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i am sorry i havent been here and havent been as supportive as i normally would. i have been really busy but also my mental health has really gone downhill along with my physical health. i am in the middle of getting some tests to confirm whether i have a form of cancer or if it something else causing these symptoms/  i am struggling quite badly where im at the point that im struggling to even ask for help, see the point in seeking support or even wanting to ask now. its not really the way i wanted to come back and i know i dont deserve support esp for being so neglectful here but it would be much appreciated if i could have some support and help. 

scared01Posted 26-07-2019 08:18 PM

Comments (8 pages)

Jess1-ROPosted 04-09-2019 09:44 AM

Hi @scared01, just wanted to let you know that we are here for you- whatever you need to get off you chest, whenever you need a listening ear Heart Holding hope for you that today is a better day 

scared01Posted 04-09-2019 05:56 PM
thanks @Jess1-RO but it hasn't been a better day. im so stressed I can barely think but at the same time ive got so much to think about its hard to know where to start. I don't know... I just don't know...
even when I tell others my thoughts I get yelled at or pushed aside or they just don't get it.
Jess1-ROPosted 05-09-2019 09:54 AM

Hi @scared01,


How you are feeling is definitely important to me Heart I'm so sorry to hear that when you have put into words how you are feeling and what you are thinking, that you haven't been met with the support and understanding you deserve Heart It so courageous to be vulnerable and express how you are feeling to others, and I hope that the forums give you the listening and supporting ear that you deserve Heart


You have mentioned feeling really stressed, would you like to talk a little bit about what is going on you for this week? 

scared01Posted 05-09-2019 10:38 AM

Hi @Jess1-RO 

I am stressed because there has been constant conflict in the family and im now the one having to go around and fix it all, my sugury has been moved up to a closer 40 days! so now I only have 3 and abit weeks to have everything organised from my house, to home care, to carers for my caree, bills, saving and all the rest that needs to be done or that I would like done. 

theres so much to do since last week it honestly doesn't feel like im getting anywhere. 

yesterday it took me over an hour to do a pre-admission form and that's not all of it, that's the basic things, the rest is done the day before with an appointment with the nurses at the allocated hospital. 

Jess1-ROPosted 05-09-2019 11:28 AM

Hi @scared01,


So much on your shoulders at the moment, completely understandable that you are feeling stressed right now Heart It sounds like you have a clear idea about what things you need to do before going in for the surgery in a few weeks time and have really thought it through. I know we have spoken before about your caring responsibilities at home, and the role you play in supporting your family. Have there been any services that have supported you with setting up the care necessary for your family while you are focussing on your health? 


These next few weeks, if you are feeling stressed and need to put the words somewhere you will be heard, or need a distraction, please lean on us Heart It's what we are here for Heart

scared01Posted 05-09-2019 04:14 PM
thanks @Jess-RO
there is a lot I know that needs to be done, its just trying to fit it all in and working out where to start I guess. I have a big list of stuff to do that's for sure.
im looking into services now to help with caring but I still need to organise home care for myself while im recovering.
letitgoPosted 05-09-2019 07:36 PM

Hey @scared01 hopefully the local carer services in your area will be able to help - how have you gone with linking in with them?

Thinking of you Heart 

scared01Posted 05-09-2019 08:00 PM
unfortunately a lot of the care will be for out the area sort of thing as ill be 2 hours away from my surgery so while I have my caree partly sorted just have to have things confirmed in the next 2 weeks but I haven't sorted my things out, got the house sorted or the other giant list ive got happening to do yet. im doing things but it doesn't seem like im actually getting anywhere. its quite stressful. @letitgo
Taylor-ROPosted 05-09-2019 10:36 PM
That does sound stressful @scared01. I am really sorry that there is so much to do. Is it possible to break down the tasks further or prioritise them by importance? It really is such an uneasy feeling when there is just SO much to do. It can be so overwhelming and counterproductive sometimes.. We are all human at the end of the day and I can tell you are trying your very best Heart
scared01Posted 06-09-2019 11:32 AM
HI @Taylor-RO ive been trying to prioritise but some of the priority ones cant be done yet. it does make it quite tricky. ive made a few phone calls already to rearrange some appointments, gotten a few quotes for some house maintenance and waiting to see when they can book me in. have been to the gp and got some more test results to send away and was given the all clear with one of my medical conditions since its all under control now.
JanaGPosted 06-09-2019 11:47 AM

Hey @scared01 🙂


Long time no talk! It's great that you've prioritised the tasks, and it sounds like you've got a lot done already. How are you going today?

scared01Posted 06-09-2019 01:04 PM
it has been a long time indeed! @JanaG
It doesn't feel like ive done a lot today even though I have done some things. I still need to ring 2 more places, try to get a load of rubbish to the tip and try to get some cleaning done in the spare bedroom
im still super stressed mixed in with a lot anxiety and fear as well cause of the op
scared01Posted 06-09-2019 01:06 PM
super anxious waiting to hear back about my loan too. alots riding on the loan unfortunatly
Bre-ROPosted 06-09-2019 03:15 PM

Hey @scared01  Hope you hear back about the loan soon - sitting with that anxiety isn't a nice feeling. It sounds like you got some good goals for the day, hope you get some things ticked off your list 🙂 

scared01Posted 06-09-2019 06:12 PM
hi @Bre-RO
waiting for the outcome of the loan is abit of the worst part. itll determine how much stress and extra work im going to have to undergo within a month to be able to afford to go.
ive managed to get a few things done today. mostly making and rearranging appointments again but they are all for this months so itll make progress as the appointments come and go as well.
Taylor-ROPosted 06-09-2019 10:46 PM
Fingers crossed that you are able to get the loan @scared01 Smiley Happy It sounds like a lot is dependant on this loan? That must a tough and uncomfortable feeling to sit with. Great that you got some things done today! I personally love checking things off a list.. something about it is really satisfying. I think you have been doing an amazing job lately. All of these tests and appointments has been really anxiety provoking for you -but you've made it through those times. Good on you Heart
scared01Posted 07-09-2019 10:04 AM
there is a lot riding on this loan @Taylor-RO its embarrassing and its making me nervous but without it or being declined it will stop my home care, nursing care and ill struggle to afford to pay for the accommodation along with all the other expenses like petrol, parking, meals and all that kind of stuff. ive bene saving but its no where near enough and since its been brought forward more then a month its really putting me under the pump.
im selling things, working more, just to put whatever I can away for saving or to get other things repaired like a new antenna and help with a backyard cleanup.

ive started making my list, I found it really overwhelming to start with as I listed everything including the things I have already done just to make sure I wasn't forgetting something or didn't miss something in there but when I was already able to tick some things off I felt abit better and more accomplished seeing that even though I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere I am getting things done.

letitgoPosted 07-09-2019 05:37 PM

Thinking of you @scared01 and sending you the best of luck with the loan Heart

Well done for being so proactive, especially with that list. It sounds like a great way to keep on top of things. 

I believe in you! Heart

reach804Posted 07-09-2019 02:33 PM
from reading your posts it sounds like so much is going on for you right now - i couldn't imagine how overwhelming it is. I hope that through all of this you'll be able to find some time to take care of yourself a little bit, because it sounds exhausting.
I'm a list person as well - i feel like they keep me sane
sending my best wishes to you 🙂
scared01Posted 07-09-2019 06:56 PM
hi @reach804 and @letitgo and thanks for the kind words.
im trying to get as much done as I possibly can. im embarrassed at the state of my house so I really want to focus on that for the next few days while im waiting on workmen to do repairs and things. its abit hard cause the appointments are so spread out as well so I cant really do much list checking till those are done too.
im taking some time here and there for myself. mostly just watching some movies or chatting on here.
Maddy-ROPosted 08-09-2019 11:51 AM

Hey @scared01 


I agree with everyone - it's awesome that you're taking such a proactive approach with all of this. Creating the list was an awesome idea, and even though lists can sometimes be overwhelming, they can also make you feel prepared and on top of everything, which is a great feeling. 


It's awesome that you are taking some time out for yourself as well. You are doing all the right things Heart. What self-care might you do for yourself today?

scared01Posted 08-09-2019 05:51 PM
hi @Maddy-RO
I guess part of the overwhelm and being frantic and overly prepared for things is because this will be my first surgery. not only is it my first surgery its also the longest time I will have been away from the person I care for and even with supports I worry how he will be, I am also 2 hours away from home, in a city I don't know, in a hospital im unfamiliar with. everything is way out of my comfort zone. the things with family are tricky. weve worked out the boundaries as in they wont be far away if I need them but they aren't going to pester me they will let me msg them if I need something and just msg every now and then if they haven't heard from me in more then an hour or so. I have to go to the preoperation appointments on my own so im feeling quite overwhelmed with it all.
ive been at work all day. both of them actually so ive only just finished and got home from about 7 oclock this morning. ive just put an easy dinner on, made myself a cup of tea and put on a movie to watch. I think that's a good start, ill have a shower abit later too
JanaGPosted 08-09-2019 06:55 PM

Hey @scared01 🙂

It sounds prettry scary to be having a surgery so far away from home and the people you love 😞 

Wow, I think it's great you've already sorted out the boundaries. You seem very prepared. Dinner and a movie sounds awesome! What's the dinner and movie?

Welcome back!

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