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originally posted on 30-12-2020 9:34 PM
Thanks, @Lost_Space_Explorer5 @celestialdreamer @WheresMySquishy @featuringme It has been such a great chat and it was so nice to hear everyone's experiences and goals. @Anonymous looking forward to hearing your response if you get around to it.
For anyone who couldn't participate tonight, here are the questions if you still want to answer and share your experiences in this thread.
1.What does the start of a new year mean to you? Is it a significant time? What will your approach to it be this year, compared to years past? (This could be in terms of immediate plans for New Years or your general approach for the year!)
2. What are some good things that happened for you in 2020, or what’s something you are proud of achieving? What were some challenges for you or people you care about?
3. What are some things in 2021 you’re looking forward to or wanting to achieve? Is there something you’re not looking forward to or worried about? How might you apply any lessons you learnt in 2020 to approach these hopes and fears?
4. Is there anything you would like to change going into the new year? (This could be anything- big or small. It could be something related to self-care, your relationships, goals, your openness to experience, trying something new, etc.)
5. More broadly, what are your hopes and fears for the wider world in 2021? Is there anything you can do to address these concerns and hopes? What is something that is reasonable and in your control that you could do?
6. How will you look after yourself and people you care about in the coming year? (This could be what you will do, who you surround yourself with, how you manage challenges, etc)
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originally posted on 30-12-2020 10:48 PM
Sorry everyone, here are my answers. Thanks for tagging me. I'm sorry if my answers & long & negative, I'm just not in the best place lately, mentally.
1. What does the start of a new year mean to you? Is it a significant time? What will your approach to it be this year, compared to years past? (This could be in terms of immediate plans for New Years or your general approach for the year!).
Hmm, that's a hard question. I've personally never been into New Years, any year, and I usually find every year hard. It seems like every new year, I always get something bad happen to me. I'm not intending to be negative but thats my honest answer
2. What are some good things that happened for you in 2020, or what's something you are proud of achieving? What were some challenges for you or people you care about?
WAY too many challenges for me, not just with COVID but personal things. I started talking to some cousins on Facebook, my so called Auntie just attacked me over Christmas and made me feel suicidal (I'm safe, and trigger warning), like she did last year. Then I think she backstabbed me for no reason to them, because they don't talk to me now. Even if I say hi and ask how their Christmas was. This has been upsetting me a lot but I've been trying to not waste my time on people like them who just put me down & ignore me, & so forth. Good things have been I've been seeing my Psychiatrist for a year which is the longest I've seen any therapist, so thats somewhat of an achievement for me. It's sad I need one, yes, but still. I've changed meds a few times, and I possibly may have to again, sigh. I don't know at the moment. I also saw my idol in concert for the first time, a dream come true. I had good seats, they were better than I expected, up a few rows to the side. That's all I can think of currently, my memory isn't the best.
3. What are some things in 2021 you're looking forward to or wanting to achieve? Is there something you're not looking forward to or worried about? How might you apply any lessons you learnt in 2020 to approach these hopes and fears?
I'm not exactly looking forward to anything in 2021. I hope that COVID goes away for good, like everybody, and I can somehow go back to concerts because that's the only therapeutic thing that I know works for me. It would be nice if I could meet my Internet friends too, mostly in America but one is in another state from me over here. I'm not looking forward to the whole year because like I mentioned earlier, I always get scared and I realise it may be a positive time for everyone but for me it's always difficult. I don't mean to be negative. I'm obviously worried about COVID amongst other things. I haven't learnt much from 2020, just to appreciate things I guess, I don't know right as I'm typing this.
4. Is there anything you would like to change going into the new year? (This could be anything- big or small. It could be something related to self-care, your relationships, goals, your openness to experience, trying something new, etc).
It would be nice like I said earlier, my cousins could talk to me. I've always been nice to them, like I try to be to everybody. I'm not sure with self care and goals.
5. More broadly, what are your hopes and fears for the wider world in 2021? Is there anything you can do to address these concerns and hopes? What is something that is reasonable and in your control that you could do?
As I mentioned before, I hope COVID goes away for good. I don't know if I can do anything myself, not just with COVID but in general for me.
6. How will you look after yourself and people you care about in the coming year? (This could be what you will do, who you surround yourself with, how you manage challenges, etc).
I don't know about myself because I don't really care about myself (self hatred etc). But with others, I always try to be there for people, including people on here I don't know. I've always been like that.
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originally posted on 31-12-2020 10:38 AM
Hi @Anonymous
Thank you for posting this and sharing your thoughts about this year and the new year, I love this trend
Its totally fine to not be celebrating NYE, for a lot of us we just want to recover from the year we have had, hopefully you can spend tonight in a nice relaxing way that is meaningful to you. It sounds like you had a difficult Christmas with your family so you should be really proud of yourself for getting through it. It also sounds like you may not be giving yourself enough credit for all the amazing progress you have made with your mental health this year. Well done for staying engaged in therapy with your psychiatrist, it takes a lot of effort and dedication to your mental health to stay consistent and on top of appointments, it's clear you have been prioritizing the right things 🙂 You also mentioned that you have been standing up for yourself by not wasting your time or energy on people who put you down. This is awesome I am so glad to hear that you have grown in this way, keep up this good work in 2021
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originally posted on 31-12-2020 6:04 PM
Hey everyone! I thought I would give these questions a go
1. What does the start of a new year mean to you? Is it a significant time? What will your approach to it be this year, compared to years past? (This could be in terms of immediate plans for New Years or your general approach for the year!).
It doesn't mean a lot to me. I usually don't do a lot to celebrate either. I use it as a point of reflection which can also prompt discussion with friends and family, although I believe you don't need a 'new year' to reflect either.
2. What are some good things that happened for you in 2020, or what's something you are proud of achieving? What were some challenges for you or people you care about?
Someone close to me got married, I bought a brand new car and also wrote a thesis during lockdown. I am immensely proud of myself for achieving both of those things! It was challenging to be in lockdown as I live by myself, couldn't visit family (which was also challenging for them too), was working from home and I also couldn't go to the gym which is a big self-care thing for me.
3. What are some things in 2021 you're looking forward to or wanting to achieve? Is there something you're not looking forward to or worried about? How might you apply any lessons you learnt in 2020 to approach these hopes and fears?
I am hoping that there is no more COVID - however, I feel like if there was another lockdown then I would be able to manage better from my past experience with lockdowns. I am looking forward to starting a Masters course which I think is super exciting! I also want to keep sticking to my fitness regime, especially while studying. I think being in lockdown has truly made me feel like I can cope with any challenge that comes my way.
4. Is there anything you would like to change going into the new year? (This could be anything- big or small. It could be something related to self-care, your relationships, goals, your openness to experience, trying something new, etc).
I want to be more social, maybe move house, meet new people and be more open to new experiences.
5. More broadly, what are your hopes and fears for the wider world in 2021? Is there anything you can do to address these concerns and hopes? What is something that is reasonable and in your control that you could do?
As mentioned, I would hope that COVID goes away and that people can begin to heal from 2020 and enjoy life again. I don't really have any fears - I would just deal with whatever happens, when it happens.
6. How will you look after yourself and people you care about in the coming year? (This could be what you will do, who you surround yourself with, how you manage challenges, etc).
Keep going to the gym, eating healthy and making sure I keep in contact/check in with friends and family.
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originally posted on 01-01-2021 3:26 PM
Aww man! I missed it again! I'll have to answer the questions later though! 😄- Mark as New
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originally posted on 30-12-2020 9:50 PM
Thanks everyone for the chat! To everyone else who reads this chat later, hope you enjoy the thread. Hope you all have a wonderful new year!
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originally posted on 30-12-2020 9:39 PM
@A_Friend thank you for sending the questions for me seperately so I don't have to scroll back and read them, I was going to ask if someone wouldn't mind doing that, so thanks again.
I'll just have my nightly shower and wash my face & whatnot then I'll come back and read through and reply.
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originally posted on 30-12-2020 9:37 PM
I hope everyone has a wonderful new year! Thank you for tonight, it was honestly a great chat!- Mark as New
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originally posted on 30-12-2020 9:37 PM
Thanks guys, this was a great last GR of 2020! We're coming for you 2021! 😮
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originally posted on 30-12-2020 9:39 PM
Goodnight everyone! Thanks for the chat tonight. Here's hoping we have more amazing GRs like this one in 2021 🙂
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originally posted on 30-12-2020 9:37 PM
Hahah, well I look forward to answering the questions and reading through everyone's answers later! Goodnight, all!
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originally posted on 30-12-2020 7:31 PM
Thanks for the tag @Lost_Space_Explorer5 , keen for tonight's GR! May not be able to stick around for all the questions, but I'm ready to reflect on the rollercoaster year 2020 has been
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originally posted on 29-12-2020 9:29 PM
Can't wait for this GR! 🙂
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originally posted on 30-12-2020 7:07 PM
Just tagging some peeps who might be interested or who have been active recently 🙂
@Bingo1234 @hunginc @Tiny_leaf @lemurien @GioDes @Anonymous @featuringme @A_Friend @celestialdreamer @WheresMySquishy @SomeoneNADJS @xXLexi_Lou122Xx @Saltwaterdreamtime @Hozzles
We'll be starting this GR at 7:30pm tonight
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originally posted on 30-12-2020 8:02 PM
Am I too late? Thanks for the tag @Lost_Space_Explorer5 .
I always seem to miss these
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originally posted on 30-12-2020 8:04 PM
Hi @Anonymous! You're welcome to join in 🙂
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originally posted on 30-12-2020 8:04 PM
No it's never too late to join @Anonymous, welcome!!- Mark as New
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originally posted on 30-12-2020 7:31 PM
Hey everyone! It’s time for our live GR ‘Bringing in the New Year’! 😄 Thank you for coming along, I’m really looking forward to tonight’s chat
As always, if at all you find this conversation distressing or you feel like you need to talk to someone, about an issue then it's time to get some help! You can call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or use their webchat and email services found on their respective sites. The links can be found here. If you are new here then welcome! Have a quick peek at our community guidelines you can find them here!
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originally posted on 30-12-2020 7:34 PM
Yay, it sounds like everyone is super keen! Welcome everyone!
It's time for our first question! 🙂
What does the start of a new year mean to you? Is it a significant time? What will your approach to it be this year, compared to years past? (This could be in terms of immediate plans for New Years or your general approach for the year!)
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originally posted on 30-12-2020 7:39 PM
What does the start of a new year mean to you? Is it a significant time? What will your approach to it be this year, compared to years past? (This could be in terms of immediate plans for New Years or your general approach for the year!)
For me, the start of a new year feels like the chance for new opportunities to arise. When the new year arrives, I usually feel like I'm asking myself, "what will happen this year?". I usually do this in an optimistic manner, but tbh I'm not entirely sure why. I think it's because the new year is considered a celebratory event, so I feel more positive about it. It definitely feels like a significant moment to me, but for me it fades relatively quickly as the days pass. I think with 2020 being such a chaotic year, I'll be more hopeful than usual for the new year.
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originally posted on 30-12-2020 7:43 PM
@Lost_Space_Explorer5 I know sometimes it can be really hard to commit to resolutions, I like to physically write mine down and look at them often or keep them in a place I can see them and I find that usually helps me stay on track.
@WheresMySquishy they sound like fun New Years plans, I hope your fireworks don't get cancelled!!
@featuringme I really like that mindset you have, I feel like we all need a bit of optimism and positivity right now, I know I do hahaha
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originally posted on 30-12-2020 7:38 PM
What does the start of a new year mean to you? Is it a significant time? What will your approach to it be this year, compared to years past? (This could be in terms of immediate plans for New Years or your general approach for the year!)
I usually feel more energised and motivated at the start of the new year, but that could be because it's a holiday. I don't make resolutions or anything like that though.
Usually, some of my family members go out on New Year's Eve, but this year, it looks like we will be staying in as I live in Sydney and there are restrictions on the fireworks. So we will all be together. We will most likely celebrate it in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Every year, the farm near us puts on fireworks which we can see from our house so I hope it won't be cancelled this year.
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originally posted on 30-12-2020 7:47 PM
@WheresMySquishy That's such a wholesome way to bring in the new year! Although I don't play animal crossing, I know a lot of my friends do and I've heard about it a lot. Now I feel like playing it lol xD