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Turning Negatives Into Positives

At the suggestion of Lightuptheworld, I thought I'd start another 'Turning Negatives into Positives' thread like there is on the old forum. Below is a quote from Antria who started the thread on the previous forum which I think explains the idea of the thread quite well.


"Sometimes it can be helpful to turn our thinking around and begin to challenge the way we look at things. Turning negatives into positives is a way of doing this! Basically, think of something that happened today, this week, this month or at some other time that felt negative and see if you can find a positive in it (or that came out of it)."


I find posting in this thread really helps me to look at things in a different way or see positives that I might not have noticed if I'm in a negative headspace. I'll start the ball rolling:


Negative: My friend didn't turn up to class this morning and I was worried I would be alone because I don't really know anyone else in the class.

Positive: It gave me a chance to sit with new people and get to know them better 🙂


Over to you!

delicatedreamerPosted 08-08-2012 03:02 PM

Comments (192 pages)

scared01Posted 15-12-2021 09:01 PM

i was diagnosed with a rare medical condition however at least i know what it is now

Iona-ROPosted 17-12-2021 01:08 PM

Hi @scared01 

I'm so glad you've found the positive from getting your diagnosis. I have a chronic illness and it was such a relief to finally find out what was wrong & be able to look into the support I needed. But totally understand there's a whoooolllleee lot of mixed emotions involved too. We have a Disability & Chronic Illness space if you ever want to chat to other people who have similar experiences 🙂

scared01Posted 19-12-2021 08:31 PM

Thank you @lona-ro

Yes its been a mixed barrol of emotions thats for sure

Bre-ROPosted 16-12-2021 01:17 PM

I admire the way you've been able to see the positives in receiving a diagnosis @scared01 we're always here to chat about it if you need 😊

suki234Posted 13-10-2021 04:16 PM

Negative: I didn't get to complete all the work that I wanted to complete today

Positive: I got some extra time to check out this cool webstie!

j95Posted 16-03-2017 07:43 PM
I still feel fired up like I'm going to @StarLord
StarLordPosted 16-03-2017 07:45 PM
@j95 well if you've got that energy how can you channel it out in a healthy way?
j95Posted 04-04-2017 08:34 PM
Neg: didn't get chosen as captain for my footy team this year 😞
j95Posted 06-04-2017 07:37 PM
@May_ @Creativegirl12 certainly is disappointing after two years of having the role. I guess it's time to give someone else a go.
Neg: found out some more about what's happening with my mum, makes me sad and angry
Pos: I'm not sure, I guess it'll probably her or something
May_Posted 07-04-2017 12:05 PM
@j95 having the role for 2 years is a big achievement I think 🙂
DruidChildPosted 12-04-2017 11:12 AM

Neg: I only got a pass on an assignment. I feel like a failure.

Pos: It's a tough unit and it's good that I passed the assignment. 

letitgoPosted 14-04-2017 08:29 PM

Nice reframe @DruidChild and well done for passing an assignment in a tough unit! Smiley Happy

Creativegirl12Posted 13-04-2017 08:37 PM
@DruidChild studies can be tough, you should be proud of yourself.

Neg: unresolved emotions
Pos: I'm holding up.
Neg: still in physical pain
Pos: the pain is easing up.
Bree-ROPosted 13-04-2017 09:22 PM

@DruidChild def should be proud!


@Creativegirl12 well done on those Poz's, re-framing is incredibly powerful, and very challenging during darker moments - well done Heart

May_Posted 05-04-2017 04:45 PM
@j95 that's a pretty tough negative I'm sorry to hear that 😞 any ideas for a positive?

Neg: I'm feeling extremely tired/lethargic
Pos: I don't have to leave the house this arvo/evening so can just chill/study/recuperate
Creativegirl12Posted 05-04-2017 09:45 AM
@safari relaxation did help :).

@j95 that must really suck. But that doesn't make you less of a person, and that doesn't mean you aren't talented. Even talented people fall.

Neg: I think I'm coming down with a cold
Pos: I feel better after having a good nights sleep
Neg: my neck and back are still sore
Pos: I'm seeing my physio today
Neg: plagued with anger, guilt and frustration
Pos: I'm hanging on
j95Posted 30-03-2017 01:32 PM
Negative: the last little while has been really tough and I've struggled a lot
Positive: there are good things happening too, like I think I'm doing quite well with some stuff for the business. Also found out today that I'll be seeing my siblings a fair bit over the holidays which will be nice. I've bought a few things for them to play with if they come over.
letitgoPosted 31-03-2017 01:01 PM

Oooh @j95 glad to hear some of the business is progressing well! And that's lovely that you'll be able to spend a fair bit of time with your siblings over the holidays!

Creativegirl12Posted 02-04-2017 09:46 AM
Neg: emotions I've been trying to push away are coming to the surface
Pos: I think I've got a better handle at this now,
Neg: feeling guilty that I'm not being productive
Pos: I need some time off to relax and take care of myself. Resting and relaxing myself is helping me emotionally and physically,
j95Posted 16-03-2017 10:13 PM

I don't know and I'm going to scream I want to ... someone

letitgoPosted 17-03-2017 12:18 PM

Hey @j95, are you feeling any better today? 

j95Posted 17-03-2017 12:40 PM
@letitgo little bit
DruidChildPosted 22-03-2017 09:10 PM

Negative: bad day. Like really, really bad day 😞 

Positive: I can go to bed now!! 🙂

N1ghtW1ngPosted 23-03-2017 08:27 AM
How's today going for you @DruidChild? Going to bed is an excellent positive, I hope today works out better for you. 🙂

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