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☀️ - Things I Like About You And Me - 🥰
Hi guys, I know something similar like this has been done before, but I thought I'd try to bring it back and help our community muster more self-confidence, support, and self-appreciation.
Let's say either 3 things we like about ourselves, or 3 things that we appreciate that other people do (can be general, or specific to someone you know). I'll do both because why not
3 things I like about me:
- I like the sense of humor that I have, it's not for everyone but it's for me
- I'm proud that I pushed myself to sacrifice some "fun" right now, for my future benefit (not going out as much or spending money, and instead of studying hard, and saving up)
- I like that I've come to accept my hair even though it can be dry, frizzy, and too thick (it has been compared to a birds nest before
3 things that I appreciate about others:
- I think it's really cool when people say thanks to cashiers, workers, etc.
- I like it when people come up and ask me for help or a question. Idk why but it makes me feel happy that they chose to ask me regardless of what it is. (idk if that's weird)
- I really appreciate it when people understand that life gets busy, and not being able to make it to plans isn't always being flaky or fake, but simply life as an adult can be hard and packed.
If any of these apply to you, THANK YOU - you made my day!
Cheering yourself or others on, and acknowledging positives that are either big or small is a very healthy habit that can improve our mental health and boost other people's morals. The smallest compliment can go a long way!
tagging others to see what you guys appreciate!
@celestialdreamer @clarii3105 @hunginc @Macaria @Wathan @November13 @Bingo1234 @WheresMySquishy @Hozzles @Lost_Space_Explorer5 @scared01 @Saltwaterdreamtime @Anonymous @Tay100 @StormySeas17@Tiny_leaf @clarii3105 @ayrc_1904 @A_Friend
Thank you for such an inspiring post! 😊
3 things I like about me:
1. My curiousity. I love learning about new things, it makes the world seem so big and facinating.
2. My very intentional desire to make my friends feel heard. I remember what's important to them, celebrate their wins and see the best in them.
3. The joy I get from creating.
3 things I like about others:
1. When people are passionate about something and their joy is contagious
2. When they share a perspective and it completely changes how you think about something
3. When you've known someone for most of your life and you get the front row seats to how much they've grown and how far they've come.
Hey @sunset_hues
Thank you so much for sharing that! When I first created this post, I really wanted to encourage people to be kinder to themselves and to others. In such a fast-moving world, slowing down and appreciating yourself and others can be such a great exercise.
I love those things that you love about yourself and others. It was so great to read 💙
I agree, often it's so easy to get overwhelmed by life's neverending to do lists so thank you for providing a space for us to slow down and appreciate the good 💛
Hi All! 👋
I spent this weekend reflecting on how despite the difficulties in life, there was a lot that I could be grateful for. It reminded me of this community activity, and I thought it could be fun to bring things back as a way to show gratitude and appreciation for ourselves and for others - for both big and small things.
3 things I like about me:
- Out of everyone in my house, I've been able to keep my room the neatest
- Despite having moments of doubt and stress about Uni, I've been able to be proud of the work I did
- I'm able to make my SO laugh
3 things that I appreciate about others:
- When people give out random compliments
- Being able to bond with others over an interest
- Seeing people express themselves, without worrying about what others think.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend 💙
What wonderful lists! I feel like this is a great exercise in self-love. It's much easier to compliment others than yourself. I think it's really common for us to be harder on ourselves than we are on others. It's why I sometimes feel it's good to give yourself the same advice you would give to a friend if they were in your situation.
3 Things I Like About Me
- I always try my best in whatever I try to do
- I make sure I care about others in the way they need
- I work on things to better myself and my wellbeing. e.g. I've been more intentionally scheduling time to see my friends and family more often.
3 Things I Like About Others
- When people hold the door for others
- When people genuinely want to hear about how you are and how your day was
- When people show compassion to others who are in need
Three things I like about me:
- That I am very resilient and can pick myself back up after a hard time
- I like that I always try to be kind to others
- That I am always hopeful and curious about life and learning
Three things I like about others:
- When others are understanding and patient
- Hearing people laugh for the first time (its so heart warming)
- Learning what makes others excited and also about their unique perspective of the world
Thanks for sharing! You sound like a very strong yet kind soul. With laughs, it's great because once in a while you hear a laugh that's so unique, distinct, and unforgettable! 😂
Another good thing about the website redesign is that a few older threads are getting attention here and there again. Thanks for the kind words 😺
Great thread @Anzelmo! 🙂
3 things I like about myself:
- I'm sure of myself and know who I am.
- I speak out about things that matter to me.
- I like to have fun and connect with my inner child.
3 things that I like about others:
- When people help me with directions when I'm lost.
- When people are understanding about my health issues. Some people are and some people aren't, but I appreciate when people try their best to accommodate me.
- When people open up to me about what they're going through. It makes me feel like I'm doing something right.
Glad you enjoy the thread. I really resonate with your 3rd point about yourself - growing old doesn't always mean growing up. What are some things that you do to connect more with your inner child? I like to watch simple but enjoyable cartoons like Avatar the Last Airbender, goof around with my SO, and just make fools of ourselves.
Three things I like about myself:
- Being driven and dedicated to my passion for social justice
- That I'm open to change and make the most of it
- I'm a good friend
Three things I like about others:
- I love people who are super confident and aren't afraid to be silly if it means they are having fun.
- I like people who speak their mind, no matter who is around
- When strangers perform random acts of kindness
I really like your first point, need more people in our generation to not be afraid of standing up, that said
- Can you share a bit about what within social justice you're passionate about or give some tips? I want to be more involved in fighting for what I believe in but I never know where to start and it's daunting to jump into protests, big meetings, and all that.
3 things I like about me:
- I like that I'm empathetic and understanding towards other people's circumstances
- I like that I always try to face the things that scare me, even if I need help to do so
- I like how much effort/care I put into the people around me to make sure they feel supported/loved
3 things I appreciate about others:
- I love when people talk about things they are passionate about and share their passion with others and it lights up their whole face
- I love when other people remember something little you told them ages ago and check in on how that thing is going later
- I love when people give you a squeeze when they hug you and hold on extra long especially when they know you need it
@celestialdreamer Glad it was able to lift up your spirit!
That second point that you like about yourself is BIG. Made me think of the quote -
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear"
You are courageous and that is definitely something to be proud of.
thank you @Anzelmo hearing you say that really made my morning hehe I love that quote, it is very beautiful!
Amazing thread @Anzelmo
3 things I like about me:
- I like how i can communicate to help resolve problems
- I like that i love helping people
- I like that i'm finally healing from things that have been hurtful to me
3 things that I appreciate about others:
- I love when strangers are kind to one another
- I appreciate the people who take the time to put others first when they are so busy because they see the other person struggling
- I appreciate the people who take the time to enjoy and love the world around us
@sunnygirl606 Communication is such an important skill to have. It can help avoid any misunderstandings and allow people to understand each other I am so proud of you for acknowledging your strength in healing from hurt
You're well on your way!
3 things I like about me:
- My dark sense of humour
- Doing things that I don't like
- My love for learning
3 things that I appreciate about others:
- Their generosity
- Their kindness
- Their ability to show empathy and care
@hunginc I love that you have a love for learning! It's not just about being humble and knowing that there's so much you or anybody doesn't really know yet, but just having an inner will to desire to learn!! I love it!
Learning from yourself, experiences and others is what can propel you forward in life
The fact that you love learning is such a powerful mentality to have. I know a lot of people struggle to stay motivated for these types of things and it's great to hear that you have a healthy mindset. Do you have any tips for people like me who find it hard sometimes to enjoy learning and avoid burning out?
I'm really proud of you for healing and helping yourself recover from past experiences. That's a really big and hard step to take for some people - Continue to stay strong, stay positive, and encouraged because I believe that once this healing is done, you'll come out a much better and stronger person.
So many wonderful things in here!
Its so lovely to think about these things and reflect on the pozzy stuff in life
Things I like about me:
I like that I have grown to really enjoy learning
I like that I was able to quit smoking
And I like how passionate I am about food.
Things that I like in others:
I like when people admit they were wrong
I like when people show vulnerability
I like people unashamedly share their love and affection