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Today I practiced self care by...

Hello people of RO Smiley Happy


I wanted to make a thread where we could all keep track of our self care and encourage each other to take care of ourselves.



Today I practiced self care by taking a break from my assignment for some fresh air. How did you practice self care today?


JanaGPosted 18-04-2017 03:20 PM

Comments (50 pages)

reach804Posted 26-07-2019 04:27 PM

Today I practiced self care by coming home from a big day at uni and taking some quiet time to myself by reading a book and also listening to some of my favourite music at the moment, I usually however, tend to watch an episode or four of whatever I'm enjoying at the moment. I like to 'reward' a big day with at least doing one thing I enjoy and that doesn't take up too much energy for me!

scared01Posted 26-07-2019 08:05 PM
contacting a helpline even though it wasnt helpful.
fox2008Posted 27-07-2019 09:42 AM

Waking up early, make myself a hot cup of tea, and just snuggle in my blanket and watch my favorite youtube videos. Best way to start my weekend. 

mikrokromaticPosted 06-07-2019 03:36 PM

today I practiced self care by treating myself to some chocolate hahah, nothing boosts your mood like a piece of chocolate can 😄

DIVYAPosted 07-07-2019 03:10 PM

I practiced self-care by putting on a face mask and treating myself with some good food

MisoBearPosted 07-07-2019 07:46 PM
Love me some face masks for self-care time!
ecla34Posted 08-07-2019 08:28 PM

Today I practiced self-care by making sure I sat down and ate something before dashing out of the house 😄

scared01Posted 09-07-2019 08:51 PM
i practiced self care by watching some movies
queenPPosted 11-07-2019 09:52 AM

Today I practiced self-care by having a cup of tea in bed and a sleep-in before work

MisoBearPosted 15-07-2019 05:46 PM
today I practised self-care by hanging out with my mum and having family time 🙂
May_Posted 21-07-2019 04:44 PM
Today I practiced self-care by making a start on my semester 2 honours subject and going out to lunch with my partner 🙂
queenPPosted 21-07-2019 07:45 PM

Today I practiced self-care by having a sleep-in and a lovely lazy breakfast with my girlfriend 🙂 

spacejamPosted 21-07-2019 09:44 PM

Today I practiced self care by:

Eating some chocolate after not having any junk food all week 

Slept in!!! Woke up without an alarm, which is so so amazing as I almost never get to do that - I almost always have to get up for something 

Went to the gym and did different exercises than I would normally do, pretended I was Manny Pacquiao and punched the boxing bag 😄 



letitgoPosted 23-07-2019 04:57 PM

Not going to work, recognizing that I need a break and giving myself that by calling my mum and relaxing with a book and a cup of tea. 

WheresMySquishyPosted 23-07-2019 06:51 PM

Today I practiced self care by doing some exercise and having a hot cup of soup! Smiley Happy

queenPPosted 23-07-2019 07:58 PM

Today I practiced self-care by going to the doctor for a general check up on my physical health. I normally keep such a close eye on my mental health, so now I am dedicated to making my physical wellbeing a priority too 🙂 

BeePosted 23-07-2019 09:50 PM
I practiced self care by having a hot bath and burning a vicks candle on the counter to help my current sickness which has me on two prescription meds, coughy and with a scratchy voice that comes and goes.
MisoBearPosted 06-07-2019 07:46 PM
Loving all of these responses! Great self-caring, peeps. Today I practiced some self-care by staying hydrated.
cmoo99Posted 01-07-2019 01:12 PM

Today I practiced self-care by taking some time out of my day to play my guitar 

Jess1-ROPosted 01-07-2019 01:44 PM
Fantastic self care time @cmoo99!

Today I practiced self care by going for a walk in the sun at lunch with a friend! Smiley Happy
Puppies026Posted 02-07-2019 04:40 PM
Today I practiced self care by snuggling with a kitty 😄
scared01Posted 04-07-2019 09:20 AM
that sounds awesome @Puppies026 id love a cat

i practiced self care by allowing an extra hours sleep in this morning
recharging_introvertPosted 28-06-2019 02:41 PM

Today I practiced self care by doing some big cleaning jobs around my house. Now that my space is clean and tidy my mind feels more at ease being here too! Woman Very Happy

MisoBearPosted 28-06-2019 05:18 PM

@recharging_introvert isn't it amazing how much of a difference a clean and visually appealing space can make to our mental health? I noticed a huge improvement in my mental health when I moved from a small, dark house to a light-filled house. Not to mention my pet cat was so much happier too!

Jack1423Posted 21-06-2019 06:18 PM

Tday i not went on studies coz i very depressed

Yea ik its not care but idk

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