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LIVE CHAT Tue 19th 7PM AEDT- Australia's First People
This Wednesday I will be having a live chat here on the forums to discuss Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and what we can as a whole society and in our RO to be inclusive and share in our great culture.
I will be asking some questions to get the conversation running but if anyone has questions they would like to ask prior to the chat or if you can't make it please post here.
This chat will run for around one hour, this will be the first of a few, so this chat will mostly be just getting started on talking about this stuff.
PLEASE COME! If you think you will be there please high five this post
anonymous: what is the proper name for didgeridoo?
This varies between tribal groups but where I am from we call it a ilpirra
Our last question before I started to answer some of the anonymous questions submitted....
In 2018 many events around Australia have had their date changed from January 26th to an alternative date and this has sparked debate among Australians, do you know why this is? What is your take on this?
Anonymous question: Why do we refer to people as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and not ATSI?
I personally don't mind being refered to this but some are not fond of it. Some people don't like this because Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are made up of many different nations with different traditions, languages so they feel ATSI is too much of a collective description to really honour their nation. It is ok to check with the person how they would like to be referred to, I'd much rather someone ask then be unsure.
Anonymous question:
Well that brings us to end of our live chat, thank you very much for coming, I will still be here posting some answers to our anonymous questions. Our next chat will most likely be on nations and languages, and I will let you all know of a date closer. Thank you all for sharing what you know. Before we all go, did anyone learn anything new?
And an even bigger thank you for answers those questions. 🙂
I learned why some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people don't like having their names or photos after they've passed away.
Anonymous question: How long have Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people been here for?
There is evidence to say that Indigenous people arrived here at least 55,000 years ago but many believe they could of been here up to 65,000 years ago
In 2018 many events around Australia have had their date changed from January 26th to an alternative date and this has sparked debate among Australians, do you know why this is? What is your take on this?
I definitely am not against the date being changed, and I think that since the date reflects the beginning of a period of suffering and oppression against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, it really shouldn't be something that is celebrated.
I'm also really surprised at how much backlash has happened when councils have decided not to celebrate Australia day, and how angry people get, but I guess because of the way Australia day is celebrated it might feel like a point of pride is being taken away from you
That's Australia Day right? I'm completely oblivious to everything, so I was unaware that they decided to change it but I did know a lot of people were arguing about it. To be totally honest, I don't care. The main issue I always had with Australia Day was that schools always start on that week, usually halfway through the week and get that day off so you have: Monday off, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday off(Aus Day) then Friday. Just so silly to me.
I understand that people want it changed because it was when settlers arrived... is that right? (I don't know my history) I feel like people overstate the important of it. To me, it's a "family day" or an excuse for family to have a gathering. Not some historically important day. But that's just me.
I feel that Australia needs a day to call Australia Day and celebrate the country we live in but, it should definitely be on a different day as January 26th was the date the white settlers arrived in Australia and basically took over our land and well things kind of got worse and pretty awful from there... some people like to call it Invasion Day.
I feel that having Australia Day on this date is disrespectful and I am thankful for those organisations that have decided its also inappropriate and have made other arrangements.
I agree that the date should be changed - I think it would show more progress towards reconciliation.
Hey everyone, we have to put a pause on this chat but we will get it going again ASAP! We'll tag you all with the new date as soon as we have locked it in.
Until then. i think it'd be cool if we started up another conversation so i made one here, so please pop on to this thread and spend some time helping everyone learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and culture.
Hey you guys! It's back on tonight !!! WOOO
@redhead @j95 @Asche @Birdeye @j_ @letitgo @May_ @RevzZ @stonepixie@Autumn23 @Chessca_H @lokifish @N1ghtW1ng @safari93@basketofmonkeys @Bee @Esperanza67 @honky @Mayaa99 @missep@Sarah7714 @sweet_baking @T4ils @ErinsAntics @Amy9 @amywells21@FootyFan26 @jasper1994 @Karinaskii @Mila28 @rose13 @roseisnotaplant@scared01 @SkyIsTheLimit @Winter_Rain @-pringles- @acneinface@alibrandayy17 @astrogirl @Bear123 @bestpro @Brendos94 @chaves1@chrisberrios @Cloud @drhalloween @DruidChild @friction @frnkiero@HiggyWiggy @ILAUVEDEN @Infusion @Jaz294 @JosephineMaie @kurtwen@LaLuna @leomcd @less123321 @lmrxocmb @Luiza @MaddyPotato @Matty D@melz @MemphisBelle @needscnescar @Nymeria @ramz @sernyuy@Titanic777 @TiuteJacinta @tomsan @tr_editin @trashconverters @Viridae@westwood20 @Dakotaa