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Introducing Yay You's


We are excited to announce a new way of recognising the support we give each other: Yay, You! 


There is evidence across the online community of the support and kindness this community shows each other. Use this thread as a place to capture it all and celebrate each other. There are a few ways you can do this: 


Feel free to use this template 




Yay, You's are how ReachOut staff recognise each other's good work. We do this by writing a message and/or selecting one (or more)  of our organisational values, which are: 









If you'd prefer to tag the community member and send a message/gifs, etc., you are welcome to do it that way. Whatever works for you is perfect! 


Looking forward to reading through this thread!


Bre-ROPosted 03-09-2021 02:30 PM


Trent2354Posted 13-10-2021 11:28 AM

@Philippa-RO You've absolutely made my day, thank you so much to you and this community 🥰

BerdNurdPosted 10-10-2021 04:46 PM

Oh my gosh @Anzelmo this is such a lovely thing for your to post. Thank you :") you are amazing!

StormySeas17Posted 13-10-2021 03:08 PM

@ayrc_1904 awww thank you! This is so lovely 🥰


JardinPosted 06-10-2021 02:09 PM

Thank you @Emily-RO !! This has made my day ❤️

JeremyThomasPosted 07-10-2021 12:22 AM

@Emily-RO Aww thank you!! That's very touching! ^_^ When I put my post up on Reach Out, I never thought I would get a response like this. 😄 Thank You. 🙂

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 04-10-2021 05:15 PM



I think your post on this thread was awesome! 🙂

Emily-ROPosted 24-09-2021 04:28 PM

Hi everyone! I'd love to share some Yay You's that I've written recently about yall 😄💙



20210924 Akinna .png



20210924 StormySeas17.png



20210924 Trent2354.png



20210924 LSE5.png



20210924 Lemurien.png


Sending socially distant hugs!! 💙

StormySeas17Posted 28-09-2021 05:48 PM

@Emily-RO@Janine-RO thank you so much!! This is so affirming and I'm excited to sit down and do some of these myself ❤️

lemurienPosted 25-09-2021 11:43 PM

This is so lovely thank you 🙂 it feels special to be appreciated, everyone is so helpful to me on here so I'm really happy if I am giving anything back 💛

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 25-09-2021 11:54 AM

Awww thank you @Emily-RO❤️

AkinnaPosted 24-09-2021 08:30 PM

Aw thanks so much @Emily-RO 
i read this at work and it made me want to cry 

Survived another day and grateful for this community 💖

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 12-09-2021 01:34 AM

Okay so I have some yay you's I'd like to give out!


First off, thank you @MB95 for making this thread about R U OK day- I think it's a really important conversation to have, because the day can bring up a lot of emotions!


ALT text: Thank you for starting a thread about the difficulties which can come up from "R U OK" day. I think this is a really important conversation to have!ALT text: Thank you for starting a thread about the difficulties which can come up from "R U OK" day. I think this is a really important conversation to have!

I'd also like to say thanks to @WheresMySquishy for always giving such insightful replies- like the one you gave on the R U OK thread and also for always being so generous with your time- particularly in AMAAs and weekly wellbeings! 🙂


ALT text: Thank you for always making awesome weekly wellbeings! Also, I thought your response on the R U OK thread was so honest and insightful!ALT text: Thank you for always making awesome weekly wellbeings! Also, I thought your response on the R U OK thread was so honest and insightful!

WheresMySquishyPosted 12-09-2021 01:37 AM

Thanks for the Yay You @Lost_Space_Explorer5! ❤️

I think that you also deserve a Yay You for all the amazing work you do on the forums, such as your creative Weekly Wellbeings and work on the Introduce Yourself threads!

Janine-ROPosted 07-09-2021 01:21 PM

Hey all - I'm so excited for this, and thought I'd kick things off today! I'm going to try and use GIFs, but each of my Yay Yous is celebrating someone who displays our values 💜


@Lost_Space_Explorer5 : thank you for living the values of generosity, fun and inclusiveness, by always being so generous with your time as a mod, and doing so many amazing activities!  This Introduce Yourself: September thread brought a much needed smile to my face on Monday! 




Yay, You! @StormySeas17   for your compassionate and thoughtful responses, you're a wonderful builder who always shows so much insight and generosity in your responses - like this post here 



Yay You @MB95  for living the values of fun, compassion, and courage- and your exceptional talent with GIFs, to help bring a smile to other people's faces when things are hard





Yay, You! @Tiny_leaf  for your compassion, generosity and courage in giving wonderful support to so many people, and generously sharing  your own lived experience



I feel like I could go on forever... but I will leave it here for today. 


Remember, anyone can give a Yay, You! You don't have to be a mod or builder, and it doesn't have to be a special day - we want this to be a space where we can celebrate the awesomeness that we see here in all of its forms. This community is full of awesome humans- YAY, all of you. 


Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 08-09-2021 01:28 AM

Awwh thanks @Janine-RO❤️ I love the idea of having yay you's!


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