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Fitness/body strength challenge/comp

I'm terrible about titles but anyway....

So I was talking to @Ben-RO about TIP and ideas about how to do intense exercises in a confined space /hospital.

Ben told me about the hollow body hold. I then thought it would be a good idea to challenge the forums and me to see how long we could do it. This comp is just for a bit of fun and don't be distraught if your no as good as others, challenge yourself to just improve your time.

So what is the hollow body hold?
This is the best explanation I found on Google, look it up if you're still confused, and I'm sorry I can post pictures from my phone.
Lie down flat on your back and contract the abs, pulling the belly button towards the floor. The arms and legs should be held straight out from the body with hands and toes pointed.
Slowly raise shoulders and legs from the ground. The arms and head should be raised along with the shoulders. The lower back must remain in contact with the floor.
The goal is to find the lowest position that you can hold the arms and legs, without them touching the floor and without breaking lower back contact (the point at which the lower back begins to arch from the ground).

Once you do that the next challenge is the arc body hold.
It's pretty much the opposite of hollow body hold - you lie on your stomach and raise arms and legs.

It's good to do both and stretch and train different muscles

@Ben-ROtold me he could do a min 😮

Me I last 10 seconds

Go for it guys, have fun and challenge yourself. Also these exercises are good for fitness, strength and even your mental health.

redheadPosted 14-02-2017 07:02 PM


RobertoDeniroPosted 02-12-2020 09:38 PM

Indeed, very good exercises for training, I probably will take note of them, I also want to say that in general it is very difficult to find good exercises on your own, I mean without a coach, and this can increase the training time in achieving your desired result.

hungincPosted 03-12-2020 10:45 AM

@RobertoDeniro Agreed. I was lucky in the sense that I found reptuable resources that have helped me immensely in terms of my training. These include exercises that would help me gain strength efficiently and quickly.

Chessca_HPosted 17-02-2017 05:11 PM

Just reading about this made my abs hurt, so I'm not too optimistic to see how trying it would go for me. I'll still try it later anyway 😛

May_Posted 25-02-2017 08:25 PM
I just gave it a go....can't believe you can do it for over a minute @Ben-RO 😮
Animallover2003Posted 26-03-2020 04:17 PM

My excersise I do is jogging, I do it 3 times a week. 😆 

Because of this bloody corona virus, I hope they won't make it so we're in lockdown and CANNOT leave the house. :c That'll just suck, I won't be able to exercise :C

Taylor-ROPosted 26-03-2020 09:45 PM
Heya @Animallover2003, I have been thinking how lovely the weather has been as I have been running outside as well! You can also exercise indoors especially if it is raining or if we do have to go into lockdown. There are a few dancing, boxing and HIIT programs out there Smiley Happy
KhajiitPosted 29-03-2020 09:11 AM

Alright, team. Here it comes.


This is my daily work out and now, my challenge to you:

100 x push-ups

100 x star jumps

100 x squats

100 x sit-ups

300 x weights


My fastest time: 35 mins.


Hehehehehe. But. We can start small. 20 push-ups.


That's my challenge to you!~

Assuming that's what the thread is for. Pls don't bite me xD

Maddy-ROPosted 21-05-2020 02:34 PM

I just read the original/first post of this thread and want to try the "arc body hold"...i have tried the opposite way around (i.e., "super man hold") but never this! I'll time how long I can do it for...


@Khajiit... 100 push ups is a lot! I've been working on my push ups but still perfecting them. My upper body strength is pretty poor so... I find it hard to get close to the ground when I do them so yes...currently practicing but far away from being able to do do 100 PROPER pushups in 1 go!

redheadPosted 14-02-2017 09:20 PM
@roseisnotaplant it was Ben's idea. And yep ouch.
I want to be able to train myself to get better but procrastinating is kinda taking over lol.
Ben-ROPosted 15-02-2017 10:45 AM

Hehehe thank you for making this thread @redhead!


Here's a pic





Remeber you have to lift enough for your shoulder blades to be off the ground or it doesn't count 😛


Also the less you extend your arms out behind you, the easier it is 🙂


Does anyone else use exercises like this as a way to help with tough stuff?

lokifishPosted 15-02-2017 12:36 PM

@Ben-RO yeah I have a few sets of tiny weights (like 0.5kg and 1kg :P) which I find really helpful for relieving some of the tension/restlessness in my shoulders. And squats tend to help with my thighs 😛

DruidChildPosted 15-02-2017 04:14 PM

Oh this is a really great idea! I will definitely use it next time I'm doing TIP, cause there's not much space at home. I think I might be terrible at it though Smiley Tongue

N1ghtW1ngPosted 15-02-2017 04:50 PM
Oooh that sounds interesting. Maybe I'll try 😛 I'm physically rather weak so I'll probably last for a second 😛
Ben-ROPosted 15-02-2017 07:18 PM

Okay i just did it for 1:04 but my tummy was too sore to get up off the ground after 😛

roseisnotaplantPosted 15-02-2017 09:07 PM

I just did a bunch of planking at soccer training - that's kind of the same as this, right? Couldn't hold it for a full minute though, maybe that should be a mini challenge to work towards.

loves netball
loves netballPosted 17-02-2017 05:05 PM

That exercise is somewhat similar to the dead bugs, an exercise I go at the gym - try alternating arms and legs.

I'll stick to burpees for TIP; it's more intense

roseisnotaplantPosted 14-02-2017 08:56 PM

I didn't time myself but AAGH MY ABS 😛 Nice idea @redhead ðŸ™‚

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