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Live GR: All About Adulting, 7th of October, 7:30pm AEST

Hey everyone! How's it going? 😄


You guessed it! We'll be having another Getting Real chat this coming week on the topic "All about Adulting"! We'll be chatting about things like what does it mean to be an adult and how we can tackle some of the pressures that come with 'adult life'


cat adult.jpg


I'll be interested to hear what you all think a 'grown up' really is and whether you think being an adult is all it's made out to be


Hope to see you there and till then, take care 🙂



  grow up.gif

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 04-10-2020 06:43 PM


Bre-ROPosted 06-10-2020 03:18 PM

Really keen for this chat! Such a universal topic we can all relate to. I thought I'd just share this link because ReachOut's content team have produced a bunch of new articles on Work and money 🙂 

November13Posted 06-10-2020 05:35 PM

I'm so excited for this @Lost_Space_Explorer5! I'm not sure if I can make it tomorrow but I'll definitely read every post in the thread!


And thanks for the link @Bre-RO. Great articles!

LiliannPosted 07-10-2020 04:05 PM

Is the 'Adulting' talk a live video. Will there be a link to access it tonight?

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 07-10-2020 06:30 PM

@Liliann It's just like a normal thread but we answer questions and a number of people will be online at the same time to answer 'live'. People can always answer questions after the chat!

LiliannPosted 07-10-2020 07:53 PM

I'm kind of new to this chat. Where can I find it?

SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 07-10-2020 07:04 PM
Thanks man, would like to join but 7:30 Timeslot May or may not work at
this stage depends on if the little devil makes it to bed on time
ecla34Posted 07-10-2020 07:26 PM
Hey everyone! Welcome to tonight's GR, we're chatting about everything to do with 'adulting'! If at all you find this conversation distressing or you feel like you need to talk to someone, about an issue then it's time to get some help! You can call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or use their webchat and email services found on their respective sites. The links can be found here. If you are new here then welcome! Have a quick peek at our community guidelines you can find them here!
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 08-10-2020 08:00 AM
Aww man! I missed it! I'm not exactly an adult anyway, I'm only 15... 😛
Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 08-10-2020 11:52 AM
Haha depends on your definition of an adult @xXLexi_Lou122Xx! We tried to make the questions pretty open so anyone could answer, regardless of age 🙂
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 09-10-2020 08:16 PM
@lost_Space_Explorer5 true!

I guess for me, maturity and level of independence is the big definer. 🙂
Hannah-ROPosted 02-02-2021 03:48 PM

I totally agree about the level of independance @xXLexi_Lou122Xx ! That is for sure the big one for me.

It's really nice revisiting this thread! Thinking about the last question and if my expectations of being a grown up were correct, today i am defs feeling "umm I'll let you know when i've grown up" Cat LOL

Hannah-ROPosted 08-10-2020 02:16 PM

Have absolutely loved reading this chat, some absolute gold in here!

I am still AWFUL at knowing my left and right, so all the peeps out there who said they don't have a great sense of direction - i feel that. I really do.


Also @featuringme when you said you wished we learnt about some of these issues rather than Shakespeare I laughed a LOT and i also agreed a LOT. This chat has really highlighted a lot of gaps in general school learning, particularly about gaining employment (and the experience to get employment?! gosh @WheresMySquishy it is wild out there in job land isn't it Cat Surprised) and learning about finances that I can't believe aren't being taught regularly. Too much Shakespeare, not enough learning about what on earth taxes are. 


It's lovely to read too that people are enjoying/looking forward to the freedom part of adulthood, I do think that part is pretty awesome Heart



featuringmePosted 09-10-2020 01:27 PM

@Hannah-RO haha glad I made you have a laugh Smiley Very Happy

Bre-ROPosted 08-10-2020 02:51 PM
1. What is an 'adult'? What do adults do? Do you consider yourself one?
For me an adult is less about age and more about the kinds of responsibilities you have the outlook you have on life. Adults take accountability for their homes, choices and future. They also have heaps of fun and create a life that makes them happy 🙂  I do consider myself one (it took me ages though!!) 
2. What scares you about becoming an adult or challenges you in adulthood?
Well, I guess what scares me is basically what I find intimidating in life. Adulthood requires you to be open to change and challenges you've never faced before, which can be really hard. 
3. What are you looking forward to about becoming an adult or do you appreciate in adulthood?
So many things. Being an adult gives you choice and freedom to live the way you want to - this can come with so much fun and adventure. I appreciate having my own home that I can decorate, invite friends over to and relax in. I love being able to plan fun things and have unique experiences. 
4. What are common challenges adults come across and how do you deal with it? Do you have any tips for managing life stressors that come with growing up?
Lots of things come up, finding jobs, being responsible for running a household, having to manage relationships with partners/friends/family. My main tips would be to remember that just because you are an adult you don't have to have know everything - never be afraid to ask for help. Getting support has been the most beneficial thing for me in learning how to be an adult. It will take time to feel completely on top of everything and I would say that even the most experienced adults still need support. 
5. What's something you wish they taught you about 'adult life' in school? Is there something you wished people would talk more about when it comes to being an 'adult'?
Mainly that being an adult can mean a lot of different things - you don't have to have a fancy job or get married to be taken seriously as an adult. That all it means is growing into your own person and doing things that make you happy, while being able to balance all of the necessary things that keep you housed and fed 🙂 
6. Were your expectations about becoming a 'grown up' accurate?
In some respects yes - I always wanted to grow up so I could do whatever I wanted haha. But I didn't realise how much I would still need my family 
SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 07-10-2020 07:34 PM

Gday!! I may be in and out but thought I will still try and pop in, solo parenting it tonight, that is definitely ADULTING haha!! 

ecla34Posted 07-10-2020 07:37 PM

@Saltwaterdreamtime hey there! haha definitely Smiley LOL

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 07-10-2020 07:33 PM

Welcome everyone! Let's kick things off with our first question!


What is an 'adult'? What do adults do? Do you consider yourself one?





sunnygirl606Posted 07-10-2020 07:39 PM

What is an 'adult'? What do adults do? Do you consider yourself one?

By law? 18 years + but to me, an adult is someone who is independent.

- Work, study, cry, live life, travel

- Eh, im getting there

WheresMySquishyPosted 07-10-2020 07:42 PM

I'm not surprised all our ideas are different. This definition is so hard... Especially because it differs between countries and cultures!
In a lot of countries, children can have a lot of responsibilities such as working too.

sunnygirl606Posted 07-10-2020 07:45 PM

So next question!


What scares you about becoming an adult or challenges you in adulthood?

 For me, it is definitely trying to figure out what I want to do in my life and how I want to change the world


featuringmePosted 07-10-2020 07:55 PM

Whoopsies sorry I'm a little bit late to the chat! I think the most daunting thing about adult life is how independent you have to be at times. Growing up, I eagerly anticipated the freedom of being an independent adult, and to some extent I love the independence I have nowadays. However, it can also be scary having to handle situations and encounter things on your own, such as paying taxes and buying your own home. This is especially since schools tend to focus on teaching very theoretical work, rather than preparing students practically and teaching them how to handle adult life. Also, because you become busier with things such as uni work, I feel as though people tend to spend more time away from loved ones as an adult. As someone who gets nervous very easily, not always having my family or friends to be beside me when I need help can be troubling. 

LiliannPosted 07-10-2020 08:04 PM

@WheresMySquishy I definitely agree with you on employers hiring more experienced employees even when your just about to graduate. I found a lot of difficulty in finding a job when I continuosly fix my resumes and cover letters for different jobs in different industries and accepting rejections is harsh. I feel that time is running out and yet I still am in the same position. Sometimes I lose motivation and procrastinate which is worse when trying to manage all the worries at once. 


WheresMySquishyPosted 07-10-2020 08:16 PM

@LiliannI'm sorry you've experienced so much rejection. 😞 I hope a good employer sees your potential!
I've experienced much of the same. Something I've managed to do is find short term or one-off freelance work in my field, but I still want something more permanent and stable.
It's so hard to find the motivation to continuously write cover letters and change your resume too.

Welcome back!

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