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Kmart love

It has come to my attention that Kmart is taking over my life, as well the RO forums. So it's best we stop hijacking threads with our love for the store. Got anything to post about Kmart? Just post it here.

I just got an awesome new doona cover from there and I'm about to fall into absolute sleeping bliss.
j95Posted 25-08-2015 08:56 PM

Comments (11 pages)

j95Posted 12-02-2016 07:10 PM
ermergahd @N1ghtW1ng they are so cool, I must of missed them the other day
j95Posted 27-11-2015 02:30 PM

I'm really sorry to say I think my kmart homewares phase has ended, I'm now onto the op shop homewares phase, this is really bad haha 

Craycray17Posted 25-11-2015 01:19 PM
They are the best, especially when they are 10 bucks @redhead
stonepixiePosted 27-11-2015 04:37 AM
I cheated on my local store today, no regrats!
stonepixiePosted 27-11-2015 04:37 AM

Okay, idea for virtual shopping trip.


I need suggestions on what to get my sister for Christmas.


I've decided she is not getting a gift for her, but rather something she can use for the kids. A 6 and 3 yo.


Yes there is a reason behind this and the whole family is in agreement about this. 


It has to look like it is for her though.


Search on their website and tell me names of items you think matches this description. (I'll look it up later)


P.S. One is male and the other is female.


Okay, GO!

Bay52VUPosted 27-11-2015 06:37 AM

@stonepixie the only things I can think of that can be given to an adult without them immediately realising it's for their kids is stuff like:

Frozen drink maker

Frozen dessert maker

Ice cream maker

Other kitchen stuff that she can use to prepare actual meals... LIke a food processor or something

Dunno if she's already got a cd player but the Audiosonic Boombox could be good for the kids to learn what came before CDs Smiley Tongue Or Retro Record Player for super old school



ElleBellePosted 27-11-2015 08:09 PM

That is a genius suggestion @Bay52VU! Would a board game be too obvious? Maybe something you both enjoyed as kids so you can pass it off as a nostalgia gift. "Remember when we used to play Trouble and you always won!" etc.



stonepixiePosted 01-12-2015 05:06 PM
Hahaha. Thanks for the ideas @Bay52VU and @ElleBelle

I was thinking along the lines of a churro cooker. For some reason, online says that they are at my store, but nadda!
redheadPosted 25-11-2015 12:56 PM
@Craycray17 shoes are awesome.
Craycray17Posted 25-11-2015 12:55 PM
I went to kmart and bought yet ANOTHER pair of shoes the other day!!
j95Posted 01-01-2016 08:16 PM
been a while since i went to kmart so i went today and picked up an awesome bench seat with planter boxes on each end, got two and cheap table, new outdoor setting is done.
redheadPosted 23-11-2015 02:21 AM
I needed ear phones, scored some for $5 🙂
N1ghtW1ngPosted 24-11-2015 03:33 AM
@redhead nice! Everything is so expensive in Switzerland. Aside from markets and other small out-of-the-way stores, earphones are at least 10CHF(the currency, I don't know what it is in Aussie)
redheadPosted 22-11-2015 11:58 PM
Arg Kmart is closed for half hour for maintenance. Now what am I meant to do
N1ghtW1ngPosted 23-11-2015 12:28 AM
@redhead noo! Maybe plan what you're going to buy when it opens up! Or what you want to buy 🙂
redheadPosted 22-11-2015 08:10 PM
I just went to Kmart 😄
stonepixiePosted 22-11-2015 07:42 PM
I wonder how a virtual visit together would go ....
MyvoPosted 30-10-2015 11:37 PM

Starting to get excited about all the cool Christmas merch that Kmart has been busily rustling up recently. 

Sticker gift tags, come at me!

redheadPosted 26-10-2015 05:32 PM
Tempted to make a Kmart run for some snacks. But that involves getting up. So torn
ElleBellePosted 16-10-2015 09:14 PM

I feel like I need a waffle iron. I don't know how to make waffles but I reckon if I had a waffle iron I would learn. Is a Kmart trip in order?

stonepixiePosted 11-12-2015 04:19 PM

@ElleBelle wrote:

I feel like I need a waffle iron. I don't know how to make waffles but I reckon if I had a waffle iron I would learn. Is a Kmart trip in order?

No one answered you. 😞 Anyway, it is much cheaper to purchase at Target.

ZekkPosted 11-12-2015 08:41 PM

I have a waffle iron @ElleBelle, they are magic! But prep time is the problem, takes a while! But...if you have the patience, chocolate waffles with choc chips await 🙂 @stonepixie have you got one?

stonepixiePosted 11-12-2015 09:35 PM
Nope @Zekk but it is something I might invest in in the future. I've only ever had belgium waffles.

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