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Things I like in this world
I feel there's probably a thread about this or that's at least similar, but I was going through tiktok the other day (of course) and I found this amazingly positive girl who was doing a series on things that she liked in this world. It wasn't like a 3 things positive in your day or anything, but just random things that when you think about it, are so funny and just make you happy. Recently on there, she's been doing a good deed challenge for every day of January and it's so heartwarming to watch!! Never fails to make me smile
I'll start
1. I like when babies try lemons for the first time and their faces scrunch up all funny
2. I like driving on a newly paved road
3. I like watching elderly people dancing together
4. I like when babies do that sumo wrestler type waddle when they start to learn to walk
5. I like how excited people get at a concert- a huge bunch of strangers bonding over their love for an artist singing their hearts out together
6. I like when people make a birthday wish and blow out their candle
7. I like sitting at the beach when there's not many people around and hearing waves crashing
8. I like seeing someone share their umbrella with a stranger when it starts raining
9. I like how excited people get when they say something at the same time
10. I like when people vibe out to the music you like
Your turn! I'll tag some people online recently
@Anzelmo @WheresMySquishy @Hozzles @Lost_Space_Explorer5 @scared01 @Saltwaterdreamtime @Anonymous @Tay100 @StormySeas17 @A_Friend @Tiny_leaf @MB95
It's been a while, but I thought I'd bring this back into discussion!
Sometimes, we all just need a little reminder of how lovely the world can be. With the news and media bombarding us all the time, it's easy to forget the simple things in life that can be so enjoyable.
Here are some things I love about this world .
- Humans' fascination with bright colourful lights and fireworks. I find it so cute when everyone drops anything they're doing as soon as they see fireworks. Everyone's sharing in that moment for just a few minutes, looking in wonder towards the sky
- That smell of fresh air in the forest or mountains. The air's just different there! I don't know how else to explain it!
- Going to sleep to the sound of rain pattering on my window
- The steam that floats up from a hot cup of tea and putting my face in it 😂 I don't know why but it's so relaxing.
- Highland cows. They are so cute.
What are some things you all love about this world? List them down below by replying, or if you want, scroll through the responses that others have already given. It can make you feel so much better!
Hi everyone! Thank you for all the love on this thread! I absolutely love hearing about the things in the world that make you smile. I've been away from the forums for a bit to look after myself because I just felt so overwhelmed with uni, an internship and lots of other life things that just piled up! Done with exams though! And I'm very happy to be back here with this wonderful community.
I wanted to give some new things that I love about this world!
1) The smell of rain
2) My oodie!! OMG it is SO comfy I've literally been living in it 😆 So perfect for cold weather!
3) Being with my sister again! She went to college in Melbourne and she came back before COVID struck again- super blessed!
4) Treating myself to a fancy dinner out in the city- I've been so busy that I haven't been able to go far into the city for ages! I went out with my boyfriend last night as a treat for post-exams and it was so lovely to just sit watching harbour view without a care in the world
5) Daydreaming and finding shapes in the clouds
6) Steam from a hot drink warming your nose and face
7) Listening to calming music- anyone else listen to lofi music or quiet jazz while studying or just relaxing? Lately, I've been finding youtube clips where they have a nice background like a cafe or a meadow, and it's raining in the background and there's soft nature sounds and calming music.
@ayrc_1904 Welcome back!!
You're definitely tempting me with an oodie now 😂 And now I'm craving a hot drink too!
1) My work room is usually bloody cold because of the air conditioning but now that it's winter they're letting it be warm and toasty. Today isn't perfect but it's getting there!
2) The black milk tea latte with caramel pudding that I've been ordering on Saturdays 😋 But today I think I'll go with a vanilla tea latte because it's so cold!
3) When my friends get so excited that I have free time because they want to see me
4) when I have a nap in the middle of the day and I take my cat in and we snuggle for a couple of hours
5) spotify sending me new music every Friday, although sometimes it misses the mark 😅
6) Heaters and fluffy clothes. Need I say more?
Hey @StormySeas17
Aw thank you! ❤️ Love being back!!
I meannn.... I have been loving the oodie so I can't say I won't convince you to get it! 😂
I love that you love those things hehe anything fluffy is an A+ for me. Literally anything. And music omggg what would we do without it. Spotify is such a blessing every day for me- I just put on a playlist while I'm doing other things and it definitely lifts my mood when I need it to!
Hope you've been doing well!
1. The way my puppy gets excited every time he hears me
2. When you blast a perfect song through your headphones and your door is shut so no one can see you vibing
3. Watching my friend's face turn red and cry as she laughs at something random
4. This supportive community
5. Music. It's just amazing and deserves another point.
6. My support network of people who genuinly care about me
7. Books that allow me to travel around the world, live different lives, and escape reality]
8. Chocolate
9. Funny TV shows
10. Beautiful beaches
I love those so much!! So sorry for the late reply! I've been taking a break from the forums to look after myself and I am so so glad to be back 🥰 Beaches... gosh I love them!! Something so calming and beautiful about watching waves crash over the sand. Have you ever been to the beach around sunset or night time? I went once with my family and once with my friends and it's so relaxing without many people around
oh my goshhh @Akinna your point about when you listen to music and no one can see you vibing got me in the FEELINGS. This gif of groot is how I imagine myself vibing to things.
And I loved your point about your friend laughing! Watching others experience joy is so special 🥰
It actually reminded me of something I have come to love, which is watching my aunt do agility with her dog - I go to these events and watch her compete with her team and I just watch them all and cry cause I'm like wow this is so special to watch people do what they love and experience this joy with their pet 🧡🐾
Thank you for making this thread, reading through put a smile on my face as things have been a bit hard recently. I'd like to contribute too!
1. People who spread joy, like yourselves!
2. Empathy, kindness and patience
3. All sorts of baby animals (yes even insects!)
4. That beautiful feeling of unconditional love (I hope everyone here can experience that properly)
5. Sleeping in on a day off with no responsibilities
6. Brainstorming sentimental gifts for your loved ones and seeing how much they appreciate your efforts
Aww @Gbear Baby animals are one of my favourite things in the whole world too!
I love animal families and all the ways animals show they love each other.
Other things I love/things that make me wholesome cry
- Childrens books, especially ones about female role models or celebrating diversity
- Generosity
- When people who say they "hate cats" become cat people
- Introducing someone to a new food
- A few people have mentioned this one - when you/someone else makes a reference and you get it and you laugh and you are instantly more connected
- this thread. I read this thread often, I think it's really amazing.
- people sticking up for each other
- I love how my partner and I always start crying at the same time when we're watching something, i always know they are crying before I look at them because I am also crying.
- i love huge mugs
- The kindness shown at a medical centre I regularly attend. Everyone there knows we're not seeing each other on our best days so we all make an effort to smile or say nice things in the lift.
- when animals know we're sad and come to comfort us
Super late reply!! But I'm back after giving myself a bit of a break! 🥰 I'm so so happy that this thread is something that makes you happy! Funny the ideas tiktok can give you. It's such a lovely way to spread positivity and remind people of the fantastic things about this world. It warms my heart so much to read about the things everyone loves.
2. When little kids wave at you, so you wave back
3. When I can feel the sun on my skin
4. When someone says something that you needed to hear or something that really resonates with you
5. Having a day off to do things you enjoy
6. A nice warm mug of tea
7. Cats, especially when they nudge your face like a little kiss
8. When the community here comes together to support another member
9. I love sweets, I have a big sweet tooth!
10. Doing day to day tasks with friends. It is nice to have friends who you can just do nothing with but still enjoy their company.
The first one omg!! I completely understand that. It's something that just makes your day and it's so so simple! I wish more people would give strangers a smile. I loveee having the sun on my skin too! A bit of a gloomier day today in Sydney, but they have their charms too- currently snuggled up in an oodie with a hot chocolate!
@ayrc_1904 such a lovely thread to remind us of the beauty of life!
I like how the sun shines through my window in the morning reminding me to go about the day filled with joy and happiness
I like the smell of a new book, and how it looks so pristine and untouched
I like going on hikes and discovering places that I've never been before
I like it when my family all come together for dinner and we have cute bonding time
@nixh Aw those are all so lovely!! Hahaha I thought I was the only one who loved the smell of new books Some of my friends thought it was so strange hahahahha
Family time is so precious My sister is actually leaving for uni in Melbourne tomorrow so it's my last day with her today before she goes- bitter-sweet! I'll definitely miss seeing her every day though
Haha @ayrc_1904 you're definitely not alone - that's why I love physical books instead of kindles or e-books.
Aww you guys must be close, I'm sure video calls and texts will make keeping in touch that much easier. And I go to uni in Melbs too!! What a coincidence which uni is she at
What a wholesome way to start my morning/ day! So happy I stumbled across this
Here are some of the things that I like:
- Giving and receiving hugs
- Acting goofy with your friends (even if people are watching)
- Catching up on the latest anime releases
- Having deep meaningful conversations
- Spontaneous adventures
- Cats! (I love cats)
Hugs are my absolute favourite! And yes omg haha I get second hand embarrassment but I also secretly still love it and think it's so freeing and empowering to be goofy and just not care what other people think of you! @Sunnybear
This thread makes me so happy!
I am grateful for:
- Having friends that are all different and unique in their own way
- Days where the sun is shining and it's bursting through my windows
- Days where it's rainy and I can stay home and keep warm/have a bath/watch movies
- Music, singing and dancing. All these things make me feel most connected to myself.
- Gardening and watching things grow
- Going to the markets on a Sunday and eating my fave breakfast
- Incense
- My beautiful puppy who gives me cuddles in the morning and makes me laugh all day
- My morning coffee
- Being part of this community and watching people connect with each other
I just really wanna keep this cute thread going so I'm gonna tag a few more people!
I hope it helps make your day a little better going through these!
@Bingo1234 @Wathan @Macaria @Tiny_leaf @indieinsanus @tessy1824 @delicatedreamer @PhoneMomma @Jardin @Eden1717 @justkeepswimming @nixh @Quuuuueeeen @Anonymous @Wilheim @rainbowcats157
ok this is actually really cute, and it genuinely makes you think. So
I really like when two strangers smile at each other
When you see little kids sneaking up to birds, hoping they wont fly away
Seeing people who you havent seen in a while, even if you arent too close to them
I love the sounds of birds in the morning and the coldness of the air
I love watching the waves at the beach
I like spontaneously dancing with my friends even when there's no music to be heard
I like when babies enjoy your presence and smile at you
I like playing bullsh*t with my friends, or wolf, they're both extremely fun games
I like feeling awkward when I want to make conversation with people who I genuinely admire
I like when my parents spontaneously buy us fast food
That's all I have at the moment, but I will definitely add more to it 🙂
@tessy1824 aw hehe I'm glad you like the thread and I can't wait for you to add more! This thread is growing into something I really REALLY love!! And it's so heartwarming to go back on a hard day and read the things that are good in this world.
I also love when two strangers smile at each other too! I think it's to do with the saying that goes- A smile goes a long way. It's so true though! Two strangers who know nothing of each other and are going through their own journeys stop to give each other a smile and it feels like humanity is restored and everything will be okay in that moment.
Gotta say- also love when the parents just come home from a late night maccas run suddenly hahahaha