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Hey! So @j95 and I came up with a cool idea to have the longest list of coping mechanisms EVER.
Use this list when you're feeling down as a way to get through the day or night!
Help us add to it by giving us ONE SUGGESTION PER POST 🙂
My first coping mechanism suggestion is:
- SNUGGLING YOUR DOGS FOR 5 MINUTES. (Cos dogs are the best)
your journalling idea is fantastic too!
This has got to be one of my fav threads on the forums @scared01 @linkinpark13 @redhead @N1ghtW1ng
Art is always a great distraction! I love to jump from project to project like painting to beading to knitting- anything that keeps my hands moving! There’s such a sense of accomplishment when you make something!
Would love to to hear from some more of our members about what they are using for coping and distraction recently @annabethxchase @Libellule @gezellig @ecla34 @RockPaperScissorsMelon @Sunflower18
I try and get outside. That might mean just sitting in the sun, taking my doggo for a walk, kicking a soccer ball or something like that. Anything that gets me back to nature always puts me in a better frame of mind
To distract myself, I either listen to some music or just simply go for a walk 🙂
I find reading is a great distraction for me. I don't get much time for it during the semester but looking into other tiny worlds by reading fiction is always fun 🙂 Fantasy is a favourite of mine, but anything you enjoy could be good to keep busy.
@linkinpark13 that idea sounds amazing!!! i really want to give that a try 😄
i find it really calming to write out lists of worries and then crossing off/dealing with as many small ones as i can so that the list is visibly lots shorter, it really helps me feel more in control! 🙂
189. Pick some flowers from a garden and put them in a nice vase 🙂
192. Find a patch of clover and make a chain/bracelet/crown 🙂
193. Find old Christmas lights (or take a trip to Kmart!) and plug them in and watch the lights glow 🙂
194. Look around your house and take photographs of cool shadows or pretty patches of light 🙂