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Weekly wellbeing

Every Wednesday we are trying different wellbeing activities and chatting about how we stay well.

Weekly Wellbeing: Scavenger Hunt!

This week's wellbeing activity is all about noticing and getting into life! 🙂 We have a challenge for you! 


You can either do this as you go about your day or you could even incorporate it into a walk! 




(It's about whatever you feel comfortable and able to do)


So the challenge is you must find 5 o... read more

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Weekly Wellbeing: Good news stories!

We're constantly being bombarded with negative things happening in the world. Global warming, terrorism, and the forever-increasing cost of living can make the world seem like a pretty crappy place.


But it's not all bad news! In fact, the world is actually safer now than it has ever been!


For th... read more

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Weekly Wellbeing: Overcoming Obstacles

Hey everyone!

This wellbeing activity is about planning for when things don't go our way.

We've all been in situations where we've come so close to accomplish a goal. You're so ready to GET IT DONE!

Until...Life gets in the way. And suddenly that goal seems totally out of reach.


I have trouble with mak... read more

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Weekly Wellbeing: Self-Care at Home


If you’ve been trying to make sense of how you’ll stay well, whilst also following the government's advice to stay indoors as much as possible, you are not alone. Most people are scratching their heads wondering how to cover off on their usual self care.


Many of you may have seen the Wheel of W... read more

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Weekly Wellbeing: What's your love language?

What's your love language?

Have you ever heard that pop psychology idea that we all have different ways of showing we care about people? They say there are '5 love languages'- words of affirmation, giving gifts, quality time, acts of service, and physical touch. Whether you believe it's true or not... read more

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Weekly Wellbeing: Safe Place Imagery

This coping strategy was recommended to me at a time when I was feeling very overwhelmed. I found it useful so I thought we could do a bit of a wellbeing activity based on it! I hope you find it helpful too! I don't know a lot about the science behind it, but I do know this is a dbt skill, which bas... read more

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Weekly Wellbeing: Trying New Things

This week, I was thinking we could all try to do one thing (or more!) that you haven’t ever tried, but would like to- while being COVID safe of course! Sometimes, doing something new can be a little daunting. Whether it’s because you get worried of the outcome, how you’ll feel if you can’t achieve w... read more

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Weekly Wellbeing: Waste Not, Want Not

Hi everyone!

This Weekly Wellbeing is about taking a small step to cut down on our waste and care for our planet, which is one of the sections of the Wheel of Wellbeing.

Now more than ever, I think that young people are conscious about the effects of pollution on the environment. I'm constantly surpri... read more

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Weekly Wellbeing: Make Your Own News Show/Article

This weekly wellbeing is inspired by a game I would play when I was younger. I pretended I was a news reporter and would film myself commentating on what was happening around my house during the day. For some bizarre reason my show was called "Show off your cat encore encore" 🤣 possibly because my... read more

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Weekly Wellbeing: Mindfulness and the Five senses

In a really busy week, it’s often hard to take some time to slow down and listen to your what your mind and body needs to be healthy. Mindfulness is such a great word! Mindfulness is all about being fully in the moment and becoming in tune with your body and thoughts in every instance. It’s about aw... read more

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Wellbeing Activity: Blast from the Past

This week’s activity is a fun way to spend time doing something you loved (and maybe still love) but forgot about overtime! Think about a time from your childhood or just any time years ago, where you felt happy doing something. Can you think of old childhood TV shows? Old movies? Old hobbies? Old b... read more

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Weekly Wellbeing: Get crafting!

Whether your stuck in lockdown, or bored at home, crafting is a great way to pass the time. For this week's wellbeing activity, your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to make something with materials lying around at home! The point is, you shouldn't have to go out and buy anything, so yo... read more

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Weekly Wellbeing: Spicing Up The Mundane (Making lockdown lifestyle a little more fun)




Being at home all day because of lockdown can be very boring. It's easy to get into a cycle or routine that makes the hours go by yet it feels empty or time wasted especially with chores and housework.


This week's wellbeing activity will be to find an activity (one to three) that you find mun... read more

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Weekly Wellbeing: There's An App For That

Hi everyone,This week's wellbeing activity is about celebrating our favourite apps that have made life a lot easier for us!giphy

There's no denying that technology has made some aspects of everyday life so much more manageable. Sometimes, I come across a good app and think to myself, 'Now why didn't I thi... read more

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Weekly Wellbeing: Facing your fears

Hey everyone! Is it time for another weekly wellbeing already? 😮 This weeks activity is all about facing your fears and/or tackling things you've been avoiding!


I don't know about you guys but when something scares me or is daunting, the more I avoid it, the harder it gets to address it. Avoidance... read more

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Weekly Wellbeing: Nurture A Plant


There is a growing evidence (pardon the pun)  that connecting with nature does wonders for mental well-being! We explored how being in nature makes us feel in this well being activity.


As much as we know spending time away from the hustle and bustle of daily life is important, it can be really... read more

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Hey guys! This week being in lockdown for me has been QUITE TOUGH 😫, but during one of my online lessons, my teacher recommended we should practise affirmation for our wellbeing. Now, what is that 🤔? Affirmation refers to the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment, "a positive mental a... read more

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Weekly Wellbeing: Support Networks

Wellbeing Activity: Support Networks

Hi everyone! We’re back with another weekly wellbeing activity.

Something that I think is so important, is knowing who is in your support network. Knowing who you can go to for help or advice when you’re feeling down and knowing you can rely on them to help make yo... read more

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Weekly Wellbeing: Casual COVID Catch up (For Family and Friends)

As we continue to make it through COVID and a potential extended lockdown for Sydney, It's important that we don't neglect to check in on those we hold close. 😀




Personally, because of uni, I have been so busy that I haven't had the chance to talk to any of my friends, and with lockdown happening d... read more

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Weekly wellbeing: What's your superhero?

Inspired by this old thread, this weekly wellbeing activity is about having fun and being creative! There are two options to choose from here (or if you're feeling really productive you can always do both)!




  • First, you should come up with your own superhero. If you need prompts you're... read more
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Weekly Wellbeing: Journaling

Sometimes, writing our thoughts down on paper can be super therapeutic! Maybe it’s something you’ve already told someone about or maybe it’s something you’re keeping to yourself but feel like you need to get it out somewhere, somehow… journaling could be the answer!


I personally find journaling such... read more

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Weekly wellbeing masterlist (updated, again!)



We post new weekly wellbeings every Wednesday. These are activities which anyone is welcome to try out at ANY time! Here is an updated list of all our weekly wellbeings (plus some other activities)- feel free to check them out! The previous masterlist can be found here (I've copied and pasted a lot... read more

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