling clay yesterday from the reject shop just cause and decided to make a winnie the pooh. I'm glad you like it 🙂
mspaceKPosted 12-08-2017 09:23 PM

I love how quickly that is coming along 🙂 @N1ghtW1ng nice job! How long did that take you? 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 13-08-2017 10:41 AM
Thanks @mspaceK 🙂 It didn't take me very long at all. Now I've just got to decide when to buy more modelling clay. Either Friday, or perhaps thursday... decisions, decisions 😛
mspaceKPosted 13-08-2017 10:45 AM

🙂 oh that is a few days away. See how you go when it's closer to the days @N1ghtW1ng


After I have done good progress on my assignments I can attempt a new drawing project. 🙂 

mspaceKPosted 19-08-2017 12:32 AM

My sketched version of Crash Bandicoot and Draik ----> sketchofCrash and draik.jpg

Coloured version ---> colouredsketch of crash and draik.jpg

well... i tried. 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 19-08-2017 08:46 AM
Those look awesome @mspaceK! 🙂 Crash Bandicoot looks amazing coloured in! 🙂
mspaceKPosted 19-08-2017 09:56 AM

Thanks @N1ghtW1ng. My next drawing project is going to involve butterflies that @scared01 gave me inspiration for on one of my other threads. What are you working on at the moment?

N1ghtW1ngPosted 19-08-2017 10:34 AM
Nice @mspacecK 🙂 Now that I've finished the clay Tigger and Pooh (I'm not going to change Tigger, he's just gonna have to live with his big mouth :P) I might do a Piglet, but I still want to do the other kinds of Pooh bears, like pencil, colours, paint, watercolours, etc.
mspaceKPosted 20-08-2017 12:15 AM

@N1ghtW1ng I'm really looking forward to seeing them. 🙂 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 21-08-2017 11:54 AM

Alrighty right so I accidentally abandoned the "draw different kinds of winnie the pooh's" because I enjoyed messing around with the clay so much. What do you think?



Eeyore's probably going to join him next so I can use some blue and purple. Although I can't decide whether to use the white clay and make the colours lighter (you can see the purple and blue in the honey pot) (will probably make the purple lighter :P) Or should I make him grey? Oh so many decisions! 😛 I hope you like Piglet! His head was a pain though 😛

imsoconfusedwithmylifePosted 22-08-2017 08:35 PM
Wow this is so good
scared01Posted 25-08-2017 02:53 PM

they are awesome @N1ghtW1ng!! they are really cute


hello everyone @imsoconfusedwithmylife@honky@mspaceK@RevzZ has anyone started new projects?


@mspaceK hows your new drawing project going?


@Ben-RO have you done any art recently?

mspaceKPosted 25-08-2017 10:26 PM

@redhead I really like that. It is like it is luring me in kinda. 


@scared01 no, sorry not at the moment. The last thing I did was Crash. I do want to do the butterfly or another neopets character drawings but i'll see what I can do. I want to try and maybe try something on paint online on some kind of program. Anybody know good drawing programs? 

scared01Posted 26-08-2017 01:33 PM

thats ok @mspaceK 

hopefully something comes to mind soon 🙂

mspaceKPosted 04-09-2017 02:50 PM

Hey everyone! 


Working on any new projects at the moment? I'm planning to try a butterfly picture soon after I work on my uni stuff. 🙂 



scared01Posted 04-09-2017 03:39 PM

2.jpgthis is my first attempt at a painting. i dont generally paint but i brought some acrylics and took a crack at it today. and tips and pointers would be great too if anyone has any

mspaceKPosted 04-09-2017 03:54 PM

I love that @scared01. 🙂 It's so bright and colourful. 😄


@N1ghtW1ng That's so good. I'd love to see them. No actually, I haven't done any art at all recently. I've been really preoccupied with reading and playing games on my computer. I'm planning to do a butterfly picture though. Maybe - I'll aim to do one before the end of this week. 🙂 

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