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I haven't seen my Dad in 4-5 years and I really want to see him again
My parents broke up when I was 3
And I really miss my Dad
I really want to tell my Mum bu i'm worried about what she'll say
Hey guys
Had a little bit of a up and down day today
The girl of my dreams is starting to be really unfair and rude
A guy I thought was my friend is starting to treat me really badly
I played tonight also and we got beating
I played well but almost got sent off for arguing with the trash ref we had
Hey @Dyl,
Great to hear you are doing better! How did your maths test go?
Sorry that you are having trouble with a friend. That can be hard. Would you like to talk about what that friend has been doing to upset you?
Hey @Dyl,
I'm so glad you're having a better day. It's great that you're feeling better and I was also super happy to see you've been participating in some of the other forums and supporting other users. Good on you! (^That's you achieving your goals!)
I've noticed you've gotten really good at being aware of your feelings and noticing when you're feeling good and when you're feeling stressed. That's so great. Another thing that can be really good for turning your day around is practising some self-care. Have you heard of this before? There's a good Self-Care thread on RO here with a bunch of good ideas. I'm sorry your friend isn't treating you well. What's going on?
P.S.: Hope your maths tests goes well, you got this!
@dog_lover94 @MisoBear @TOM-RO
And now I have a friend treating me like crap
Other then that i'm fine ATM
your game. Just remember that you're allowed to make mistakes, we all do!
Hi Dyl,
I am so sorry to hear what you're going through. It is very insightful for you recognising that you're slowly finding it more difficult, then having the strength to admit it and seek help. Are you safe now?
I also recommend you to call Kids Helpine on 1800 551 800. If you prefer you can also chat to a counsellor on - https://kidshelpline.com.au/get-help/webchat-counselling
They have trained counsellors for you 24/7, so if you need that extra support (which we all do at times), they are there for you.
Hey there @Dyl,
I've just been reading through this thread, it sounds like you are under a lot of stress from things at school and the situation with your mum, is that right?
It's hard to tell someone about a tough time when they are also going through something. Do you think writing a letter might be an easier way telling your mum? That way you don't necessarily have to give it to her straight away. Another thing that might be helpful is to ask your mum if you can tell her, what do you think?
Is there anything you can do to distract yourself from the stress right now? We have a massive list of coping strategies and distractions if you need any ideas 🙂
@missyj @MisoBear @WheresMySquishy @dog_lover94 @Ladybug
Thanks for helping me out the best way ya's can so far
I'm sorry that you feel lost @Dyl. We are always here for you to offer support. You can chat whenever you like. You're not alone even though it can sometimes feel this way. Both your parents love you and want the best for you. And everyone here on ReachOut is thinking of you too. It's okay to wait until you're ready to tell your mum about how you feel. Does anybody else in your life know how you are feeling right now?
I'm sorry that you feel lost @Dyl. We are always here for you to offer support. You can chat whenever you like. You're not alone even though it can sometimes feel this way. Both your parents love you and want the best for you. And everyone here on ReachOut is thinking of you too. It's okay to wait until you're ready to tell your mum about how you feel.
Does anybody else in your life know how you are feeling right now?
@Ladybug @dog_lover94 @scared01
I just really miss the good times I had with my Dad
Would you like to share one of those good memories? I'm interested. Also do you know when you can next see him?
I don't see him often as he lives is Tasmania
We had some great moments and memories as he'd take me and my little sister to the movie whenever something we liked came out
And we'd always watch the footy and play footy (RUGBY LEAGUE/AFL) in the yard
He'd always take me out to his shed where I would help him get out equipment and stuff like that
Hey @Dyl, just joining in on the conversation here! Those sound like some really fun memories with your dad and I'm sorry to hear that you haven't seen him in a while. It must be pretty difficult to meet up with him if he lives somewhere else.
It's good to hear that you do have some people who know about how you feel, so you can talk to them about it while you're preparing yourself to tell your mum. Good luck and let us know how it goes! From my personal experience, honesty with parents is really important, especially with tougher subjects like this - your mum will be glad that you've been so honest with her.
In the meantime, is there another way you can get in contact with your dad - maybe a call or send an email? I find that when I can't meet people physically, staying in contact via the internet can help me feel more connected with others!
Hi @Dyl,
Sorry to hear you haven't seen your dad in 4-5 years. That must be tough for you. Were you close with him?
Are you comfortable talking with your mum? Maybe she would understand if you told her how you feel about not seeing your dad and then something could be arranged so you could see him?
Hey @dog_lover94 thanks so much
I am still composing myself before I tell my Mum
Go the mighty QUEENSLANDERS in the State of origin
Hi @Dyl,
That's understandable, do you have anyone who can help you rehearse what you want to say to her? It might help if you have practiced expressing your feelings about not seeing your dad before you tell her.
Let us know how it goes!
@dog_lover94 @missyj @Ladybug @scared01
I'm still really struggling how to tell my Mum
@dog_lover94 wrote:Hi @Dyl,
That's understandable, do you have anyone who can help you rehearse what you want to say to her? It might help if you have practiced expressing your feelings about not seeing your dad before you tell her.
Let us know how it goes!