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Hey! So @j95 and I came up with a cool idea to have the longest list of coping mechanisms EVER.


Use this list when you're feeling down as a way to get through the day or night!


Help us add to it by giving us ONE SUGGESTION PER POST 🙂


My first coping mechanism suggestion is:


  • SNUGGLING YOUR DOGS FOR 5 MINUTES. (Cos dogs are the best)
lanejanePosted 13-07-2015 09:26 PM

Comments (13 pages)

N1ghtW1ngPosted 01-11-2015 07:32 PM
@Bay52VU that looks like a great idea! Can we get someone on that? They could be in different categories for what you might need. Indoors, outdoors, if you need something quiet or if you want something loud. Easier to find.
stonepixiePosted 29-10-2015 01:26 AM
I love tedious stuff! @Myvo

141. Scream into your pillow.
Craycray17Posted 19-10-2015 08:15 AM
Great idea @Troy, it's the same as reminding yourself that you are not your emotions. The smiling mind app pictures thoughts aa clouds floating by, it's a great technique!
TroyPosted 20-10-2015 07:07 AM

Awesome @Craycray17 Thanks for the example 🙂

Craycray17Posted 18-10-2015 11:01 AM
137. Conduct an interview with a friend where you take turns asking eachother preplanned questions
j95Posted 18-10-2015 06:24 PM
138. Listen to white noise/rain
TroyPosted 19-10-2015 07:02 AM

139. Think about your thoughts as passing bubbles. You are not your thoughts, and you dont have to judge yourself for your thoughts. You experienc thoughts. You are not the thought (one perspective).

Craycray17Posted 18-10-2015 11:00 AM
136. Copy some mandalas from online in your sketch bood
Craycray17Posted 18-10-2015 11:00 AM
135. Invest in a lavender plant for the backyard and break off some lavender for a good sniff when you're stressed, it is a natural relief from stress!
Craycray17Posted 18-10-2015 10:59 AM
134. Watch funniest home videos re-runs on YouTube!
MyvoPosted 18-10-2015 01:44 AM

132. Lighting some scented candles and having a heat pillow/pack

133. Trivia, general knowledge, and brainteasers (like sudoku!)

134. Watching videos of cute animals

redheadPosted 17-10-2015 11:08 AM
128. Do housework
Craycray17Posted 17-10-2015 07:22 PM

129. go to ACMI at federation sqaure in melbourne cite and check out the free exhibitions and museum setups. at the moment you can see technological worlds through the decades from radio to movies to iphones to video games evolution


sorry only vic people!


Craycray17Posted 17-10-2015 07:23 PM

130. check out a frozen yogurt shop that is self serve, you can get whatever toppings you like and mix it up

ruenhonxPosted 17-10-2015 10:33 PM
131. Hmmm Tim Tam therapy 🙂
j95Posted 16-10-2015 04:52 PM
127. Lay outside and look at the sky.
Ben-ROPosted 16-10-2015 10:21 AM

First of all, @stonepixie rainymood is so good! 


126. Helping other people, just do a random nice thing for someone else. 

redheadPosted 15-10-2015 09:07 PM
123 volunteer at rspca. And take in all those cute fluffys
stonepixiePosted 15-10-2015 11:44 PM

124. Head on over to this thread and take in all that cuteness!


P.S. That sloth gets me all the time. *swoons* Sah cute!

stonepixiePosted 15-10-2015 11:44 PM
125. Listen to 'Rainy Mood'
Craycray17Posted 15-10-2015 02:11 PM
@redhead don't worry I've done it plenty of times. Cut out and traced letters for hours to do a really long quote of lyrics, put it on ans proceeded to scream a string of swear words. Hahaha
KitPosted 15-10-2015 08:27 PM

121. Visit a stationery store and take in all the beautiful pens and fresh pages waiting to be filled!

122. Head to a bookstore and breathe in that smell 🙂

redheadPosted 15-10-2015 01:36 PM
@Craycray17 I could just imagine those backwards words.

120. Go to a playground and swing on the swings
Craycray17Posted 15-10-2015 11:29 AM
119. Cut out a template of words or a cool pattern in contact paper, stick it to a plain tee from kmart, and spray paint it on! Leave the contact so that the spray paint dries, and peel off avout an hour later and let the tee air out outside in this lovely sun. Then you have your own customised tee!

Don't forget if you're doing words, write it backwards on he contact so that when you stick it down it is the right way 😄
Craycray17Posted 15-10-2015 11:26 AM
118. Check out the app 'stop, breathe and think'

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