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TW? Generally feeling alone

Just feeling alone.

I'm safe. Just alone, even though I'm surrounded by people.

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 20-01-2020 04:26 PM

Comments (7 pages)

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 30-01-2020 04:19 PM
It's okay. A GO is a guidance officer. And there's only one to share within the entire school.

There are only 2 teachers so far, but I probably won't need to talk to them about stuff.
Bananatime04Posted 30-01-2020 10:38 AM
I’m sorry to hear that @xXLexi_Lou122Xx 😞 and I’m also sorry I’m a bit stupid, what’s a GO

I understand that you would miss your old school.. I miss my old school too but you’ll settle in soon Heart have any teachers stood out to you that you feel you can talk to in the future about your struggles?
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 30-01-2020 08:51 AM
We don't exactly have a counsellor... It's just the GO.

It is tough to deal with, especially in the heat. But I'll be okay.

School is getting better, with my teachers knowing how to teach and everything, but I do miss my old school.
Bananatime04Posted 29-01-2020 10:01 PM
That’s ok you don’t have to but I just wanna make sure you’re ok. you’re on the train for quite a while and as well as standing the whole time in so much heat.. that sounds really tough.

That’s alright 🙂 if you need to talk to someone could you ask a teacher about seeing a counsellor?
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 29-01-2020 09:50 PM
It is possible, but I hate talking to strangers.

No, I haven't yet. But my mum has spoken to the guidance officer, and she can get me the emotional support and learning support I need, without a diagnosis for asd. The GO still hasn't been able to get around to checking in with me yet though...
Bananatime04Posted 29-01-2020 09:45 PM
Thank you Heart

Is it possible for you to ask someone to move over mentioning that you feel like you’re going to pass out?

Also since you’re at a new school now, have you been able to get in touch with their counsellors?
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 29-01-2020 09:30 PM
Thank you @Bananatime04. I will be careful, and I will do what I need to do to stay safe.

But sometimes I don't get on the floor in time, before I pass out. So I'll get close to the ground, but I won't always be conscious.
Bananatime04Posted 29-01-2020 09:26 PM
Hey it’s okay Lexi!
Those rules are bullshit! I understand why you’re so frustrated.. I am too for you. Just make sure you do what’s best for you and if you think you’re about to pass out do you think you could alert one of the adults on the train? I really don’t want you to hurt yourself or anything if you pass out 😞
if sitting on the floor will help, please do that..

I’m thinking of you Heart
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 29-01-2020 09:20 PM
It's okay @Bananatime04. It's not your fault. My health is just hard to manage like @WheresMySquishy.

I don't think I'll get a choice whether I stand or not. It's the school and train rules to stand if ither adults are standing so they can sit. It's unfair really, don't you think? I mean, older people I can understand. But adults that don't even try to make space for everyone by taking up more than 2 seats? That's just unfair.

I'll probably just sit down on the floor, even if it's not the most hygienic. But if I have to pass out for something to happen, my parents ain't going to be happy...

Sorry for the rant. It's just so frustrating... 😠
Bananatime04Posted 29-01-2020 09:14 PM
I’m sorry you’re having to go through this @xXLexi_Lou122Xx 😞 it sounds so tough! I hope you feel better tomorrow and hopefully you don’t have to stand!
Goodnight xx
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 29-01-2020 09:07 PM
Thank you @MisoBear, @Bananatime04 and @WheresMySquishy.

Yes, I got through the trip okay. I very nearly fainted again, but I'm okay. I ended up giving up on standing, and sat down at the last station.

I'm still feeling the same as the train trip, and my legs and shoulders are all sore from the amount of stairs I've had to go up and down at the stations and school.

I'm going to take a shower soon, and get to bed ASAP. It's been very tiring, and I think it's part of my dizzy spells.
WheresMySquishyPosted 29-01-2020 08:08 PM

I hope you're feeling better @xXLexi_Lou122Xx. Heart
The train trip sounds awful. Heat is a big trigger for my lightheadedness. 😞

Bananatime04Posted 29-01-2020 07:19 PM

Hey @xXLexi_Lou122Xx sorry I was at training.. 

How was the train? Hope you’re ok now Heart

MisoBearPosted 29-01-2020 07:14 PM

Hey @xXLexi_Lou122Xx, that completely sucks. Did you get through the trip ok? 

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 29-01-2020 04:45 PM
That's okay @Bananatime04. As long as you're okay.

I have to frigging stand up on the train again. For the entire trip. I really can't cope. I'm about to pass out from the heat, standing up won't help...
Bananatime04Posted 29-01-2020 10:04 AM
@xXLexi_Lou122Xx sorry I was really scared to come back online so I only just got here.. I’m sorry 😞
Good luck with school! Hope you have a great day
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 29-01-2020 08:38 AM
@Bananatime04 I'm on the train now, if you want to chat. Last night was definitely distressing for you.

We love you too. ❤
Bananatime04Posted 28-01-2020 09:38 PM
See ya 🙂
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 28-01-2020 09:31 PM
Stay safe, okay?

Talk tomorrow!
Bananatime04Posted 28-01-2020 09:30 PM
Yea that’s fine 😊 I shouldn’t be asleep.. I can’t sleep
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 28-01-2020 09:29 PM
You're welcome @Bananatime04. ❤
Yeah, that sounds good. Probably not until I'm on the train to school though... is that okay?
Bananatime04Posted 28-01-2020 09:28 PM
Ok thanks Lexi ❤️
Talk to you when you’re back then? 🙂
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 28-01-2020 09:27 PM
I do need to worry about you. But I'm here to listen when I'm back. ❤
Bananatime04Posted 28-01-2020 09:17 PM
Thanks @xXLexi_Lou122Xx 🙂

It’s ok, you don’t need to worry about me. I have a new thread btw if you wanna catch up on a small fraction of what I’m dealing with Rn.
I hope tomorrow’s a little easier on you Heart
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 28-01-2020 09:04 PM
Thank you @Bananatime04!

Do you want to talk about it? I'm here for you. But I can't stay for long, I have to get my school stuff ready. Man was it a busy day today... 😐

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