Hi, I am an overseas student far away from my home. I have been living all by myself for more then a year and till now I have faced almost all sorts of things. I have been to good times bad times and worst situations during the time studying here. I came here with some visions and dreams. I chased t... read more
Heavy feels
I’m 14 years old and I’ve recently been diagnosed with BPD. I’m really struggling with low moods, splitting and overthinking. My OCD and AuDHD are also making it more difficult to manage. Can anyone relate and if so, what treatments have worked for you?
P.S. This is my first time using this so pleas... read more
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I'm an international student who just started my second semester of study of university here in Australia. I'm living in a studio apartement for the first time as last semester I was in a dorm. I've become increasingly overwhelmed with all the things I need to do like cooking for myself, cleaning, s... read more
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havent posted in a while, had a rough time, i currently feel sorta lost, i dont find anything fun anymore, i keep trying but i cant put any effort into my work at school, i cant put any time aside for my friends, all ive been doing is sitting down and just watching youtube (i dont want to but i need... read more
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I’m really struggling with my body image at the moment. I’m very self conscious about my scars/skin imperfections and weight. What can I do to feel better? I don’t want to fall back into restricting but I don’t feel good about myself.
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hey im 17 from VIC my pronouns are she/her and im bisexual.ive recently been struggling with a lot of anxiety and ive always had a hard time making friends,i struggle mainly at night when the world is quiet and everyone around me is asleep.ive recently gotten a lot worse and ive come on here to see... read more
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Having recently stopped taking anxiety/depression medication (as discussed with my gp), everything is hitting hard—all emotions are more intense. All aspects of my life just feel so overwhelming. Keeping on track with uni (weekly content, classes and assessments), working on multiple art pieces for... read more
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Sorry this post is gonna sound kinda aggressive, but I'm just super annoyed rn bc I keep hating my body (my love handles mainly) and it just feels unfair bc I don't know why I need to hate my body so much. It's genuinely reached the point where I feel like the only answer is to lose the weight, and... read more
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Hi all,
I hope your 2025 has been good, and if it hasn't, I hope it gets better for you.
Before you start reading, I just want to let you know I'm gonna talk about self harm and suicide, so if it triggers you please go and get some help/talk to someone, do things that make you feel better or at the m... read more
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I don’t think I’ll ever find love. For me, relationships are like war. No matter what happens, they always abandon me in the end. All my friends go out and do things and get into relationships and like people that like them back and have fun and do stupid things with their best friends and instead o... read more
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This is a very long post because I basically went through the whole story of my experience with maladaptive daydreaming. Looking for support and advice please but make sure you're in the right space before you try to help me please
I struggle with maladaptive daydreaming, which is a dissociative pro... read more
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I just wrote a really long post and it was kinda hard to write and now it's just gone. So that's making me feel shit. It was in this space and had a TW for dissociation, can anyone else see it?
Must be a tech bug but man I feel shit now
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Hi guys I’m new, I come from khl circles, I got recommended to here because of overnight flagging there.
I’m struggling a fair bit tonight with dealing with CPTSD which is why I chose this topic but I would also love some advice with how this platform works.
I am terrible at introducing myself but my... read more
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Hey everyone,
Haven't posted in a little while. Been stuck trying to figure everything out, last Tuesday I was forced by my in person councillor to finish my VIS (Victim Impact Statement.) I'm aware that it's something that'll never feel completed however after the DPP (Department of Public Prosecut... read more
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Hey all, have been on much recently, due to mental health and being overwhelmed etc, everything is just such an effort and it's absolutely draining 😭.
Honestly so bloody lost, today I went to court for sentencing my sis and I read our victim impact statements and there was a LOT of talking between... read more
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not sure what to write really, my life is in shambles. Im living at my boyfriends house 3 hours from my family, in a small town with nothing to do, I’m not working because I’m about to move back home so I’m depressed from not doing anything everyday, I’m not talking to my mum anymore because I’ve re... read more
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I started my new job 3 weeks ago. This is my first “real” job after graduating uni last year. The job is not what I expected and lately I’ve been battling the worst anxiety symptoms. I have always been an anxious person but since starting this job, these symptoms have manifested into physically debi... read more
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So i guess my plans to learn more about myself and help myself healed have finally hit the fan. Now I seek assistance on here.
I don't know what to do. I need treatment for my mental health but it feels like no one is getting back to me. I need assessments done and I can't get that on free services.... read more
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Hi guys, I know this sounds like an overreaction (likely because it is) but I would like to share an experience I recently had and I would like to find out how to improve on and to see what I can do about it.
I had these friends who ive been friends with for 2 years. It was until I met another pers... read more
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I dont know if this is the right place to call for help, but I feel like I need it...
So one of my old laptops that I used for schoolwork broke in June of 2024 because of battery failures, so I bought a new laptop soon after and I guess it works quite better than the old one. However it wasnt until... read more
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I’m so depressed that I can barely get out of bed, I barely go to work, barely eat. I’ve lost all motivation. When I do things it either feels forced or like a simulation. My partner said that my poor mental health is affecting his mental health. Hearing that hurt a lot but I’m not mad at him. So to... read more
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I have insecurities and issues around my body and my sexuality (greysexual, meaning I experience little to no sexual attraction for others). I have a boyfriend but his sexuality is different to mine, and the difference triggers my depression and trust issues. I don’t know how to talk to anyone in my... read more
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this is my first time posting on this website and am still new to this place but I’ve always struggled with health anxiety and in recent years it’s gotten worse. Take moles for example, if one slightly looks off but is normal i automatically think it’s the end. No matter how aware I am that I’m... read more
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Hi everyone,
I just wanted to share how I've been feeling lately. I can't help but compare myself to other people, especially adults around the same age as me who've accomplished so much and already have a full-time job.
Some days it's easier for me to remind myself that I'm still taking slow paces... read more