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Today I practiced self care by...

Hello people of RO Smiley Happy


I wanted to make a thread where we could all keep track of our self care and encourage each other to take care of ourselves.



Today I practiced self care by taking a break from my assignment for some fresh air. How did you practice self care today?


JanaGPosted 18-04-2017 03:20 PM

Comments (50 pages)

lennycat2017Posted 30-04-2019 09:46 AM

@mspaceK ahhh how good was the ep last night!! me must'n spoil it for anyone but AHHH!!!!


Today I practiced self-care by sleeping in and getting enough rest. 

May_Posted 30-04-2019 05:51 PM
Spending the whole day at the library catching up on uni work
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 25-04-2019 06:57 PM
I practiced self-care by...
Watching Bondi Rescue.
mspaceKPosted 26-04-2019 10:57 PM

Today I practiced self-care by playing video games with my boyfriend and giving myself extra sleep when I needed it. 

spacejamPosted 28-04-2019 09:42 PM

Not feeling guilty for having a cheat meal 😊

scared01Posted 01-05-2019 07:49 PM
having a hit milo and a little easter egg
N1ghtW1ngPosted 29-04-2019 10:41 AM
I haven't practiced self-care today, but I did have some breakfast for the past few days.
statuscaringPosted 18-04-2019 11:15 AM
This morning I went to the gym and then had a nice hot shower! Making sure i have ample time in the morning o do 'me' time, even if it is just a simple shower after exercise!
mspaceKPosted 18-04-2019 06:11 PM

Today I made sure I had food to eat on my long day at work - 8 hours - because I knew I needed energy and I hate being at work when I am tired and hungry. 

scared01Posted 18-04-2019 09:40 PM
i practiced self care by having a hot shower, and a little naughty but i treated myself to a small easter egg
letitgoPosted 19-04-2019 12:03 PM

Great job @scared01 and you're definitely not alone in the chocolate department - I just treated myself to some too! 😄 

LovesFoodPosted 19-04-2019 12:41 PM

Me too! You're not alone in the chocolate department @letitgo @scared01 I have been eating wayyy to much easter chocolate hahah.


But besides the chocolate, today I practiced self care by taking the public holiday to organise and clean my house... I find it relaxing to have everything clean and tidy.

Bananatime04Posted 19-04-2019 06:38 PM
Today I practiced self care by having a bubble bath! (Like right now lol)
N1ghtW1ngPosted 13-04-2019 07:24 PM
So I can't remember if I had breakfast but I did have lunch 🙂
DIVYAPosted 14-04-2019 08:41 PM

I practiced self-care by finally get a haircut 🙂

scared01Posted 15-04-2019 07:12 PM
i practiced self care by having an icecream
scared01Posted 15-04-2019 07:15 PM
lol! i had choc chip today, what did you have?
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 15-04-2019 07:16 PM
Vanilla with lots of caramel sauce!It was delicious. Choc chip is good too...
mspaceKPosted 17-04-2019 10:52 PM

Today I practiced self-care by using KHL when I needed to this morning. 


Today I practiced self-care by going grocery shopping to ensure I had food that I could cook easily and quickly that I like. 


Today I practiced self-care by taking things slow and not putting pressure on myself. 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 19-03-2019 12:29 PM
Today I practiced self-care by eating breakfast.
MaddywPosted 24-03-2019 11:46 AM

Today I practiced self care by snoozing my alarm and getting a few more hours of much needed sleep! 

mspaceKPosted 24-03-2019 09:03 PM

Today I practiced self-care by making myself a yummy dinner and having a dessert that is my favourite. I also practiced self-care by hanging out in my room relaxing, playing games. 

mspaceKPosted 25-03-2019 09:52 PM

Today I practiced self-care by having the longest warm shower to clear my thoughts and relax. 

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