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Ask A Pro Live: Study Stress - September 2019

Whether you’re in your last year of school, trying to improve your grades or navigating life at University or TAFE - I think we can all agree that at times studying is stressful. You have to manage your time, understand the content, complete assignments and make deadlines. All whilst juggling family, friends and everything in between. 


It’s enough to make your head implode!


In the lead up to this discussion we're also creating Study Stress profiles. If you'd like to join in you'll find the thread here. We also had a special discussion about this topic a couple of weeks ago which you can read back on and contribute to here


Join us on Thursday the 26th of September from 7-9pm AEST to talk all things Study Stress! 


So if there's anything you've ever wanted to know about how to manage study stress now is the time to ask! Watch this space, as soon we will be introducing our wonderful guests who will  join us on the forums to talk all things managing study stress. I know many of you will have questions for our guests - please send them all through via the google form below.  




@Esperanza67 @Bee @lokifish @mrmusic @ecla34 @N1ghtW1ng @roseisnotaplant @scared01 @redhead @LeoTheLion @MissX @FootyFan26 @DirtWitch @LadyMacbeth00 @Grake @elly123 @amywells21 @Mila28 @Quaintrelle @SpiderGirl18 @sibh @Amy9 @mspaceK @Sanguine @NBAM21 @Iridescence @Karinaskii @nxmita_pa @Alison5 @cerulean @SkyIsTheLimit @chocolateislife18 @DontWait @gezellig @seadreamer @dog_lover94 @Motty91 @GM24 @rose13 @ThinkerGirl28 @caseyleehs @neonsnow @TalaForest16 @Jakob @amypond @positivepenny @someone123 @Jrt14 @lr8991 @Mily @Dani @Hummingbird@Han1993 @marshmallows @Sunflower18 @RockPaperScissorsMelon @Stardust23 @Loudcloud @MitchellClifford @ami-lee @Gumi Gumi @Ally-Leesh-

Bre-ROPosted 18-09-2019 04:04 PM


WheresMySquishyPosted 26-09-2019 07:31 PM

How do you know when you are experiencing too much or an unhealthy amount of study stress?
That's so true about the physical signs @Roxy879. I tend to get physically ill when I am experiencing burnout or stress. Sometimes, I get nauseated and I used to also grind my teeth. I would also get a dry throat, which led to coughing fits in exams. When I get stressed, my muscles also tense up get sore. I've found that stress can also flare up existing health issues. Learning to recognise the physical signs can be a great first step in managing anxiety and stress.
Other signs of stress could include thinking about studying excessively and not being able to do the things that you love, self-care or meeting your needs.

Jess1-ROPosted 26-09-2019 07:23 PM

Would love to hear your thoughts on this one too @WheresMySquishy 🙂

Jess1-ROPosted 26-09-2019 07:12 PM
Thanks for joining @WheresMySquishy - great to see you!
Jess1-ROPosted 26-09-2019 07:03 PM

Our first question is a get to know you question!


@Roxy879 Can you tell us a bit about yourself and one fun fact about you? Smiley Happy

Welcome back!

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