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Things I like in this world

I feel there's probably a thread about this or that's at least similar, but I was going through tiktok the other day Smiley LOL (of course) and I found this amazingly positive girl who was doing a series on things that she liked in this world. It wasn't like a 3 things positive in your day or anything, but just random things that when you think about it, are so funny and just make you happy. Recently on there, she's been doing a good deed challenge for every day of January and it's so heartwarming to watch!! Never fails to make me smile Smiley Very Happy


I'll start

1. I like when babies try lemons for the first time and their faces scrunch up all funny

2. I like driving on a newly paved road

3. I like watching elderly people dancing together

4. I like when babies do that sumo wrestler type waddle when they start to learn to walk

5. I like how excited people get at a concert- a huge bunch of strangers bonding over their love for an artist singing their hearts out together

6. I like when people make a birthday wish and blow out their candle

7. I like sitting at the beach when there's not many people around and hearing waves crashing

8. I like seeing someone share their umbrella with a stranger when it starts raining

9. I like how excited people get when they say something at the same time

10. I like when people vibe out to the music you like


Your turn! I'll tag some people online recently 

@Anzelmo @WheresMySquishy @Hozzles @Lost_Space_Explorer5 @scared01 @Saltwaterdreamtime @Anonymous @Tay100 @StormySeas17 @A_Friend @Tiny_leaf @MB95 things i love.gif


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