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Creativity / Community Art

So recently we had our community art chalenges,which were awesome! (even though I only did 2 of them) I loved seeing everyone's art and it inspired me to do a couple. In our last thread a few users were talking about having an art thread, I thought I'd take the initiative and make it tonight, as Ive been  feeling rather arty tonight! haha.


Links to our community challenges #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 


Without further ado, show us what You've been working on we'd love to see it.



I'm going to start off and post tonight's work. I was feeling frustrated, and for once felt like expressing it creatively. I just did a simple tree to get me back into painting as I haven't painted for years! Here's the result 🙂


BeePosted 25-03-2015 11:03 PM

Comments (10 pages)

Claire-ROPosted 11-03-2020 12:15 PM

@xXLexi_Lou122Xx this is amazing, I am not very good at art , making music is more my thing. I  really admire those that are artistic!

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 11-03-2020 08:30 PM
Thank you @Claire-RO! I'll have to post the original character I created, with the before and after pictures... 🙂
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 05-04-2020 08:27 AM

A bible verse, Romans 15:20A bible verse, Romans 15:20Here's a random picture of my dog, Nala, whom I caught sleeping in a weird position! :PHere's a random picture of my dog, Nala, whom I caught sleeping in a weird position! 😛I like this Rose... :)I like this Rose... 🙂Me, or how I picture myself, as a violinist!Me, or how I picture myself, as a violinist!Pretty candle I found...Pretty candle I found...This I can relate too a lot...This I can relate too a lot...Dogs and humans together, are so heartwarming!Dogs and humans together, are so heartwarming!Pretty angel, I’d love those wings...Pretty angel, I’d love those wings...Pretty butterflies~Pretty butterflies~I drew this, on my iPad, and used a glitter pen over the top of it!I drew this, on my iPad, and used a glitter pen over the top of it!

Most of these are on my Bible Colouring app, but they are so pretty when I find them!

Tay100Posted 05-04-2020 11:09 AM

Hii @xXLexi_Lou122Xx ! Wow, such beautiful artwork! Lots of different colour scapes, shadings, contrasts, textures, movements, and stories! The works! You should feel very proud! Keep the great work coming, this lil novice art appreciator loves them!  



xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 06-04-2020 01:39 PM
Thank you @Tay100! I work especially hard on them, especially when I’m doing the drawings on paper!
Ronan-ROPosted 06-04-2020 01:52 PM

Beautiful! @xXLexi_Lou122Xx 


You've had a lovely way with colours Smiley Happy

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 06-04-2020 02:06 PM
Thank you @Ronan-RO, @Janine-RO!

Most of them were on a bible colour by number app, but they are very pretty!

Yes, I will have heaps of time these holidays, and I’m lucky, school finished on Friday! 🙂
Ronan-ROPosted 06-04-2020 02:45 PM

Hey @xXLexi_Lou122Xx ,


Imagine the time you'll have to draw when you finish your assignment Smiley Tongue

Janine-ROPosted 06-04-2020 02:00 PM

@xXLexi_Lou122Xx  thank you so much for sharing all of those with us, those are absolutely amazing! You're clearly really talented across a bunch of mediums, I love your sketches. 


Will you have time to do more artwork once school breaks up for the term? 


N1ghtW1ngPosted 25-12-2015 09:05 PM

Watercolour Emperor Penguin 🙂



Kristy21Posted 31-01-2016 11:26 PM
I love this, great work.
j95Posted 01-03-2016 10:32 PM

ok so I'm just going to say this is done because I don't have the attention span or the patience to do the whole background patten image.jpeg

j95Posted 01-03-2016 10:42 PM

I just started this, I'm going to try and finish it off before Friday so I can give it to one of my little brothers who will love it 


ignore the foot 😛 


Rainbow Lane
Rainbow LanePosted 03-02-2016 02:01 PM
So I don't have anything to add (yet!) but I would just like to comment on how incredibly amazing this thread is and how amazingly talented and creative you all are. Blown away!
ClClPosted 25-12-2015 09:58 PM
I love this penguin @N1ghtW1ng!!!!! Great work!
stonepixiePosted 25-12-2015 11:41 PM
It is more craft than art, but I finally finished my blanket! Woo!
N1ghtW1ngPosted 26-12-2015 05:35 AM
Super @stonepixie! A picture?

Thanks @ClCl 🙂
stonepixiePosted 26-12-2015 04:38 PM
Yeah, when I have the spoons to transfer to my parents computer / upload whilst on my mobile. @N1ghtW1ng

In other news, my aunt absolutely loved it!
N1ghtW1ngPosted 26-12-2015 08:26 PM
@stonepixie I'll be waiting. 😛
stonepixiePosted 26-12-2015 10:39 PM

The blanket!


My blanket! It only took me 5 months! And people told me I was crazy for putting it together during summer.

 @N1ghtW1ng @safari93 

Hmm ... Not sure if there was anyone who said that they wanted to see the finished product.

ElleBellePosted 27-12-2015 10:42 AM

That looks incredible @stonepixie! Nice crochet work!

stonepixiePosted 27-12-2015 03:52 PM
Thanks @N1ghtW1ng and @ElleBelle Cat Very Happy

It looks completely different up close. I've been told that it tells 2 different stories depend upon where you look at it from.

I just scratched my head at that comment. Haaha.

Would you believe that I only learnt to crochet just under 6 months ago?
N1ghtW1ngPosted 27-12-2015 01:18 AM
That's so cool @stonepixie!!! I love it. 😄
N1ghtW1ngPosted 17-12-2015 01:47 AM
@redhead I usually use an online photoplace like Imgur or something like that then shrink the size of the photo.
Also, they are beautiful!!!!!!!
Ben-ROPosted 14-12-2015 04:14 PM

Oh no! How big are they @redhead? Maybe I can do something on this end for you !

Welcome back!

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