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It's baaaaack! So Friday Fives is all about acknowledging our favourite posts of the week and are a weekly high-five to the members who posted them!
Thoughout the week, mods, mod squad and staff have been nominating their fav posts and then I've picked my favourite 5 out of their nominations.
So, this is about thanking YOU, our members and our regulars for creating such a strong community here and acknowledging that it's you who make this place special (and a place that over 13,000 people visit every month for help).
So, thanks!
Hey all! Time for some fabulous Friday Fives after a fortnight off 😛
Our winners are:
@scared01 for providing support to a number of users! We love seeing you so active on the forums
@WheresMySquishy for also chatting and helping those in distress
@PhoneMomma for recognising that loss can go beyond living things
@squiggly for their thoughtful response based on their lived experience with BPD
@SomeoneNADJS for having a bit of fun in the games section!
And that's a wrap! If you see a post deserving of a Friday Five, tell us here! In the meantime, try not to feed anybody to the tigers 😛
Yay, congrats to each of you! So glad to have seen all your greatness in action!
It's Friday folks, and we know what that means... heres 5 fantastic posts from this week ❤
@Eden1717 Giving awesome peer support, even when they're having a really tough time themselves
@JazzInMay Always offering such thoughtful and spot-on support to so many people, in such a caring way!!!!
@Anonymous Providing support that has some many helpful suggestions and just making people feel OK to talk about what's happening!
@Bananatime04 for sharing photos of your puppy with camera filters, these are amazing!!
@WheresMySquishy for another awesome toolbox thread, laughing is an awesome way to help us feel better, can't wait to see more funny anecdotes 🙂
Love the flower theme @mrmusic!
Just wanted to send a quick reminder to nominate any amazing posts you have seen this week for tomorrows Friday Fives 🙂 Can't wait to celebrate more of our community members tomorrow!
A little late in the evening (but hey, it's still Friday :p). I thought in the current climate, a flowers theme would be nice.
First up is @Saltwaterdreamtime for seeing some positives in the midst of a very tough situation.
@Eden1717 for your compassion and understanding in this post. We particularly liked your line "you don't have to suffer in silence" - it's such an important thing to be reminded of.
@Asche for sharing so much insight into your experience and wisdom advocating for mental health awareness. This was such an empowering conversation to have, and you have really given us food for thought.
@Bananatime04 for this generous response to a user who was struggling with similar issues to them. Letting people know they are not alone is so important, and something you did so well.
And finally a shoutout to @Anonymous, @Janine-RO and @scared01 for sharing some lovely, self compassionate quotes this week!
Have a good week everyone!
If you see a post you think deserves a Friday Five, nominate it here!
Welcomee to another week of friday fives!
High five to @Tiny_leaf for the amazing, compassionate and detailed support they gave SomeoneNADJS. A truly stellar example of peer support.
High fives to @Anonymous for your response to Hozzles here! In particular these couple of sentence: "Try and be kind to yourself ♥️ it's ok for this to be a time where you just focus on getting through it and looking after yourself, one step at a time. And you're definitely not alone in how you're feeling."
High fives to @lokifish , @Janine-RO , and @Saltwaterdreamtime for posting some fantastic memes to the memes thread giving the community a dose of daily laughs!
High five to @Anzelmo for checking in on and supporting a member seeking help!
And high fives to @Hozzles , @Jess-RO , and again @Anonymous for their mood uplifting posts during COVID-19 ! ~
Have a great weekend guys and again, stay healthy and safe! ~
Hey guys it's time for Friday fives again! We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy at home and keeping their distance from each other!
High fives to @ayrc_1904 for this stellar thread discussing good news stories. Throughout these uncertain times when we are being bombarded by bad news stories, so it is great that we have a space to balance out the bad news with positives. Nice work!
High five to @Bananatime04 and @xXLexi_Lou122Xx for supporting each other through a tough time and doing a fun activity to focus on something positive!
High fives to @Anonymous and @Tiny_leaf for making an awesome Autism Acceptance thread!
(I love this gif )
A big welcome and high five to @concitizen for bringing up some positive talk about the current COVID-19 situation we are all facing nationwide!
And a big high five to @Janine-RO for making another wonderful weekly wellbeing thread about exchanging soul food recipes!
Thanks @Tay100 and @drpenguin!
And congratulations to everyone! It has been a big week and I am so happy to see so many of our community members celebrated for their incredible contributions
@drpenguin thanks for delivering an awesome Friday Fives!
I agree @Jess-RO 's pet wellbeing activity is one for the ages- it was so fun and personal and inclusive and connecting and ugh yass!
Hii guys it's friday again and I hope you all are well and self-isolating! Thankfully we have the internet to keep us occupied during this crisis
High five to @Anonymous for creating a thread for International Happiness Day and encouraging positivity!
More fives to @WheresMySquishy for making an amazing mega post about chronic illness support and resources that people can refer to!
High fives to @that_girl_ for making a fun thread to help us through self-isolation!
@JazzInMay for providing support and help to a fellow member in need!
And high five to @Jess1-RO for creating an awesome and light weekly wellbeing activity!
We hope everyone and their loved ones stay in good health over the coming weeks and months!
How did the meeting go? I’m hyped to see how we can get the FF’s Back up and running, and if I can help in any way, I will!
Hey guys, just to let you know that we've seen this, and I think you both raise really great points! It's been a pretty hectic few months for a few reasons, and this is a great reminder of how important things like Friday Fives are to the community, thank you so much for bringing it up. I'll bring it up at our next team meeting tomorrow so we can have a look at different ways to get the FFs back on track!
@Bee @drpenguin @ecla34 @WheresMySquishy
@xXLexi_Lou122Xx yeah, I was wondering the same thing! I wonder what's going on
What happened to the Friday Fives? 🙂
We’ve missed quite a few now, so I was wondering if anyone has been nominated yet, or if no one has had the chance to post them yet?
Missing the good vibes here. 🙂
Awww thank you so much for nominating me 🥰🥰 I’ve only been around for a few days so I don’t really know anyone yet 😅😅 But I’m really looking forward to getting know some cool people on here 😋😋
Hey guys! That's right, it's time for another round of Friday Fives!
High fives to @Taylor-RO for creating this beautiful thread for positive and helpful memes! We love and appreciate the positivity that you spread throughout the forums
High five to @Milkninja222 for posting this week's wellbeing activity: Meeting new people!
High five to @purpleflamingo for posting support to other members of the community on your first day in the ReachOut Community! We look forward to getting to know you better!
High fives to @xXLexi_Lou122Xx and @Eden1717 for always being there for our members, through the good times and the tough times, day in and day out! Your ongoing support is so valued ~
And high five to @YellowButtercup for your courage to seek support to help your dad! Your compassion, love for your family and self awareness are such incredible strengths. We are sending our thoughts your way!
I hope you guys all have a great weekend! See you again soon ~
Nominate someone here for next week's Friday Fives!