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[CHAT]: Emotional Support Animals
I think most of us can agree pets play a significant role in most people’s lives, but what about those people who heavily rely on animals for their everyday emotional wellbeing.
If you have ever had any experience with an emotional support animal and/or a therapy animal, or you simply want to learn more about them come and join the conversation!
On Monday the 24th July at 7:30pm AEST we are going to discuss emotional support animals and therapy animals, what they do and share our experiences with them.
Hi all, I have a bit of a story. It's a long post btw
I have always had pets, and always a cat (I had small animals when I was younger). When I came home from university after being diagnosed with depression we didn't have any pets at the time because our last cat had been taken by a snake 😞
Anyway, I'd been home a few weeks and just felt so lost. I didn't know what to do with myself and just felt so lonely and sad. One weekend we went to petbarn and there was a black and white cat. I fell in love with him. I kept checking the website over the next week to see if he was still there. He was! It was a Thursday night and I begged my mum to go back and see if he was still for sale. As soon as Dad got home from work we went to the shop (late night shopping for the win!) with the cat basket. I was so pleased to see the little ball of fluff was still there. They let me pick him up and he was just so perfect. We brought him home.
Anyway, over the next few weeks Sooty brought a bit of light back into my life. I don't know what I would have done without him but I'd definitely say, 100% he helped me get better. He is such a caring cat, if I'm not feeling well he will sit with me. He waits for me to come home from work and is always pleased to see me.
And as I write this, he is resting against me on the couch!
Interestingly, I think animals feel emotions the same way we do. They feel loss and don't always cope with change. But because we love them it's easy for us to provide support and animals are so receptive to our love. It goes both ways! This is why they make such great companions.
What is your experience with emotional support animals?
You know, I don't think I have any experience with emotional support animals, so I'm ready to learn 🙂
Hey everyone, just thought i'd let you know there's a chat happening tonight from 7:30 pm (AEST) and you're super welcome to come and share your thoughts 🙂
@Folksha @Coco_sydney @Eden1717 @mcj @Emsie @Awkward gal @scared01 @timelord_sweetie @Drake123455ggg @Jays_Wing @SebastianStark @Zero Melody @codeblue @Lopjorkh @Trikle Trade @Arrow @meesha @KiKi_19 @jvkn @Cheyenne @Wildstar @jamesrivard @AStudyInHuman @wh1rlwind @Naki @w_loadtest1 @test_winfrey7191 @Obse @Justin_dufner @Ryn @blank @BooksforLife @BunnyWalks @rxsegold @Meowkins @MaxCaulfield @louie6800 @utterly @ClCl @triage @poscomp @Flareshu @sudjai332211za @dahamferry @lexsmith @tom789 @cookies @DruidChild @WalkingInTheWind @AlexandriaD @dreamchaser97 @Goingincircles @Alec29 @lilfeather @funi001 @RajaQueen @piglet @qwerty2002 @hopethepiano @Naki47 @GHgmail @Amorentia-Q @Raymond @Kee33 @daneRO @HailCrystals @josuesdavid @Isuru-Ro @winfrey_test2 @ro_testmigrate3 @GeorgieH @wanda0123456 @NightNadder23 @neoes1um @Madi438 @SJR @Ricky X @TGx @Keno @nana123 @Unchambers @isuru-ro @aofnoy01 @Cyclonewind @Aaelye @snakecamel
That's okay, it's alright to jump in and out, or just focus on answering a single question at a time, we don't mind if they come in later 🙂
Hey Guys,
welcome to tonight's GR! If you've read the first post you'll know we are talking about Emotional Support Animals. So to kick it off here's our first question.
1. What is your experience with emotional support animals?
I honestly love the concept of ES animals so much....there was a period of time when I seriously looked into getting one but unfortunately I move around too much to provide a stable environment for a pet 😞
I've heard a lot of stories where people talk about how they've hit rock bottom and the only thing that's kept them going is taking care of their pets....and I think having that source of unconditional love and support can play a huge role in improving someone's mental health and general quality of life!
@DirtWitch I absolutely agree, it's a bit unfortunate that emotional support animals don't get legal recognition over here though
Hi @Ben-RO
1. What is your experience with emotional support animals?
I don't have experience with official emotional support animals, but my cats give me a lot of support in their own funny ways, does that count?
For me, my cats support me by playing with each other and simply being hilarious! They like to sleep on my bed with me at night which is awesome because they are like little heat packs in the midst of winter right now. And their purr is just so comforting 🙂
I'm in a rural area so I haven't even seen a guide-dog in action!
Hi everyone!
I actually don't have much experience at all with emotional support animals so I am interested to learn a thing or two 🙂
1. What is your experience with emotional support animals?
I have seen a dog that gets brought into my local headspace a couple of times. But never directly for me. I have just had the opportunity to say hello to it and admire its cuteness. Animals make me feel warm and fuzzy inside, especially the ones that let you cuddle them.
In the past though, I have often found myself crying my stresses and worries to my dog that I used to live with. He would just sit there and I would cuddle him and it felt like he was listening. Sometimes I get the sense that he knows how i'm feeling.
So our next question is
What is the job of an emotional support animal to you?
I honestly don't think the role of an emotional support animal is that different from the role of a regular pet...e.g. to love and support you in any way they can! Ideally with cuddles. But I do think there are some animals with temperaments better suited to being ES animals, such as being more sensitive to your emotions and more affectionate/demanding for attention haha