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What is something that is helping you get through current lockdown restrictions?

Covid-19 and strict lockdown restrictions have in no doubt affected the mental health of several young people. In order to help those who are really struggling, what are some strategies or helpful tips you've used/currently use to help ease the worries and hardships surrounding lockdown? Smiley Happy

jamijamPosted 09-09-2020 03:03 PM


jamijamPosted 21-09-2020 02:02 PM
Wow I'm so impressed by everyone's suggestions! Great to see so many new and helpful ideas!
WheresMySquishyPosted 21-09-2020 11:18 PM

I'm a bit late to the party, but this is an awesome thread!

Something that has helped me is watching live events and doing some internet-based activities that I haven't done before. For example, I've made a few penpals, done virtual museum tours, a few online courses and tried out a lot of new apps.
This channel is making a comeback if anyone's interested! I watched it a lot.
Here are some interesting websites if you like learning new things:
Google Arts & Culture 
Atlas Obscura 
Google Podcasts 
The Sky Live

Another thing I have done a lot more this year is journaling on paper. I like the idea of having a book to look back on when this year is over.

wanderingwaspPosted 17-09-2020 10:21 PM

Great thread! I like to try something new or at least work on a skill that I've neglected, such as drawing!


I attended a drawing course during my undergrad and absolutely loved it so i ordered some cheap charcoal pastels and am smashing them through 🙂


Also exercise and meditation are saving graces! Also, interestingly I've been exploring the idea of faith and spirituality as the idea of a higher being does comfort me in these tough times!!

Suzie29Posted 15-09-2020 01:31 PM

I find talking to people who understand what I am going through really beneficial for my mental health. I have used the services eFriend ( and Being Supported ( and I would highly recommend calling them based on my experience. 

November13Posted 17-09-2020 10:07 PM

So many great ideas here! @Suzie29 wow these services sound amazing. I didn't even know they existed!


I try to take this time to rest as much as I can and for once not feel rushed to be places. And I also have a list of things I want to do when this is over. Ordering a happy meal may or may not be on the list lol.

AnzelmoPosted 13-09-2020 10:09 PM

Hi @jamijam  !

I love this post as it gives people ideas to help cope with things, and a chance to be grateful.


Some few things that have helped me include:

  • Staying fit, and doing even the smallest amount of exercise as its good for your body and your mental health to know you aren't just sitting around all day.
  • Focusing on uni work has been a huge help as it keeps me busy, and being at home has made studying more efficient to some degree.
  • Spending time with my family is always nice.
  • Spending time with my SO and watching Netflix shows with her as a nice substitute to a date, and a fun way to relax. 
JeiraffePosted 10-09-2020 02:01 PM

Great question! I've found that viewing lockdown restrictions as an opportunity to do things I've wanted to do but haven't made time for has helped me cope. For example, cleaning out my clothes, doing some art, and cooking are all things I didn't make time for before these restrictions but have now done and it feels great.

Hannah-ROPosted 10-09-2020 03:59 PM

So many good suggestions here! 

New skills, morning walks, exercises, calling friends - so awesome to hear about how people are using their time.

I'm with you @Jeiraffe, it has been great for me to clean out and declutter a bit Smiley Very Happy


sunnygirl606Posted 10-09-2020 11:47 AM

I have found talking and calling my friends at night have really helped me feel less alone!

hungincPosted 09-09-2020 05:48 PM

Exercise as I shift my focus to ensure that I will not get crushed by my barbell, haha

AbderianPosted 09-09-2020 05:34 PM
I love my morning walk for this!

I like rug up and go for a chilled out walk around the local park as the sun rises. This gives me space to think, be alone and in nature. It's always soothing and a calm way to start the day.
Guitarman97Posted 09-09-2020 04:42 PM

Awesome idea @jamijam, certainly very relevant!

For me I like to try and take positive things from otherwise negative situations. In the case of Covid it provides spare time that can be used to learn new skills and engage in activities that would be otherwise limited. For example I started learning guitar earlier on during covid and it has come to be something of a passion for me (hence the username Smiley LOL). I know from myself and many others that it has also allowed people to appreciate aspects of life we previously took for granted! Like @Hannah-RO it also allowed me to establish a routine that I can hopefully carry into a covid free life!

Let us know your thoughts as @Hannah-RO said!!


jamijamPosted 09-09-2020 04:54 PM

Thanks for the cool ideas @Guitarman97!

I think its very important to try and find the positives of lockdown, also gives us something to look forward to once restrictions finally ease. Learning new skills is also a good way to pass the time. I've taken up baking which I'm not amazing at but I'm learning, plus the extra snacks are always good!


Hannah-ROPosted 09-09-2020 04:03 PM

Good idea for a thread @jamijam ! 

Something I have found helpful over the last few months is trying my best to maintain a routine, my favourite part of my day is going for a walk when I finish work. I find this helps me to stay a bit active and I feel better when I get some fresh air. What has helped you @jamijam ?

ayrc_1904Posted 13-09-2020 10:45 PM

Hey @Hannah-RO!

Such good advice! I've also been trying my best to keep a routine. I find that without one, I get really lazy and easily demotivated. Especially with uni, I try hard to take my classes when they're scheduled. 


I also go on walks around the neighbourhood, use headspace to do some body scanning and try my best to not look at the news too much. 

squigglyPosted 14-09-2020 10:02 AM

I love hearing about how everyone's making the most of this situation!

For me, gardening has been such a saving grace Smiley Happy Before covid my garden was somewhat neglected, but now I've got plenty of time to get it all into shape. Honestly it's not like I just put on my gardening gloves as soon as I started staying home though, it took me months to plan out what I was going to do and get started on it bit by bit. When I was talking to a friend recently about this they said it's amazing how self-motivated I am, and that made me feel really proud of myself - especially knowing that it's all the results of the effort I put in Smiley Very Happy

jamijamPosted 09-09-2020 04:41 PM
Thanks Hannah!

I've also found walking very helpful. But when I'm particularly stressed I like to do some deep breathing exercises and yoga which I find very relaxing.

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