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It's baaaaack! So Friday Fives is all about acknowledging our favourite posts of the week and are a weekly high-five to the members who posted them!
Thoughout the week, mods, mod squad and staff have been nominating their fav posts and then I've picked my favourite 5 out of their nominations.
So, this is about thanking YOU, our members and our regulars for creating such a strong community here and acknowledging that it's you who make this place special (and a place that over 13,000 people visit every month for help).
So, thanks!
Hola Forum buddies 😄
I was thinking about fives yesterday and didn't get around to them until today, but here's some fives!
@MB95 Stepping up to support a valued member of the community and help them feel more included and seen. The way you have navigated these chats has blown us away and made us feel so lucky to have people like yourself on the forums
@Milkninja222 creating a space for us to talk about how we best listen to the world and people around us.
@Tay100 for the amazing treat yo self wellbeing Wednesday thread, so amazing
@Jess1-RO for sharing this beautiful tile that reminded her of the community, it's amazing
@Bananatime04 helping a fellow forum member with some math homework and explaining it in a simple and easy way to understand
Nominate someone else for a Friday Five here!
So we missed the last couple weeks of Friday Fives, but we have some that I am going to share today for you all
@Bananatime04 for providing comfort and ideas to help a fellow user and for creating this awesome motivation thread, to help us feel motivated! Woo! AND a new game Alliteration!
@ayrc_1904 creating a beautiful thread to help us think about what we enjoy/have previously enjoyed about school, and create some support around the new educational year.
@Tiny_leaf offering support and encouragement to a user seeking guidance with opening up about what is going on for them
@ApplesRoses Her inspiring strength and determination to reach out and seek help from a support service. It wasn't a quick find, but she never gave up the fight and has now found somewhere safe she can receive face to face support from 😊
@mspaceK& @Tay100 demonstrating inclusivity by assisting another user by further explaining a question in our Slow-mo Getting Real last week
@ecla34 for doing a fantastic job at getting the Slow-mo Getting Real up and running and posting questions and responding to everyone! You're amazing!
Thanks for waiting patiently
Nominate someone else for a Friday Five here!
@Eden1717 being a supportive and attentive member on the forums!
@Tiny_leaf Being nice and supporting others
@xXLexi_Lou122XxDespite having a hard time, being able to get some self-care in by getting her hair cut and doing her nails!
@Bre-RO Reassuring Tiny_leaf with this beautiful list containing some of the many amazing qualities they have shown on the forums.
@Jess1-RO This beautiful post telling us how we can help those affected by the fires that don’t cost money thank you!
@Alison5 Sharing your story of finding the right medication for you and how it is helped your recovery. I really valued hearing from you, as someone who has regularly questioned reducing my medication use. Thank you for sharing hope
That's a wrap folks thank you for making this place awesome! 🙌
Nominate someone else for a Friday Five here!
Heyyooo Peeps! So this week we're doing Saturday Fives (Because I had every intention to log in and post but forgot to yesterday )
@N1ghtW1ng Reminding everyone that it's okay not to be okay!
@Bre-RO The Healthy Friendship thread they started was amazing, so cool to read about so many different narratives about what a healthy friendship dynamic looks like!
@ApplesRoses Their compassionate support to Clementine75 and helpful suggestions
@Tiny_leaf Being the first user to respond to many posts in the Somethings Not Right forum. TinyLeaf is always pretty measured in how they respond to posts from distressed users, while still being very empathetic. They also have lots of links to great resources to give to users.
@Milkninja222 providing a lot of different and interesting sleep hygiene tips for everyone to try out!
That's all for this week folks thank you for making this place awesome!
Nominate someone else for a Friday Five here!
Hey guys! I hope this past week of the first month of 2020 has gone by smoothly for you ~ Time for some more Friday Fives!
@ApplesRoses for being enthusiatic about reaching our counting goal!
@Janine-RO for providing support about the bushfire crisis and assuring a system that they’re safe to talk about what they need to ~
@scared01 for helping and supporting another member who was anxious about starting school again!
@CpcakeFreyr for speaking up and being passionate about the issue of climate change for our planet and in Australia!
And @Tiny_leaf for sharing their latest interests in fish and showing pictures of their favourite ones!
Thank you for making our community a happy and safe place! Nominate someone else for a Friday Five here!
Well done to everyone this week! There have been a ton of awesome posts across the forums!
This is one of my favourite times of the week seeing members highlighted for their brilliant contributions to this community Thanks @Bee for jumping in to celebrate the first Friday Fives of 2020!
Happy new year folks! It's a bit surreal to me that it's 2020 now! It just feels weeeird 😛
@Bananatime04 This beautiful reflection of your first year in the ReachOut Community
@N1ghtW1ng This powerful post reminding our community that it's okay to not be okay, and to feel all the feelings you have when you have them! Such a validating post reminding us to be gentle with ourselves, and give ourselves permission to feel!
@MB95 Showing us their page of suggestions they wrote down from the forums' users. We love the initiative you took to create something to help you through tough times. 🙂
@xXLexi_Lou122Xx offering to jump over to games to help another user feel supported when things were feeling tough. You demonstrated the values of inclusivity and fun! 🙂
@Claire-RO for jumping in on the games section and sharing 5 random things about you! Showing us an RO core value of FUN!
And a special thanks to @Jess1-RO for the fireworks theme
Until next week folks